I sat down years ago to make a list of Remarkable Things I Want to Do in My Life. #1 was "Tell Ray Bradbury how much I loved _Dandelion Wine_." Shortly after, I moved to San Diego, and read that Ray was going to teach a seminar for writers. Right down the hill, literally, from my home.
After the storytelling came a signing session. I stood in line, holding my well-thumbed, well-loved paperback copy of _Dandelion Wine_ like a totem. As the line shuffled forward, I noticed my hands were beginning to sweat. I was fidgeting, restless, breathing and heart beating like I'd just run laps instead of sat in a chair listening for hours. How silly, I remember thinking, I'm a grown man, I don't do starstruck or tongue-tied.
And of course there's Ray, peering up at me expectantly, and I babble something about how much I like this book, and I read it once in high school, and I just want to say how much I like this book, and. And.
And Ray slowly stood, came around the table, gave me a hug, and said "I love you, too."
Posts: 2 | Location: San Diego, CA | Registered: 19 July 2011
I was there too, exactly. Check out this last video I shot of Ray when he came to my library for an hour chat. Also check out the last couple of other blog posts on waking universe.com, which more detail out my own encounters with Ray from age 8 to 40.