| fahrenheit 451 is one of my favorite books in the world. I discovered it by accident, as i have all great classics- with no help from the school system. And I thought I had discovered some secret treasure buried between paperback books about girls growing up and boys playing sports. But no, it turns out, a good portion of the world is already aquainted with Mr. Bradbury's genuis. I have read all the parts involving Clarisse McClellan over and over and over again.. when I tell people about myself, I tell them about her and say that that is what I am.. my mission is to change people, to open their eyes, to show them how to truely love and experience life and be true to yourself. --- I wanted to know if anyone could give me Ray Bradbury's home address, PO box, or the like so that I could write him a letter. I dont think he spends much time on any computer, and I would prefer to paint something and mail it anyway. If anyone can help me out please email me at hardcoreagape@laundromatic.net. Thanks and God Bless. www.artgrrl.net/bunny haley |
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| Farenheit is a very powerful book. I make a point of reading it on a regular basis. When my kids were little I read it to them instead of the The Three Bears et al. Recently I hood winked my son who would rather be dipped in honey and staked to an ant hill than read a book. Into reading it. I gave him a copy of the old video game. When he became stumped he asked for the book. Of course I never told him the book and the game are only the same in name. |
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| There's a Farenheit 451 video game? May I ask what system/console its for? I'd love to play it! |
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| Don't know anything about a F451 video game, but there WAS a computer game of it back in the mid-80s. It was also available in DOS/PC format, I think, but I played it (years later) on an Apple IIc. It wasn't much of a game, and Nessmuk is right; it seemed completely unrelated to the novel. Baffled me. The only worthwhile reason to track it down is the introduction Bradbury wrote (about a page long) that was printed inside the original folding box. But that wasn't exactly a compelling piece of writing, itself--just a thing for RB completists or real gaming fanatics.
Bill |
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| I am currently reading this book in my humanities class at school, and I love it! At first I didn't understand it at all, and I hated it and thought it was extremely boring. But now, I am reading each passage over and over again, and annotating meanings in the margins. I find that this book has inspired me to be a better person, to be aware of the world and gov tools, and this has inspired me to write! If anyone would like to discuss the book's contents, please post and say so! I would love to discuss Fahrenheit 451 with someone! Thanks! |
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| This may be what Talion was asking about F451 game: Trillum PC graphic adventure game. The story on a Commodore C64 computer. (Remember these?) Graphics on wrap arounds , booklet with 2 discs. Old stuff! |
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