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Moderators: dandelion, philnic
Complete Non-Fiction Listings
To go with the "Complete Story Listings" thread, I decided to create a "Complete Non-Fiction Listings" thread. I wanted to inaugurate it with a clipping about Ray's first airplane flight accompanied by the description of it from Sam Weller's book, so here is the best scan I've managed:

Unlike the fiction list, which covers only uncollected fiction, this includes all non-fiction of the types described, not only first appearances but reprints and collected pieces, which are noted.

Before commencing the monumental task of listing the material may I say I am as keen on Bradbury and his life and work as anyone, but seriously all this stuff should be collected in a multi-volume set titled Ray Bradbury Writes Too Bloody Much. It's taken me days and days and days just to type just the first part (taking the list up to 40 years ago!) and I don't even want to think about what the collectors went through to compile it or what I'm going to have to go through to try to collect copies of a fraction of it!

This listing will include:

- Non-Fiction books by Ray Bradbury
- Non-Fiction books about Ray Bradbury
- Non-Fiction pamphlets by Ray Bradbury
- Non-Fiction pamphlets about Ray Bradbury
- Books containing Bradbury biographical material
- Non-fiction articles by Ray Bradbury
- Non-fiction articles about Ray Bradbury
- Introductions by Ray Bradbury
- Published Speeches by Ray Bradbury
- Print interviews by Ray Bradbury
- Television interviews by Ray Bradbury
- Radio interviews by Ray Bradbury
- Recorded interviews by Ray Bradbury in any medium (film, videotape, vinyl, cassette, CD, online)
- Graduate student work on Ray Bradbury

This listing will not include:

- Fiction
- Verse
- Plays
- Introductions of Bradbury's work by other people unless biographical of Bradbury
- Critical material on Bradbury's work (although a number of items on both lists labeled as "about" Ray which sound like literary commentary of one kind or another are included.)
- Reviews by Ray Bradbury unless of his own work
- Reviews about Ray Bradbury's work unless biographical of Bradbury
- Fictional recordings by Ray Bradbury (readings of stories or verse won't count; introductions will)
- Brief items such as jokes, quotes, humor pieces, or endorsements. Exceptions may be made if an anecdote is very significant such as the one above.
- Obituaries unless of outstanding biographical quality. Otherwise, they count pretty much like literary reviews.
- Generally, non-print items unless transcribed into print! TV, radio, and video appearances belong here: https://raybradburyboard.com/ev...1093901/m/9937003216
Some non-print sources from the Nolan and Albright lists are included.
- Published letters, by anybody, about anything. (Reason: I have no way to maintain the list!)

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The sources for this part are The Ray Bradbury Companion, by William F. Nolan. Detroit, Michigan: Gail Research, 1975, and a list by Donn Albright, unpublished as far as I know. Both lists have been rearranged so the items appear chronologically rather than by type. When known, type of item is noted. Albright's list is generally not as detailed as Nolan's, so will lack things such as names of authors of articles about Ray or interviewers, and it's guesswork in some places which publications are books, booklets, pamphlets, magazines, or other types. If additional information turns up I will revise the list to include it.

Albright's list is particularly useful in noting reprints, so that a person can be spared chasing down an article in an obscure source if it appeared in an easier-to-obtain one, or digging up an item under three different titles only to find it's a retitled reprint. In cases where the item appeared in a book after these lists were made, that is noted. Anyone who knows of anything missed, please post.

In all cases, if I have a copy of the item, the type of copy is noted, everything from "microfilm print" (meaning basically unreadable) to actual original copy. When things have been reprinted from microfilm, if I have the page numbers on which they appear I'll note them, in case anyone wants to order microfilm prints without having to scroll through the microfilm--if they even still use that stuff--which I'll find out. This list is soon to undergo heavy revision as far as what I have after I hit a few well-stocked libraries.

**denotes privately-printed amateur magazine.

"L. A. High Student Editor of Magazine," Anon., Blue and White Daily (Los Angeles High School), December 13, 1937. Refers to his co-editing duties on the sf club magazine, Imagination!
(Have in The Ray Bradbury Companion.)

"Jack Benny Program Popular With Public," Blue and White Daily (Los Angeles High School), March 14, 1938.
(Have in The Ray Bradbury Companion.)

"Informality Characterizes 'Town Hall Tonight' Program," Blue and White Daily (Los Angeles High School), March 18, 1938.
(Have in The Ray Bradbury Companion.)

"Vacation Vagaries or Ain't Science Grand?" Blue and White Daily (Los Angeles High School), June 15, 1938.
(Have in The Ray Bradbury Companion.)

"Block Covers Created by Students Body Head," Blue and White Daily (Los Angeles High School), June 16, 1938.
(Have in The Ray Bradbury Companion.)

"Ray Bradbury," **Imagination! June 1938. Autobiographical sketch.

"Bradbury, Ray Douglas," (Nolan's list says Anonymous, Albright's says Autobiographical by Bradbury), **Who's Who in Fandom, 1939.

"What's Wrong with Scienti-Cinema?" **Nova, May 1939. Article.

"Science City of America," by "Ron Reynolds" (Bradbury), **Nova, May 1939. Article.

"Is It True What They Say About Ray Bradbury?" (unsigned) **Fantasy Digest, June-July 1939. Autobiographical sketch.

"Is It True What They Say About Kuttner?" (as "Guy Amory"), **Futuria Fantasia, Fall 1939. Article.

"Hans Bok on the Fantasy Scene," **Le Zombie, December 2, 1939. Article.
--Reprinted in **B. T. His Pages, February 1967.

"Report on the Convention," Science Fiction, March 1940. RB's first professionally-printed article.
(Microfilm print.)

Sales Pitch for **Futuria Fantasia #4, **Polaris, September 1940.

"Propaganda Via Music," Science Fiction, October 1940. Article.
(Microfilm print.)

"Tubby, We Love You!" **Damn Thing, December 1940. Article.

"Of Callouses and Corns," Script, March 8, 1941. Article.

"Like It or Lump It!" Script, June 7, 1941. Article.

"Bradbury on a Bat," Weird Tales, November 1943. Autobiographical sketch.
(Have an original paper copy and an electronic scan.)

"Appreciation of Paul Freehafer," **Shangri-L'Affaires, April 1944. Tribute.

"What Can a Writer Say?" Weird Tales, January 1945. Autobiographical sketch.

"Ray Bradbury's Weird Fiction," **Shangri-L'Affaires, October 1945.

"Feature Flash: Ray Bradbury," Planet Stories, Spring 1947. Autobiographical sketch.

"Introduction." Dated by RB: March 16, 1948. Without Sorcery, by Theodore Sturgeon. Philadelphia: Prime Press, 1948.

"The Market is Not the Story." Interviewed by R. Walton Willems, Writers' Markets and Methods, March 1948.
(Electronic Copy.)
--Reprinted in **Shangri La #8, September-October 1948.
--Reprinted in Conversations with Ray Bradbury, Steven L. Aggelis, ed. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004.

"Ray Bradbury: An Appraisal," Spearhead, August 1948.

Story Preface: "Why I Selected 'Zero Hour.'" My Best Science Fiction Story, ed. Leo Margulies and Oscar J. Friend. New York: Merlin Press, 1949.

"Fantasy's Prodigy," by "Geoffrey Giles" (pseud. for Walt Gillings and Forrest Ackerman), **Fantasy Review (England), Summer 1949.

"Masters of Fantasy: Ray Bradbury--The October Man," Anon. (Forrest Ackerman), Famous Fantastic Mysteries, October 1949.

"The Case of the Baroque Baby Killer," **Shangri La #10, October 1949.

"Author, Author: Ray Bradbury," **Fanscient, Winter 1949.

"Author, 29, Hits Jackpot With Grisly Chiller Tales," Anon., Santa Monica Evening Outlook, February 8, 1950.

"Where Do You Get Your Ideas?" **Etaoin Shrdlu, April 1950. Article.

"An Interview with Ray Bradbury." Interview unsigned, **Utopian, May 1950.

"A Few Notes on 'The Martian Chronicles,'" **Rhodomagnetic Digest, May 1950. Article.

"The 'Invisible Little Man' Award Dinner," **Rhodomagnetic Digest, June 1950. Speech delivered May 22, 1950 in San Francisco to a science fiction group at Berkeley on the occasion of his winning an award for The Martian Chronicles.

"Where Do I Get My Ideas?" Book News, Summer 1950. Article.

"Christopher Isherwood Reviews 'The Martian Chronicles,'" by Christopher Isherwood, Tomorrow, October 1950.

Untitled Story Preface to RB story, "Ylla." The Outer Reaches, ed. August Derleth. New York: Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1951.

"Morals from Mars," by Richard Donovan, Reporter, June 26, 1951.

"The Case Against Ray Bradbury," by Edward Wood, **Journal of Science Fiction, Fall 1951.

