Ray Bradbury is one of those authors you're "supposed" to read, but I have only recently started to discover his works. I just finished a 40th annniversary printing of "Farenhiet 451" that had an expanded forward from the author. In it, he told the story of how he worte "451" (I ALWAYS love to hear about others creative processes)saying, "I am a passionate, not an intellectual, writer, which means my characters must plunge ahead of me to live the story. If my intellect caught up with them too swiftly, the whole adventure might mire down in self doubt and endless mindplays." That is exactly the way I am inclined to write a story, and far too often I try to rein in my characters and start to think too much and second guess them and there it ends. For a long while I was very discouraged, but learning that another author has used this method to great ends was fantastic! I'm now working on trusting my characters to "live the story" in their own way and my writing has picked up markedly since. I just wanted to thank Mr. Bradbury for that one paragraph and am eagerly looking forward to "Something Wicked This Way Comes" and the rest of his stories.