Rave: I have the interview (taped many year's ago - The Late, Late Show w/ Tom Snyder - '96) and will have to give it a revisit. TS was a lifelong Dodgers fan and a groundbreaking tv interviewer!
Posts: 2832 | Location: Basement of a NNY Library | Registered: 07 April 2005
While it may be a bit late in the day for this news, it does not appear to have been posted on this board before. Father Time finally did what the Cyclops, the Roc, the fire-breathing Dragon and the evil magician Sikura could not. Kerwin Mathews, the star of Ray Harryhausen's two films THE SEVENTH VOYAGE OF SINDBAD and THE THREE WORLDS OF GULLIVER (as well as the Sindbad-inspired JACK THE GIANT KILLER) passed away on July 5, 2007 at the age of 81. I will never forget seeing SINDBAD as a seven-year-old at a local theater in the small town in Ohio where I grew up. As I watched the parade of Harryhausen's creatures appear on the screen, I kept thinking to myself, "How did they do that!" And I went around humming Bernard Herrmann's great score for days afterwards.
Here is a link to some details about Mathews career:
I have a nice portrait of Max Roach that I'd like to digitize and post. Any suggestions out there as to the best way to do this? Scan? Digital camera? Something else?
Posts: 3169 | Location: Box in Braling I's cellar | Registered: 02 July 2004
You haven't posted a photo before? Thought you did. You can take a photo of the photo with your digital camera (put it on short range focus)...then download it into photoshop (if you have it)...or some program to 'compress' the thing for posting. Too large a file and the Bradbury site will kick it back. Or just try to post what your digital camera took. Sometimes particular cameras take photos all ready for posting without compressing it.
Here's a photo of Ray and Merv, from Ray's personal collection. Also in the photo is Angelica Huston, John Huston's daughter.