"Introduction." Dated by RB: July 1, 1951. Timeless Stories For Today and Tomorrow, ed. Ray Bradbury. New York: Bantam, 1952.
(Have original book.)

"The Season of Sitting," Charm, August 1951. Article.

"A Talk with Mr. Bradbury." Interviewed by Harvey Breit, New York Times Book Review, August 5, 1951.
Collected in The Writer Observed. New York: World, 1956.
(Microfilm Print.)

"The Bradbury Chronicles," Wastebasket, 1952.

"Contemporary Science-Fiction," by August Derleth, English Journal, January 1952.

**Ray Bradbury Review, ed. William F. Nolan. San Diego: Nolan, [January] 1952.

"Magic, Magicians, Carnival and Fantasy," **Ray Bradbury Review, [January] 1952. Article.

"Science and Science Fiction," **Ray Bradbury Review, [January] 1952. Article.

(Besides the Review itself and the two pieces by Bradbury, Nolan lists 12 pieces about Bradbury which appeared in the Review.)

"The Illustrative Man," by Charles Freudenthal, **Journal of Science Fiction, Fall 1952.

"No Man is an Island." Printed as a pamphlet under this title by the National Women's Committee of Brandeis University, Los Angeles Chapter, 1952. Speech delivered November 7, 1952.

"Mr. Bradbury Talks Back," Anon., Nation, November 29, 1952. RB's anti-McCarthy ad from Variety. Reprinted in Sam Weller's book, pp. 195-196.

Science Fiction Handbook, by L. Sprague De Camp. New York: Hermitage House, 1953.
This book, written as a guide in writing sf, is also a history of the genre--and contains a short career sketch of RB by the author.

"Social Content of Science Fiction," by Oscar Shaftel, Science and Society, Spring 1953.

"About Ray Bradbury," by Arthur C. Clarke, Science Fiction News (England), March-April 1953.

"Poet of the Pulps," Anon., Time, March 23, 1953.

"Day After Tomorrow: Why Science Fiction?" Nation, May 2, 1953. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)
--Reprinted, First Part, in **Bizzare #1 (Only Issue), 1964.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Ray Bradbury," Anon., Weird Science, May-June 1953.
This same profile also appeared in several other E. C. comic books.

"Angus Wilson Writes [About] 'The Martian Chronicles,'" Science Fiction News (England), May-June 1953.

"Science, Yes--Fiction, Maybe," by Joseph Kostolefsky, Antioch Review, June 1953.

"Bradbury, Ray (Douglas)," Anon., Current Biography, June 1953.

"Reactors of the Imagination," by Reuel Denney, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, July 1953.

"Scientifiction," by Alan Devoe, American Mercury, August 1953.

"The Bradbury Years," by William F. Nolan, **Inside, September 1953.

"Ray Bradbury Index Supplement," by William F. Nolan, **Shangri-La, Fall-Winter 1953.

"Books of Our Times," by Orville Prescott, New York Times, October 21, 1953.

"They Came from Inner Space," by J. B. Priestley, New Statesman and Nation (England), December 5, 1953.

"Terror and Satire: Fahrenheit 451," Anon., Nation, December 19, 1953.

The Immortal Storm, by Sam Moskowitz. Atlanta: Atlanta SF Organization Press, 1954.
Brief references to RB as a teenaged sf fan in this history of science fiction fandom. Also photos of RB taken in the late 1930s.

"The Prehistoric Bradbury," The New Futurian, Spring 1954.

"The Fiction in Science Fiction," by William Tenn, Science Fiction Adventures, March 1954.

"The Rocket Ship Man Has Never Left the Ground," by Charles Fox, Recorder (England), April 10, 1954.

The Ray Bradbury Index Supplement, William F. Nolan, ed. San Diego: Nolan, (March) 1954.

"Social Criticism in Science Fiction," by L. W. Michaelson, Antioch Review, December 1954.

"Bradbury, Ray," in Twentieth Century Authors: First Supplement, 1955. Autobiographical sketch.
(Electronic copy.)

"Ray Bradbury," Hornspoon, Spring 1955.

"The World of Science Fiction," by Sidney Finkelstein, Masses and Mainstream, April 1955.

"Space Author Trades Rockets for Harpoons," by Cecil Smith, Los Angeles Times, August 21, 1955.

"That Thing From Another World," by Peter Fison, Twentieth Century, September 1955.

"Ray Bradbury's World of Reasonable Bogeymen," by William Hogan, San Francisco Chronicle, November 16, 1955.

"A Chamber of Horrors: The October Country," by Carlos Baker, New York Times Book Review, December 11, 1955.

Living Like a Lord, by John Godley, Lord Kilbracken. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1956.
An autobiography with chapters on the making of Moby Dick. Contains account of RB in Ireland when he worked on the screenplay of this film with John Huston.

"Recommended Reading," by Anthony Boucher, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1956.

"Introduction." Dated by RB: February 5, 1956. The Circus of Dr. Lao and Other Improbable Stories, ed. Ray Bradbury. New York: Bantam, 1956.
(Have original book.)

"The Quest for Captain Ahab," by Hollis Alpert, Saturday Review, June 9, 1956.

"Thar She Blows!" by Robert Bingham, Reporter, August 9, 1956.

"The Joy of Writing," Writer, October 1956. Article.
--Reprinted, with "Zen and the Art of Writing," in a small book listed separately.

"Words on Writing--Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Bob Rosenstone, Westwind (U.C.L.A.), Fall 1957.

"Summer of Innocence," by Robert O. Bowen, Saturday Review, September 7, 1957.

"Ray Bradbury: Influences That Shaped Him," Canfan, October 1957.

"Trade Winds," by Jerome Beatty, Jr., Saturday Review, October 12, 1957

"Visions of Childhood," Anon., Times Literary Supplement (England), November 8, 1957.

"Books and People," by Robert Kirsch, Los Angeles Times, November 17, 1957.

"Bradbury Sees Moon Conquest in 10 Years," by Dorothy Townsend, Los Angeles Times, November 21, 1957.

"A Scurrilous Biography of Ray Bradbury," Comique, 1958(?)

"Words for the Times," Los Angeles Times, January 19, 1958. Commentary--RB's first contribution to the Los Angeles Times.

"Monday Night in Green Town," Mimeo-copied as part of National Library Supplement Week Kit, a Folder supplied to newspapers for nationwide syndication. March 16 through 22, 1958. Article.

"Hank Helped Me," **Henry Kuttner: A Memorial Symposium. A booklet, ed. Karen Anderson. Berkeley: Sevagram, August 1958. Tribute.

"Ray Bradbury Pities Unprepared Humans Who Must Explore Space," by Richard Donovan, Los Angeles Times, August 22, 1958.

"Just for Variety," Daily Variety, September 4, 1958. Guest column.

"Zen and the Art of Writing," Writer, October 1958. Article.
--Reprinted in University of Colorado Literary Magazine, Winter 1960.
--Reprinted, condensed, in New Age, April 1982.
--Reprinted, with "The Joy of Writing," in a small book listed separately.
--Reprinted in a larger, widely-available book, listed separately.

"Thoughts While Sleeping at My Machine," Daily Variety, November 4, 1958. Article.

"Introduction." The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne. New York: Heritage Press, 1959.

"Afterword to 'The Crowd'," Cavalier, January 1959.

"Afterword to 'The Jar'," Cavalier, February 1959.

"In Defense of Los Angeles--After All, I Live There!" Gentleman's Quarterly, March 1959. Article.

"Science Fiction," by Kenneth Methold, Contemporary Review, March 1959.

"Lyke Interviews Ray Bradbury," Interview unsigned, Lyke (San Jose State College), May 1959.

"The Editor Visits Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Raymond Lee, Offbeat, I, 4, 1959.

"Off the Cuff: Ray Bradbury." Interview unsigned, **Shangri-L'Affaires, August 1959.

"Writer Takes Long Look Into Space," Los Angeles Times, January 10, 1960. Guest column.
(Microfilm Print.)

"If I Were Teaching High School Today," Literary Cavalcade, January 19, 1960. Article.

"Paris by Stop Watch," Mademoiselle, March 1960. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Weave Tapestry of Truth, Author Says." Interviewed by Marylou Luther, Los Angeles Times, April 14, 1960.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Literature in the Space Age," California Librarian, July 1960. Article.

"A Serious Search for Weird Worlds," Life, October 24, 1960. Article on likelihood of life on other planets.

"Novelist Appraises Himself, His Craft," Los Angeles Times, December 11, 1960. Commentary.
(Microfilm Print.)

"So You Want to be a Writer!" Interview unsigned, Friends, January 1961.

"Symposium on the Teaching of Creative Writing: Ray Bradbury," Four Quarters, January 1961. Commentary, as a contributor to the symposium.

"Zest and Gusto," Screen Actor, February-March 1961.

"Los Angeles: Almost in Orbit," Carte Blanche, Spring 1961. Article.

"Ray Bradbury," Countdown, May 1961. Interview.

