Good editorial about the love of reading and 451. I've never belonged to a book club but discussing great work with friends can be thought-provoking. I prefer, though, a solitary, intimate read.
I enjoyed the article, too. I love to be alone when I read, as I'm too easily distracted with others around, but I also belong to a book club which is great fun. When others in the club have totally different ideas than me it never "ruins" things for me. Instead, I enjoy hearing the different points of view. Try it some time, it's really a fun way to share the love of books.
Posts: 581 | Location: Naperville, IL 60564 | Registered: 04 January 2003
You have serious people talking about different points of view. What gets unnerving here is when Non-Serious people disrupt the postings....
Been a while since I linked up to a serious group of readers, or people that loved to analyze points of view that the author held. Belonged to a group in Chicago held at George Price's apartment. This serious fellow devised several volumes of Science Fiction author biographies.
Like everything, time goes by fast. You meet those times again but differently.. To re-live it is tedious, and often depressing. To find something new, to re-start things, is being alive again.
Think about this: These postings are unimaginable not that many years ago...'s reading type and typing back...and reading type typing a living newspaper column.... How strange is that?
Posts: 2280 | Location: Laguna Woods, California | Registered: 28 June 2002
To update my post of two years ago, I now am in two book clubs. One, I actually lead and is composed of a dozen middle school students, who meet twice a month. The other is an adult book club that meets once a month at my local library. They are both very interesting groups. It's so much fun to hear the different reactions to all the books. For the adult one I am currently reading "The Awakening," by Kate Chopin, which is only mildly catching my interest. For my school group we are reading Book 1 of "The Spiderwick Chronicles," a really cool fantasy series. It seems that I often enjoy the selections of the school group more than the adult group, so I guess I'm just a child at heart. We recently read a cool book called "Stargirl," by Jerry Spinelli. It's all about this unusual girl who does all kinds of "odd" things at her school. She definitely marches to a different drummer. At my book club I was stunned to learn that I was the only one who thought the character was really cool because of her uniqueness. Of course after teaching middle school kids for 27 years (yikes) I should have seen this coming, but somehow I didn't. To them, it's all about fitting in and never doing anything out of the ordinary. But this is why I enjoy this club so much, because it keeps me thinking. We just read another good book called "Stuck in Neutral," which is told from the point of view of a boy who has cerebral palsy and is a quadraplegic. Everyone assumes he is mentally deficient and at about the level of an infant, but he in fact is very bright, but unable to communicate in any form. People are constantly talking baby talk to him, totally ignoring him, or talking about him right in front of him. To make matters worse, his father is a talk show host who is using the boy for publicity and sympathy. The father is actually considering killing him to "put him out of his misery," and the boy is aware of this, but unable to do anything about it. It's quite an amazing book, and on Friday the author is coming to town and we will be having breakfast and a book talk with him. We're all looking forward to it!
Posts: 581 | Location: Naperville, IL 60564 | Registered: 04 January 2003
It's a very short book and a quick read to boot, so you will be able to finish in an hour or so. Also, I just found out there is a sequel to it written from the viewpoint of the brother. I'll be checking that out soon.
Posts: 581 | Location: Naperville, IL 60564 | Registered: 04 January 2003