Doing my usual weekend listening to National Public Radio brought more than the usual number of reminders of Ray. First there was "This American Life" with the theme "It Never Ends" about people who remembered their school bullies 25-30 years later and one even wanted to go stab a guy who beat him up that long ago. This of course reminded me of Ray's story "The Utterly Perfect Murder."
Then on the next program they started to talk about the butterfly effect to lead into a story on this guy who knows all about the wind. I don't have to tell you which two stories that reminded me of. I felt like telling wind wizard there to watch it and not be so free and easy in publishing his findings!
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001
Yes, yes, I tune into TAL as well and heard the same story! A week before, Ira Glass ran a story on this black man in the forties who found himself washed ashore in Newfoundland, where the unbiased-through-unexposure Newfies welcomed him, at a time when this man's native country (America) was totally disregarding him. I immediately thought of "Golden Apples of the Sun" and the story inside, "The Big Black and White Game." Also that one in the Illustrated Man, where the black Mars colony forgives and finds reconciliation with the white settlers, much as the man on NPR ending up helping his white neighbors so much in later years.
Yeah, "History Detectives" on PBS did a segment on mixed-race baseball games which made me think of you know what. And, I found a butterfly on the ground today and immediately picked it up and placed it out of harm's way. Wouldn't wanna step on a butterfly.
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001