"A Rationale for Bookburners: A Further Word From Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Everett T. Moore, American Library Association Bulletin, May 1961. About lasting validity of F451.

"How to Keep and Feed a Muse," Writer, July 1961. Article.
(Electronic copy.)
--Reprinted in Writer, April 2008.

"Introduction: The Ardent Blasphemers." Dated by RB: September 15, 1961. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne. New York: Bantam, 1962.
--Reprinted in Stanford French Review, Spring 1979.
--Reprinted in Bradbury Speaks: Too Soon from the Cave, Too Far From the Stars, 2005.

"Ray Bradbury," by William F. Nolan, Rogue, October 1961.

"What Makes Bradbury 'Burn'?" by Sam Moskowitz, Amazing Stories, October 1961.
(Microfilm print.)

Introduction: Around the World in 80 Days, by Jules Verne. New York: Heritage Press, 1962.

Introduction. Dated by RB: March 28, 1962. R is for Rocket, by Ray Bradbury. New York: Doubleday, 1962.
(Have original book.)

"Cry the Cosmos" (no relation to Life article), Beacon, 1962. Article.

"Ray Bradbury Speaks of Writing as Self-Discovery." Interviewed by F. A. Rockwell, Author and Journalist, February 1962.

"The Magic World of Ray Bradbury," by "Charles Davenport" (Charles Champlin), Los Angeles, March 1962.

"Space Age Baffles TV--Bradbury," by Hal Humphrey, Los Angeles Times, May 4, 1962.

"An Interview with Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Dan Yergin, Avant Garde, Vol. 4, 1962.

"Afterword: The Queen's Own Evaders." Dated by RB: July 31, 1962. The Anthem Sprinters and Other Antics, by Ray Bradbury. New York: Dial Press, 1963.

"Introduction." Dated by RB: September 1962. In Memoriam: Clark Ashton Smith, ed. Jack Chalker. Baltimore: Chalker and Associates.

"Viewing TV: Boredom as a Way of Life," Los Angeles, September 1962. Article.

"Cry the Cosmos," Life, September 14, 1962. Article on implications of space exploration.

"Writer Tries His Film Wings in Flight Saga," Calendar (Los Angeles Times), December 30, 1962. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

Untitled Story Preface to RB story, "A Miracle of Rare Device." The Worlds of Science Fiction, ed. Robert P. Mills. New York: Dial Press, 1963.

"Ray Bradbury" in Contemporary Authors Vol. 4, Edited by James M. Ethridge. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1963. Original quotes--Interview.

Sum and Substance. On one LP record. From Modern Learning Aids, 1963. RB is interviewed as aid to students.
--Reprinted in Conversations with Ray Bradbury, Steven L. Aggelis, ed. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004.

"A Writers Symposium." Television Quarterly, Spring 1963. Discussion panel, RB and three other TV/film writers, on KPFK-FM early in 1963.

"Bradbury's World," **Outre #3, Spring 1963.

"Introduction: About Bill Nolan." Dated by RB: April 1963. Impact 20, by William F. Nolan. New York: Paperback Library, 1963.

"Bradbury: Prose Poet in the Age of Space," and "An Index to the Works of Ray Bradbury," by William F. Nolan, (Special Bradbury Issue) Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1963.
(Microfilm Print.)

"A Soviet View of American Science Fiction," by Alexander Kazantsev, Amazing Stories, May 1963.

"Writers' Garbo Complex: They Want to Be Alone," by Art Seidenbaum, Calendar (Los Angeles Times), May 26, 1963.

"Bradbury on Creativity," The Compleat Word, Vol, 2, No. 1, 1963. Speech.
--Reprinted in **Outre #2, October 1963.
--Reprinted as "Speech," Ark, 1964.

"Film to Mix Fact in Space Fiction," by Murray Schumach, New York Times, June 10, 1963.

"Los Angeles: The Promised and Re-Promised Land," American Home (California Edition), July-August 1963. Article.

"The Playboy Panel: 1984 and Beyond." Interviewed by Playboy editors for panel discussion (with 11 other writers), Playboy (two parts), July and August 1963.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Creativity in the Space Age." California Institute of Technology Quarterly, Fall 1963. Speech delivered in the spring of 1963 at a campus assembly.
--Reprinted in Engineering and Science, June 1963.

"Happy Birthday, Forry A.," Outre #2, October 1963. Tribute.

The Story of a Writer. NBC-TV special, November 20, 1963.
Now available on DVD.

"Literature and Science." The Cultural Arts, University of California, 1964. Booklet. Discussion panel, with Aldous Huxley and others, at a conference on cultural arts in April 1963 in Royce Hall, U.C.L.A.

Untitled Story Preface to RB story, "The Wilderness." Exploring Life Through Literature, ed. Robert C. Pooley, Lillian Z. White, Edmund J. Farrell, Joseph Mersand. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman, 1964.

"Los Angeles: Orange Without a Navel," Frontier, February 1964. Article.
--Reprinted as "California: Orange Without a Navel," in California Homeowner, August 1964.

"The Writers Who Revived America's Own Literary Form, the Short Story," by Douglas M. Davis, National Observer, March 23, 1964.

"Erv Kaplan's Little People," Connoisseur's World, June 1964. Commentary.

"The Fahrenheit Chronicles," Spacemen, June 1964. Article.

"Outer Space Finds Inner Place," by Art Seidenbaum, Los Angeles Times, July 20, 1964.

"Science Fiction Writer Sees Smog as Killer," Anon., Los Angeles Times, July 30, 1964.

"The Last Pedestrian," California Homeowner, August 1964. Commentary.

"Writer to Stage Science Fiction," by Peter Bart, New York Times, August 1, 1964.

"Bradburies," by Stephen Hugh-Jones, New Statesman (England), September 18, 1964.

"The World of Ray Bradbury" (5 parts), by Hy Hyberger, Canyon Crier, October 1 through November, 1964.

"A Theater of Ideas for an Age of Ideas," Calendar (Los Angeles Times), October 4, 1964. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Why I Put My Children on the Stage," Los Angeles, October 1964. Article.
--Reprinted in Los Angeles Federal Savings Magazine, Fall 1964.

"Why Space Age Theater?" Playgoer (undated) [October 1964]. Article.
--Reprinted in **Nyarlathotep, March 1966.

"The Other World of Ray Bradbury," by Cecil Smith, Los Angeles Times, October 26, 1964.

"Playwrights: Allegory of Any Place," Anon., Time, October 30, 1964.

"Bradbury Demands Certain Filming Rights for Yarns," Anon., Hollywood Reporter, November 6, 1964.

"Future on Tap," by Peter Bart, New York Times, November 8, 1964.

"TV Writer Finding Success in Theater," by Cecil Smith, Washington Post, November 12, 1964.

"WLB Biography: Ray Bradbury," by Lee Ash, Wilson Library Bulletin, November 1964.

"The Grasshopper and the Broadsword Revisited," **Outre #3, December 1964.

"A Portrait of Genius: Ray Bradbury." Interview unsigned, Show, December 1964.
(Electronic copy.)
--Reprinted in Conversations with Ray Bradbury, Steven L. Aggelis, ed. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004.

"A Taste for Pandemonium," by Arthur Knight, Saturday Review, December 5, 1964.

"God on Tomorrow Morning," World Book Encyclopedia Science Service Kit, December 9, 1964. Article.

Introduction. Dated by RB: December 19, 1964. The Autumn People, by Ray Bradbury. New York: Ballantine, 1965.
(Have original book.)

Sinners and Supermen, by William F. Nolan. Los Angeles: All Star, 1965.
A collection of profiles, including "Ray Bradbury, Space Age Storyteller," a revised and expanded version of the author's profile of RB from the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.

If the Sun Dies, by Oriana Fallaci. New York: Atheneum, 1965.
A book on the space effort dealing, in large part, with the author's life among the astronauts. Contains an account of the author's visit to RB's home in California.

John Huston: King Rebel, by William F. Nolan. Los Angeles: Sherbourne Press, 1965.
A biography of the film director with a chapter on Moby Dick, involving Bradbury as a writer.

"Ray Bradbury and the Irish," by Bruce Cook, Catholic World, January 1965.

"Remembrances of Things Future," Playboy, January 1965. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Predicting the Future is an Art as Old as Plato." Interview by Kitte Turmwell, Youth, January 17, 1965

"The Man Who Drives the Kilimanjaro Machine," by George P. Hunt, Life, January 22, 1965. Brief profile.

"Science Fiction Theater," by John J. McLaughlin, Nation, January 25, 1965.

"The Tailor Explains How He Made 'The Suit'" Playgoer (undated) [February 1965]. Article.

"What I Learned as My Own Producer," Calendar (Los Angeles Times), February 28, 1965. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

"The Valuator Interviews Ray Bradbury," The Valuator, Spring 1965.

"Where Do You Get Your Ideas?" Playgoer, April 19, 1965. Article.

"Foreword." Dated by RB: April 20, 1965. The Magic Man, by Charles Beaumont. New York: Gold Medal, 1965.

"Foreword: Prelude to Bach." Dated by RB: May 17, 1965. Biplane, by Richard Bach. New York: Harper and Row, 1966.

"Taming a Giant Gone Mad," Los Angeles Times, August 6, 1965. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

"The VIP Treatment for Summer Visitors: Ray Bradbury," Los Angeles, August 1965. Commentary.

"On the Stages of my Life," The New York Times, September 19, 1965. Article.

"Ray Bradbury Replies," Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1965. Commentary.

"Books," by Virginia Kidd, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1965.

"The Machine-Tooled Happyland," Holiday, October 1965. Article.
(Electronic/Online Copy)

"Introduction." Dated by RB: October 25, 1965. Tomorrow Midnight, by Ray Bradbury. New York: Ballantine, 1966.
(Have original book.)

"The Secret Mind," Writer, November 1965. Article.

"The Pandemonium Theater Company Arrives," **Trumpet, December 1965. Article.

"Introduction." Dated by RB: December 1, 1965. S is for Space, by Ray Bradbury. New York: Doubleday, 1966.
(Have original book.)

"Introduction," Analecta, 1966.

"Production Note." The Pedestrian, by Ray Bradbury. New York: Samuel French, 1966.

"Author's Production Note." The Day It Rained Forever, by Ray Bradbury. New York: Samuel French, 1966.

Afterword: "Seeds of Three Stories." On Writing By Writers, ed. William W. West. Boston: Ginn, 1966.

Seekers of Tomorrow, by Sam Moskowitz. New York: World, 1966.
A collection of profiles of major science fiction writers, updated and revised from the series first printed in Amazing. Contains "Ray Bradbury," revised from the author's article on RB in 1961.

"Bradbury's World," Frontier, March 1966.

"Ray Bradbury: A Short Critique," by Bob Parkinson, **Vector (England), April 1966.

"The Best of Ray Bradbury," by William F. Nolan, Calendar (Los Angeles Times), April 3, 1966.

"Beginning With the 19th Century," by Theodore Sturgeon, National Review, April 5, 1966.

"The World of Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Thomas Schulz, Knight, May 1966.

"Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Mike Rose, El Playano (Loyola University), Summer 1966.

"Small Science and Less Technology: A Close Dialogue With a Science Fiction Addict on the Problems of Ray Bradbury," by George Plimpton, Book Week (Washington Post), June 26, 1966.

"The World of Ray Bradbury," **Nyarlothotep #2, October 1966.

"Letter from Paris," by Jean Genet, New Yorker, October 1, 1966.

"Bradbury Outlines Shape of Future," by Ann Sonne, Los Angeles Times, October 3, 1966.

"Creative Man Among His Servant Machines." Printed in mimeo format by Vacation Village, Mission Bay, San Diego, 1966. Speech delivered November 2, 1966 in San Diego, California, to the Users of Automatic Display Equipment.

"At What Temperature Do Books Burn?" New York Times, November 13, 1966. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)
--Reprinted in The Writer, July 1967.

"Shades of Orwell," by Arthur Knight, Saturday Review, December 3, 1966.

"Los Angeles--A Discussion in Depth With Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by John Bryan, California Living, December 4, 1966.

"'Fahrenheit' on Film," Calendar (Los Angeles Times), November 20, 1966. RB's review of Fahrenheit 451.
--Reprinted as "A Happy Author 'Sees' His Novel," The San Francisco Chronicle, November 22, 1966.
--Reprinted as "Author Happy With Film Version of Book," Washington Post, December 15, 1966. (Nolan's List. Albright's says December 16.)

"Ray Bradbury Speaks on 'Film in the Space Age,'" American Cinematographer, January 1967. Speech delivered in late 1966 at a dinner meeting of the American Society of Cinematographers in Los Angeles.
--Reprinted in **Out There #3, 1972.

"Introduction." Dated by RB: 1966. Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967.

In Search of Wonder, by Damon Knight. Chicago: Advent, 1967. Revised edition.
Contains an article by the author, "When I Was in Knee Pants: Ray Bradbury."

"Ray Bradbury: Cassandra on a Bicycle." Interviewed by Pierre Berton in Voices From the Sixties. New York: Doubleday, 1967. Transcribed television interview.
(Electronic Copy.)
--Reprinted in The Cool Crazy Committed World of the Sixties, edited by Pierre Berton. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1966.
--Reprinted in Conversations with Ray Bradbury, Steven L. Aggelis, ed. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004.

"Hannes Bok: A Remembrance," from **Bokanalia, a folio by Hannes Bok. San Francisco: Bokanalia Foundation, 1967. Tribute.

Story Preface: "Ray Bradbury Comments on 'The Flying Machine.'" Counterpoint in Literature, ed. Robert C. Pooley, Edythe Daniel, Edmund J. Farrell, Alfred H. Grommon, Olive S. Niles. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman, 1967.

Untitled Story Preface to RB story, "The Life Work of Juan Diaz." The Playboy Book of Horror and the Supernatural. Chicago: Playboy Press, 1967.

"An Examination of Some Aspects of the Writing of Ray Bradbury." MA Thesis: Rodger Lee Pettichord, Washington State University, 1967.

"Ray Bradbury." MA Thesis: Joseph W. Dauben, Harvard University, 1967.

"An Exclusive Interview With Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Frank Roberts, Writer's Digest (two parts), February and March 1967.

"Ray Bradbury and Tom Wolfe on Pop Culture." Interviewed by Shelly Burton, Cavalier, April 1967.

"Count Dracula and Mr. Ray Bradbury," by Russell Kirk, National Review, April 4, 1967.

"Truffaut and Dickens: Fahrenheit 451," by Donald Federman, Florida Quarterly, Summer 1967.

"Science Fiction: The Crisis of Its Growth," by Michel Butor, Partisan Review, Autumn 1967.

"An Impatient Gulliver Above Our Roofs," Life, November 24, 1967. Article.(Electronic/Online copy.)

"Space Flights Called Religious by Bradbury," Anon., Los Angeles Times, December 4, 1967.

"Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451'," Calliope, 1968(?)

3 to the Highest Power, ed. William F. Nolan. New York: Avon, 1968.
Contains profile, "Ray Bradbury," by the editor--plus a checklist of RB's fantasy and science fiction work.
(Have original book.)

"Science Fiction: Why Bother?" Teachers Guide Science Fiction. A pamphlet. New York: Bantam, 1968. Article.
--Reissued on Talking Book Topics, The Division for the Blind and Handicapped, 1975. Recording.

"The Case for Bradbury," by Lewy Olfson, Teachers Guide Science Fiction. A pamphlet. New York: Bantam, 1968.

"Hannes Bok," And Flights of Angels, 1968. Tribute.

"Death Warmed Over," Playboy, January 1968. Article.
--Reprinted in Cthulhu Calls, October 1975.

"Pluck of the Irish Gets to a Playwright," Calendar (Los Angeles Times), February 25, 1968. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

"About the Play," Playgoer (undated) [February 1968]. Article.

"The Gents at Heeber Finn's: A Memoir," by Laurence DeVine, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, March 3, 1968.

"The Fantasy Makers: A Conversation with Ray Bradbury and Chuck Jones." Interviewed by Mary Harrington Hall, Psychology Today, April 1968.
--Reprinted as "The Importance of Fantasy," Sunday American Magazine (Chicago), November 10, 1968.
--Reprinted in Chuck Jones: Conversations, by Maureen Furniss. University Press of Mississippi, 2005.

"An Interview With Ray Bradbury," Fan Focus #1, April 1968.

"To Whom Time Means Nothing," Nepenthe, May 1968. Interview.

"Unthinking Man and His Thinking Machines." Computer Group News, May 1968. Speech delivered in November of 1967 at the Joint Computer Conference in Los Angeles.
--Reprinted in American Documentation, October 1968.

"Revival of Fantasy," by Russell Kirk, Los Angeles Times, May 1968.

"On Ray Bradbury," by Kirill Andreyev, Soviet Literature, May 1968.

"Ray Bradbury and Science Fiction," by David Wade, London Times Saturday Review (England), May 11, 1968.

"Watcher of the Runners and Jumpers," Life, June 14, 1968. Speech written in May of 1968 in acceptance of Aviation-Space Writers Association Award for his article "An Impatient Gulliver Above Our Roofs."
(Have Original Magazine.)

"It Was a Pleasure to Burn," Maelstrom #1, August 1968.

"From Pulp Poet to Playwright, the Maturation of Ray Bradbury," Maelstrom #1, August 1968.

"Ray Bradbury in France," Riverside Quarterly, August 1968.

"Ray Bradbury Off Broadway," Riverside Quarterly, August 1968.

"Any Friend of Trains is a Friend of Mine," Life, August 2, 1968. Article.
--Reprinted in Bradbury Speaks: Too Soon from the Cave, Too Far From the Stars, 2005.

"A Prose Poet in the Age of Space," by John Stanley, San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle, August 18, 1968.

"Remarks," (as part of panel), Guts #4, September 1968.

"Ray Bradbury Speaks," Guts #4, September 1968. Interview.

"Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451' in the Classroom," by Charles F. Hamblen, English Journal, September 1968.

"Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Shelly Burton, Actress, November 1968.

"An Interview With Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by William B. Allen, Phalanx (Journal of Southern California Collegiate Students Conference), Winter 1968.
(Electronic Copy.)
--Reprinted in Conversations with Ray Bradbury, Steven L. Aggelis, ed. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004.

"A Message From Ray Bradbury," Chamber Symphony Society of California Flyer, 1968-1969. Article.

"Introduction: To Windowpanes." Windowpanes (Loyola High School literary magazine), 1969.

"The Illustrated Man." An open-end interview with Bradbury, Steiger, and others, as promo for the film, 1969. Recording.

"Thoughts and Comments on It's Fun to be Ray Bradbury," Flights of Fantasy #1, 1969. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury," in Boris Karloff: The Frankenscience Monster, ed. Forrest Ackerman. New York: Ace, 1969. Tribute.

Enemies of the Permanent Things, by Russell Kirk. New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1969.
Contains a chapter by the author on RB, "The World of Ray Bradbury."

All Our Yesterdays, by Harry Warner, Jr. Chicago: Advent, 1969.
A history of science fiction fandom up to the 1950s. The section of fans-turned-professionals contains a profile by the author, "Ray Bradbury."

"Comments on 'That Moon Plaque,'" in Men on the Moon, ed. Donald A. Wollheim. New York: Ace, 1969. Commentary.

"Of Hammett, Chandler, Brand and Bradbury..." by William F. Nolan, Armchair Detective, January 1969.

"Science-Fiction Writer Ray Bradbury's New Ending for 'Rosemary's Baby,'" Calendar (Los Angeles Times), January 26, 1969. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)
--Reprinted as "Rosemary's Baby--New Ending," **Transformations #2, 1969.
--Reprinted as "New Ending for Rosemary's Baby," Films and Filming, August 1969.
--Reprinted as "New Ending for Rosemary's Baby," Procrastination, Spring 1973.

"Bradbury Revisited," by Willis E. McNelly, CEA Critic, March 1969.

"The Novels of Ray Bradbury," by Justin St. John, **Green Town Review, Spring 1969.

"Bradbury and Freberg vs. the Prune People," Anon., Nepenthe, Spring 1969.

"Ray Bradbury's Song of Experience," by L. T. Biddison, New Orleans Review, Spring 1969. Literary criticism of SW.

"An Interview With Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by John Stanley, Castle of Frankenstein (two parts), Spring and Summer 1969.

"Ray Bradbury's 'The Illustrated Man,'" by Joe Dante, Castle of Frankenstein, Summer 1969.

"Science Fiction for College Libraries," by Dorothy W. Bowers, Choice, June 1969.

"Play It Again, Sam," The Des Moines Register, June 13, 1969.

"Interview," CBS Evening News, 10:56:20 p.m. edt., July 20, 1969.

"What on Earth Can You Do in Space?" Interviewed (as part of a group) by Susan Vibert and Meema Keene, Pace, August 1969.

"Bradbury on Screen: A Saga of Perseverance," by "F. E. Edwards" (William F. Nolan), Venture SF, August 1969.

"Foreword." Dated by RB: August 29, 1969. The Wild Night Company, ed. Peter Haining. London: Gollancz, 1970.

"In the Picture: The Illustrated Man," by Philip Strick, Sight and Sound (England), Autumn 1969.

"Introduction: Buck Rogers in Apollo Year 1." Dated by RB: October 18, 1969. The Collected Works of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, ed. Robert C. Dille. New York: Chelsea House, 1969.

"The Illustrated Fan: A Day With Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Greg Bear, **Luna, November 1969.

"The Atoms of God," Tales of the Macabre (England), December 1969. Introduction.

"L. A.: Space Age Center of Arts?" Anon., Los Angeles Times, December 7, 1969.

"Preface," Kaleidoscope, 1970.

Untitled Story Preface to RB story, "The Fire Balloons." Special Wonder, ed. J. Francis McComas. New York: Random House, 1970.

Untitled liner album note to Songs For a Sideshow of the Mind, 1970. Commentary.

"Ray Bradbury: A Vision Into the Future." MA Thesis: Maria Del Rosario Briones Gutierrez, Instituto Technologico De Estudios Superiores De Monterey, 1970.

"The Mind and Fantasies of Ray Bradbury," Ph.D. Dissertation: Richard Steven Dimeo, University of Utah, 1970.

"Bradbury Illustrated," by Donald J. Brown, **Fantasy Collector, 1970 (Annual Edition).

"Ray Bradbury," Anon., **Static, Flutter and Pop, No. 2, 1970.

"Encore: Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Lois Nemcik, Royal Purple (Cypress College), January 1970.

"Ray Bradbury Isn't Afraid of the Future," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 19, 1970. Interview.

"Dear Fred Ott: 'Gesundheit!'" Movie, January 23, 1970. Article.

"A Study of Allusions in Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451,'" by Peter Sisario, English Journal, February 1970.

"Letters to a Young Aspiring Author," **The Phoenix of the Blade, February 1970.
--Reprinted as "Ray Bradbury's Letter to a Young Writer," (condensed), **aFricAN (South Africa), May 1972.

"Ray Bradbury Keeping Eye on Cloud IX," by Maggie Savoy, Los Angeles Times, March 15, 1970.

"The Girls Walk This Way, the Boys Walk That Way--A Dream for Los Angeles in the 70s," West[I] ([I]Los Angeles Times), April 5, 1970. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)
--Reprinted in Environmental Quality (Premier Edition), 1970.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Bradbury Predicts the Age of Apollo," Cal Tech News, June 1970.

"Conversations Never Finished, Films Never Made," Producer's Journal, June 1970. Article.
--Reprinted as "POV: Point of View," WGA Newsletter, September 1970.

"Ray Bradbury," (3 parts), College Time, June 27, July 3, 8, 1970. Interview.

"Martian Advisor." Interview unsigned, Century City Centurion, July-August 1970.

"Ray Bradbury: The Incredible Thinking Man," by Gene Baley, TWA Ambassador, July-August 1970.

"Ray Bradbury: Prose Painter of the Mind," by Richard S. Dimeo, Perihelion, Fall 1970.

"Author Has No Need for Narcotic High," Scene, September 1970. Article.

"Bradbury at Bovard," The New Elliptic #5, October 1970. Speech.

"Reflections From the Man Who Landed on the Moon in 1929." Engineering and Science, October 1970. Speech delivered on Alumni Seminar Day, 1970, at the California Institute of Technology in Los Angeles.

"An Informal Interview with Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Greg Orfalea, Courier (Georgetown University), November 1970.

"Introduction: Night Travel on the Orient Express. Destination: Avram." Dated by RB: November 18, Apollo Year Two [1970]. Strange Seas and Shores, by Avram Davidson. New York: Doubleday, 1971.
--Reprinted as “Afterword: Night Travel on the Orient Express. Destination: Avram.” In Robert Silverberg and Grania Davis, ed. The Avram Davidson Treasury. New York: Tor, 1998.

"Introduction: The Happy Pornographer. Erv Kaplan: A Portrait." Dated by RB: November 18, Apollo Year Two [1970]. Ob-Scenes, by Erv Kaplan. Los Angeles: Melrose Square, 1972.

"From a Friend," (To F. J. A.), Fantasia #1, December 1970. Tribute.

"'The Martian Chronicles': A Provocative Study," by Juliet Grimsley, English Journal, December 1970.

"Homage to Bradbury," by David Dortort, Hollywood Reporter (40th Anniversary Edition), December 4, 1970.

"Tribute," (To Maggie Bellows), Anyone Who Enters Here Must Celebrate Maggie, 1971.

Untitled commentary on Henry Eichner in The Atlantean Chronicles, by Henry H. Eichner. Los Angeles: Fantasy Publishing Co., 1971.

"About E. E. E.," in Food for Demons, by E. Everett Evans. San Diego: Shroud, 1971. Tribute.

Ray Bradbury, Humanista Del Futuro, a biography, by Jose Luis Garci. Madrid: Helios, 1971.

Untitled interview. By William Melton in I Get My Best Ideas in Bed. Los Angeles: Nash, 1971. RB one of 190 "popular" authors interviewed for book. All interviews are broken up and spaced throughout book under varied headings.

The Human Equation, ed. William F. Nolan. Los Angeles: Sherbourne Press, 1971.
Contains a full biographical preface by the editor, "Leigh Brackett and Ray Bradbury," discussing background of their story "Lorelei of the Red Mist."

"What Were the Waukegan Haunts of Ray Bradbury's Early Shocker?" by Rex Knauer, Waukegan News-Sun, January 23, 1971.

"Dandelion Wine," by Tom Bradford, Chicago Review, January-February 1971.

"Paying a Debt to the Gift of Being: Ray Bradbury Seeks Out God in Space," Syndicated through Universal Science News, April 1971. Article.

"The Crime/Suspense Fiction of Ray Bradbury: A Listing," by William F. Nolan, Armchair Detective, April 1971.

"Introduction (in Spanish)." Dated by RB: April 28, 1971. Ray Bradbury, Humanista Del Futuro, a biography by Jose Luis Garci. Madrid: Helios, 1971.

"How, Instead of Being Educated in College, I Was Graduated from Libraries or Thoughts from a Chap Who Landed on the Moon in 1932," Wilson Library Bulletin, May 1971. Article.
(Electronic copy.)

"A Contrary Personality," U. U. World, June 1, 1971. Interview.

"Bradbury Speaks." **Train of Thought, July-August 1971. Speech delivered at the San Diego Golden State Comic Convention in 1970.

"Ray Bradbury: A Checklist of First Editions and Some Others," compiled by Mary Crofts and Phil Garland, **Presenting Moonshine, August 7, 1971.

"Introduction: With Notes on Staging." Dated by RB: August 22, 1971. The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit and Other Plays, by Ray Bradbury. New York: Bantam, 1972.

"The Supremo of Science Fiction Writers," The Chicago Tribune, August 27, 1971. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: High Priest of Sci Fi." Interviewed by William Hall, Rex (England), No. 28, 1971.

"Ray Bradbury's 'Dandelion Wine': Themes, Sources and Style," by Marvin E. Mengeling, English Journal, October 1971.

"Collision of Minds Generate Dialog on America's Future." Interviewed by Digby Diehl, Calendar (Los Angeles Times), October 24, 1971.
(Microfilm Print.)

"The Artistry of Ray Bradbury," by Robert Reilly, **Extrapolation, December 1971.

"Introduction." Film Fantasy Scrapbook, by Ray Harryhausen. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1972.

"On a Book Burning," Mimeo-prepared, by Publishers Publicity Association, 1972, for syndication to nation-wide newspapers, as part of International Book Year's Observations of American Writers. Article.
--Reprinted as "On a Bookburning," **Algol #19, November 15, 1972.

"More SF Comments," Writer's Yearbook, 1972. Commentary.

"Bradbury as Philosopher," An interview with Bradbury from The Center for Cassette Studies, 1972. Recording.

"Bradbury: Fantasy and Reality," An interview with Bradbury from The Center for Cassette Studies, 1972. Recording.

Fahrenheit 451: Notes, by Joseph Blakely M. A. Toronto: Cole Publishing Company, 1972.

"Mars and the Mind of Man," Engineering and Science, January 1972. Speech.

"Man and Apollo: A Look at Religion in the Science Fantasies of Ray Bradbury," by Steven Dimeo, Journal of Popular Culture, Spring 1972.

"Where Are the Golden-Eyed Martians?" West (Los Angeles Times), March 12, 1972. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)
--Reprinted in Intermediate Vector Bosun #2, March 1981.

"King of the Science Fiction Writers." Interviewed by Jeff Hansen, Scene (Torrence Daily Breeze), March 26, 1972.

"Ray Bradbury: Space Age Moralist." Interviewed by William F. Nolan, Unity, April 1972.
(Electronic Copy.)
--Reprinted in Conversations with Ray Bradbury, Steven L. Aggelis, ed. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004.

"Rituals Important Claims Writer Bradbury." Interviewed by Judi Roski, Register, April 2, 1972.

"Ray Bradbury Talks," **aFricAN (South Africa), May 1972. Speech.

"Comments from the Peanut Gallery," **aFricAN (South Africa), May 1972. Speech.

"I'm Here to Depress You With My Optimism," **aFricAN (South Africa), May 1972. Speech.

"Ray Bradbury Launches Powerful Criticism at 'Ignorant' Apollo Critics." Interviewed by Steve Siebig, Campus News (East Los Angeles College), May 3, 1972.

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"Apollo Murdered: The Sun Goes Out," Los Angeles Times, May 17, 1972. Commentary.
--Reprinted as "Don't Shoot Down Apollo," The San Francisco Examiner, May 28, 1972.
--Reprinted as "Don't Shoot Down Apollo," **Monolith #1, June, 1972.
--Reprinted in Someday, June 1972.
--Reprinted in Exponent, September 13, 1972.

"Foreword: Remembrance of Things Present, or Vic and Sade Are Still Alive and Well and Living in Orwell-Huxley Vista." Dated by RB: May 20, 1972. The Small House Halfway Up in the Next Block, by Paul Rhymer. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972.
(Photocopy, nice and clear.)
--Reprinted in Showcase (The Chicago Tribune), November 19, 1972.
--Reprinted in Producer's Journal, March 1973.

"Very Much Like Waukegan--But Not Any More," by Linda P. Hansen, Waukegan News-Sun, June 5, 1972.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Ray Bradbury: A Series," by Phil Garland, **Presenting Moonshine, September, October, December 1972; January, March, April, May, July, August, September, October 1973 (and more.)

"The Drama of Ray Bradbury," by Ben P. Indick, **Huitloxopetl, #8, 1972.

"An Interview with Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Marc Shapiro, Los Angeles Free Press, September 15, 1972.
(Microfilm Print.)

"An Interview With Ray Bradbury," **Realm #5, October 1972.

"Give Us a Reason to Come to Your City," Western City, October 1972. Speech.

"Los Angeles is the Best Place in America," Esquire, October 1972. Article.
--Excerpts published as "Travel Writing," How to Write Non-Fiction That Sells, by F. A. Rockwell. Chicago: Regnery, 1974.

"Bradbury Writes Children's Fantasy," by Jerome Cushman, Calendar (Los Angeles Times), October 29, 1972.

"The Playwright as Midwife to a Comet," Calendar (Los Angeles Times), November 19, 1972. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)
--Reprinted as "Where Does the Idea for a Play Come From?" The Washington Post, March 25, 1973.
--Reprinted as "A Play is a Brave and Foolish Enterprise," The San Francisco Chronicle, April 8, 1973.

"How Do You Swallow a Flaming Comet Whole?" Privately-printed play program for "Leviathan '99," November 1972. Article.

"From Stonehenge to Tranquillity Base," <I>Playboy[/i], December 1972. Article.
--Reprinted in The Best from Playboy #8, 1975.

"Ray Bradbury and Fantasy," by Anita T. Sullivan, English Journal, December 1972.

"Bradbury's Closing Night," by Jim Moore, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, December 15, 1972.

The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury. New York: Doubleday, 1973. Revised edition.
This special illustrated and expanded edition of RB's book contains "Ray Bradbury, A Biographical Sketch"--and a checklist of RB's books and short stories, both by William F. Nolan.

"Foreword: On Going a Journey." Mars and the Mind of Man, ed. Bruce C. Murray. New York: Harper & Row, 1973. Also contains section by RB in "Afterthoughts."

"I'll Be Damned If I'll Be Bullied by Bright Children," Mars and the Mind of Man, ed. Bruce C. Murray. New York: Harper & Row, 1973. Discussion panel, November 1971, with Arthur C. Clarke and others, at California Institute of Technology.

Zen and the Art of Writing and The Joy of Writing: Two Essays. Santa Barbara, Ca.: Capra Press, 1973.

"Write the Other Way: The Correlation of Style and Theme in Selected Prose Fiction of Ray Bradbury." Ph.D. Dissertation. Mark A. Foster, Florida State University, 1973.

"Just Off Main Street: Ray Bradbury," The Columbia Forum, Spring 1973.

"Midnight Ramblings of a Rabid Bradbury Fan," Photron #9, 1973.

"Leviathan '99," Prehensile #7, March 1973.

"Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Edward Gerson, Hyde Parker, February-March 1973.

"An Open Letter to Ray Bradbury," Ontological Thought, April 1973.

"Bradbury Thrives on Surprise: Looks at the Future Backwards," Citrus College Clarion, April 11, 1973.

"Encounter With Ray Bradbury," (4 Parts), Wednesday, March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 1973. Interview.

"Interview with Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Paul Turner and Dorothy Simon, Vertex, April 1973.

"Excerpts from 'The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit' and 'From Stonehenge to Tranquillity Base," ??1973??
--Reprinted as "Shaw as Influence, Laughton as Teacher," The Shaw Review, May 1973.

"If I Were a Teacher," Learning, May 1973. Article/self-interview.

"W. C. Fields and the S.O.B. on Roller Skates," Producer's Journal, June 1973. Article.
--Reprinted as "That Crazy Star Struck Kid Was Hell on Wheels, But Finally Made It," in The Green Sheet (The Milwaukee Journal), July 24, 1973.

"Birds of a Different Feather Nest Under Bradbury Wing," by S. L. Stebel, Calendar (Los Angeles Times), June 24, 1973. Online here: http://whatsinanafterlife.word...-bird-that-got-away/
About Richard Bach and Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

"Ray Bradbury on Hitchcock, Huston and Other Magic of the Screen." Interviewed by Arnold R. Kunert, Take One (Canada), September 26, 1973.
--Reprinted in The Journal of Popular Culture, Summer 1973.
--Reprinted in Conversations with Ray Bradbury, Steven L. Aggelis, ed. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004.

"F. M. -- We Love You!" Famous Monsters of Filmland #102, October 1973. Tribute.

"How to Be Madder Than Captain Ahab or Writing Explained," Literary Cavalcade, October 1973. Article/letter.
--Reprinted in The Writer, February 1974.

"Introduction," The Cartoon Show: Original Works by 150 Outstanding American Cartoonists Selected from the Jerome K. Muller collection, November 3-17, 1973. Santa Ana, Calif.: Mary Livingston's Gallery 2, 1973.
--Reprinted Second Year, September 27-October 27, 1974.
--Reprinted Third Year, February 28-April 4, 1976.
--Reprinted Fourth Year, 1977.
--Reprinted Fifth Year, 1978.
--Reprinted Sixth Year, 1979.
--Reprinted in The American Comic Strip (1st Year), 1980.
--Reprinted in The American Comic Strip (2nd Year), 1981.

"Ray Bradbury: Portrait of a Popular Writer." Ph.D. Dissertation: Edward L. Gerson, University of Chicago. Was in progress in 1973 but not found in their online catalog or Library of Congress online catalog.

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Originally posted by dandelion:

"Where Do You Get Your Ideas?" **Etaoin Shrdlu, April 1950. Article.

Well, now we all know something we otherwise wouldn't have, don't we? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ETAOIN_SHRDLU My guess would have been some obscure Lovecraft character.
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All of this comes from Donn Albright's list and will be divided by decade. The only differences from Donn's list is where I have made minor corrections (names of interviewers and article authors, and some changes to make titles and dates exactly match originals when I have them and when they differed.)

PART 1, 1970s

Bradbury, Ray. “Science Fiction: Before Christ and After 2001” in E. J. Farrell, et. al, ed., Science Fact/Fiction. Scott, Foresman, 1974.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Bradbury in Depth," Photron #10, 1974.

"Modern Masters of Science Fiction," Science Fiction Monthly #8 (England), 1974.

"Bradbury in Depth," Mysterious Adventures #1, January 1974.

"Ray Bradbury," Day at Night, January 21, 1974. Television Interview.

"The Ray Bradburys." Interviewed by Marshall Berges, Home (The Los Angeles Times), January 27, 1974. Interview.
(Microfilm Print.)
--Reprinted as "An Interview with Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury," Prehensile, May 1975.

"The Illustrated Man," Sight and Sound, Spring 1974. Interview.

"Bradbury in Depth," Unreal #3, March 1974.

"Developing a Reading Participation Guide for a Novel," Journal for Reading #6, March 1974.

"Ray Bradbury: A Man for All Eons," The Monster Times, March 1974. Interview.

"The Truth in Fantasy," The Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, March 10, 1974. Interview.

"A Few Thoughts on the Next 2 Billion Years," Cagney, March 13, 1974. Tribute.

"Forry Ackerman," Lunacon 1974, April 1974. Tribute.

"Davies Award to Bradbury," WGA Newsletter, April 1974.

"Ray Bradbury's Response," WGA Newsletter, April 1974. Speech.

"Preface," Hannes Bok Memorial Showcase of Fantasy Art, compiled by Emil Petaja. San Francisco: Sisu Publishers, April 1974. Introduction.

"Sing the Bradbury Electric," Swank, April 1974. Interview.

"We Must Conquer Other Planets," The National Tattler, April 7, 1974. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury," Genesis, May 1974. Interview.

"Bradbury Likes It Closer to the Fire of Life," New Mag, May 1974.

"Because, Because, Because, Because of the Wonderful Things He Does," Wonderful Wizard, Marvelous Land, May 1974. Introduction.
--Reprinted as "Down the Yellow Brick Road and What Alice Found There," Bandersnatch #14 (England), April 1976.

"Science Fiction: Before Christ and After 2001," Science Fiction-Fact, May 1974. Introduction.
--Reprinted in International Film Exposition Book, March 1975.

"SSF Interviews Ray Bradbury," UWM Union SSF, Summer 1974. Interview.

"Preface," That Son of Richard III, Roy Squires' Press, June 1974. Introduction.

"Preface," Annual W, (Waukegan High School Yearbook), June 1974. Introduction.

"Bradbury in Depth," The Comet #2, July 1974.

"Ray Bradbury: Sci Fi's Philosopher," Youth, August 1974. Interview.

"Bradbury in Depth," The Comet #3, Fall 1974.

"Mexicali Mirage," Westways, October 1974. Article.

"Tarzan was My Co-Pilot," The Field Newspaper Syndicate, October 12, 1974. Article.

"Bradbury Answers the Classic Question," Advocate, November 13, 1974. Interview.

"Julie," Amazing Worlds of DC, November-December 1974. Tribute.

"Boris, Bela, and Me," Argosy, December 1974. Article.
--Reprinted as "Horrors! Films that are Frightful? Delightful!" Deseret News (Salt Lake City), October 24, 1979.
--Reprinted in Utah/US Film Festival Book, November 1979.

"Inspiration for the Zen Writer," Writer's Digest, December 1974. Article. Reprint?

"Modern Masters of Science Fiction," Knights of the Paper Space Ship, December 1974.

Bradbury Reads Bradbury. The following stories, each with an introduction, read by Bradbury: "The Lake, The Fog Horn, The Crowd, The Pedestrian, The Dwarf, The Smile, The Veldt, John Huff's Leavetaking, Fever Dream, Illumination, There Will Come Soft Rains, A Sound of Thunder, The Illustrated Man, Marionettes, Inc." From Listening Library, 1975. Recording.

1975 San Diego Comic Con. Introduction by Bradbury, as well as excerpts from "G. B. S. - Mark V," From Dyna-Pubs, 1975. Recording.

"The Bradbury Chronicles," Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction, January 1975. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: The Fantasy Maker," (television) Assignment America, (mimeo) January 28, 1975. Interview.

"Henry Kuttner: A Neglected Master," The Best of Henry Kuttner, February 1975. Introduction.
(Have Original Book.)

"Just This Side of Byzantium," Dandelion Wine, March 1975. Introduction.
(Have Original Book.)
--Reprinted in Dandelion Wine (playbooklet), April 1976.

The Ray Bradbury Companion, compiled by William F. Nolan. Detroit: Gale Research Company, March 1975.
(Have Original Book.)

"The Inherited Wish," The Ray Bradbury Companion, March 1975. Introduction.
(Have Original Book.)

"A Pilgrim to Bradbury-Land," Waukegan News-Sun, March 25, 1975.

"Childhood Imagination Grist for Bradbury," Irvine World News, March 27, 1975.

"I Was There The Day The World Ended, I Was There The Day The World Began," Western's World, March-April 1975. Article.

"Prophet With Honor in His Own Cosmos," The Los Angeles Times, April 27, 1975.
(Microfilm Print.)

"1984 Will Not Arrive: A Prediction for the Greening of Scripps," Grant Dahlstrom--The Castle Press, May 1975. Article.

"Ray Bradbury Index" (1st Supplement), Xenophile #13, May 1975.

"Super Sci Fi," The Graphics, June 1975.

"How I Was Always Rich and Too Dumb to Know It," Producer's Journal, June 1975. Article.
--Reprinted as "On Finding Life's True Riches," Calendar (The Washington Star), August 17, 1975.

"A Recognition," King Kong, (Record Jacket Sleeve), July 1975. Introduction.

"Why 1984 Will Not Arrive as Predicted," Los Angeles, July 1975. Article.

"To the 1975 Famous Monsters Convention," Famous Monsters Convention Book, July 1975. Tribute.

"Bradbury at 54: He's Tanned and Prolific." Interviewed by Paul Hendrickson, The National Observer, July 26, 1975.
(Microfilm Print.)

"El Mundo Fantastico de Ray Bradbury," Gente, (Argentina), August 28, 1975. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury as Poet," Omega #1, Autumn 1975.

"Bradbury in Depth," The Comet #4, Fall 1975.

"Bradbury in Depth," Knights #13, September 1975.

"Tarzan, John Carter, Mr. Burroughs, and the Long Mad Summer of 1930," Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Man Who Created Tarzan, September 1975. Introduction.
--Reprinted as "Burroughs Taught Us Home is Really Mars," Book Review (The Los Angeles Times), September 7, 1975.
--Reprinted as "Burroughs Takes Us Home With Fantasy," Oak Leaves, 1978.

"The Secret of Immortality," True, September 1975. Article.
--Reprinted, condensed, as "It Changed My Life," Reader's Digest, June 1983.
(Have Original Magazine Pages.)

"How to Burn a Book, Or 1984 Will Not Arrive," Soundings, September 1975. Speech.

"In Orbit With Ray Bradbury," Zest (The Houston Chronicle), September 14, 1975. Interview.
--Reprinted as "Orbiting with Ray Bradbury," Sunday Globe Magazine (St. Louis), October 5, 1975.
--Reprinted as "For Ray Bradbury, Earth is Just the Starting Point," The Detroit Free Press, October 5, 1975.
--Reprinted in Authors in the News, Vol. 2, compiled by Barbara Nykoruk. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1976.

"The Fire is Here," A Game of Passion, October 1975. Introduction.
--Reprinted as "A Game of Passion," Pro, October 1975.

"Introduction," Pillar of Fire and Other Plays, October 1975. Introduction.
(Have Original Book.)

"Tricks, Treats, Gangway!" Reader's Digest, October 1975. Article.
(Have actual Magazine and Tearout copy.)

"A Feasting of Thoughts, A Banqueting of Ideas," Performing Arts, October 1975. Article.
--Reprinted as "1999 and Counting: I Have Seen the Future and It Works," The Village Voice (New York), October 27, 1975.
--Reprinted in Producer's Journal, March 1976.
--Reprinted in Tangent #5, Summer 1976.
--Reprinted as "A Feasting of Thoughts, a Banqueting of Words," Interface Age, June 1978.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Ray Bradbury: I'm a Magic Realist," LI (Newsday), November 2, 1975. Interview.

"Foreword," How to Write Plots That Sell, December 1975. Introduction.

"An Interview With Ray Bradbury," And It Is Divine, December 1975. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: Visitor from Outer Space," by Lawrence Grobel, The Los Angeles Free Press, December 4, 1975. Interview.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Who Are These People and Why Won't They Drive?" View (The Los Angeles Times), December 15, 1975.
(Microfilm Print.)

"As Norman Corwin Once Said, Not So Wild a Dream," The Hollywood Reporter, December 17, 1975. Article.
--Reprinted in The Peg-Board, February 1976.

"Avant Propos," Clef's pour la Science Fiction (France), Undated (1976). Introduction.

Article-Interview from The Arizona Daily Star, 1976?
--Reprinted as "Writer Criticizes Fantasy Fare" in Authors in the News, Vol. 1, compiled by Barbara Nykoruk. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1976.

Fahrenheit 451. Excerpts read by Bradbury, together with his comments. Listening Library, 1976. Recording.

"Two Madrigals for the Space Age," Performing Arts (program section), January 1976. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury," Playgirl, January 1976. Interview.

"Writer's Digest Interviews Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Robert Jacobs, Writer's Digest, February 1976. Interview.
--Reprinted in Writer's Digest Interviews Ray Bradbury, Writer's Digest, 1976.
(Have actual Magazine and Tearout copy.)

"Ray Bradbury: Something Different This Way Comes," Celebrity, February 1976.

"Introduction to 'The Night'," Starwind, Spring 1976. Introduction.

"Letter Introduction to 'I Was the Last, the Very Last'," Cobblestone, February-March 1976. Introduction.

"Bradbury's Salute to Life," Janus, March 1976.

"Science Fiction as Modern Romance," Intellect, April 1976. Speech.

"Ray Bradbury's The Illustrated Man: Reality Extrapolated," Wisconsin English Journal, April 1976.

"Bradbury Never Worked," U. C. L. A. Bruin, April 22, 1976.

"Playwright's Notes," The Martian Chronicles (playbooklet), April-May 1976. Introduction.

The Ravine, compiled by Bernard Kordell. Chicago: Questar Printing Company, May 1976.

"Ray Bradbury Presents Davies," WGA Newsletter, May 1976. Speech.

"Tangent Interviews Ray Bradbury," Tangent #5, Summer 1976. Interview.

"Sci Fi's Ray Bradbury Has a Radical Plan to Save American Cities," In the Know, July 1976. Interview.

"A Martian Chronicle--With Chicken Soup," New West, July 1976. Article.

"Speech as Part of Panel," Why Man Explores (magazine), July 2, 1976. Speech.
--Reprinted in Omni, November 1981.

"There is Life on Mars and It's Us," The National Observer, July 31, 1976. Article.

"An Interview with Ray Bradbury," Arts for Humanity, Fall 1976.
--Reprinted in Renaissance Universal News, Fall 1976.

"The Nefertiti-Tut Express: A Journey Through Thought, Time, and Being," Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence--the First Encounter, September 1976. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury Index" (2nd Supplement), Xenophile #26, September 1976.

"Ray Bradbury on Writing," Scholastic Voice, September 23, 1976. Interview.

"An Interview with Ray Bradbury," Rocket's Blast and Comic Collector (or Comicollector), October 1976.

"The Power of Ray Bradbury," (plus other material), Rocket's Blast and Comic Collector (or Comicollector), October 1976.

"Deep in October," Advocate, October 27, 1976. Interview.

"Interview...Ray Bradbury," Literary Guild, November 1976. Interview.

"A Visit With Ray Bradbury on Halloween Night," Exchange, November 1976.

"Walt Disney: The Man Who Invented a Better Mouse," Book Review (The Los Angeles Times), November 14, 1976. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Ray Bradbury: A Man for All Centuries," Exchange, Winter 1976.

"In Space With Ray Bradbury," The Gorilla, December 1976. Interview.

"Follow Your Wildest Dreams," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, December 7, 1976. Interview.

Ray Bradbury, the Man in the Wonderful Ice Cream Suit. Film Strip and Record/Cassette recording about Bradbury and his work. From Perfection Form, 1977.

The Drama of Ray Bradbury, by Ben Indick. Baltimore: T-K Graphics, 1977.

Cliff's Notes on Bradbury's Works, ed. Audrey Smoak Manning M. A. Lincoln: Cliff's Notes, Inc., 1977.

Interview from Films and Filming, 1977?
--Reprinted as "An Interview with Ray Bradbury," The Classic American Novel and the Movies, ed. Gerald Peary and Roger Shatzkin. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1977.

"Two Views: Ray Bradbury: Past, Present, and Future," "The Past, Present, and Future of Ray Bradbury," Voices of the Future, 1977.

"The Drama of Ray Bradbury" (revised), Ibid XVII, January 1977.

"You Are Renaissance People," The Wed-Way, January 6, 1977. Speech.

"We Are Aristotle's Children," The New York Times, February 9, 1977. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

The Bradbury Chronicles, by George Edgar Slusser. San Bernardino: The Borgo Press, April 1977.

"Why Space? Why Shakespeare?" (intro to Friends poem), Friends, April 1977. Introduction.

"The Life Force Speaks, We Move to Answer," Colonies in Space, April 1977. Introduction.

"To An Interview with William F. Nolan," Tangent, Summer 1977. Introduction.

"An Interview with Ray Bradbury," San Francisco Review of Books, June 1977. Interview.

"Corwin on Media," Westways, June 1977.

"The Chronicles Remembered," The Martian Chronicles (playbooklet), July 1977. Introduction.
--Reprinted in Xenophile #36. November 1977.
--Reprinted in The Martian Chronicles (playbooklet), April 1981.

"Re-entering Bradbury's World at the Colony," The Los Angeles Times, July 24, 1977.
(Microfilm Print.)

"The Man Who Lives To Create Monsters," Calendar (The Los Angeles Times), August 14, 1977. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)
--Reprinted as "Hoo-Ray for Hollywood," Famous Monsters of Filmland #23, 1978.

"Through Bradbury's Brain on a Laser Beam," West Coast Writer's Conspiracy, Fall 1977. Interview.

"Part of Symposium With Four Others," Why Man Explores (paperback book), September 1977. Interview.

"20,000 Leagues Beneath the Imagination of Jules Verne," Expressions, October 1977.

"For the Love of Oz," Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, October 23, 1977.
Reprint of item titled "Two Baumy Promenades Along the Yellow Brick Road"?
--Reprinted as "The Making of The Wizard of Oz," Delap's Fantasy & Science Fiction Review, February 1978.

"Reaction to The Ray Bradbury Companion," Benefit Auction (Detroit Library), October 28, 1977. Introduction.

"Prologue," Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns, November 1977. Introduction.

"Introduction," Things to Come, ed. R. Reginald and Douglas Menville. New York: Time Books, November 1977. Introduction.

"An Interview with Ray Bradbury," Science Fiction Review #23, November 1977.

"Ray Bradbury Index" (3rd Supplement Plus Other Material), Xenophile #36, November 1977.

“Frederico Fellini,” The Los Angeles Times Book Review, November 27, 1977.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Ray Bradbury: Rethinking the Future With The Dean of Science Fiction," The Goodtimes, December 8-19, 1977. Interview.

"The God in Science Fiction," The Saturday Review of Literature, December 10, 1977. Article.
--Reprinted as a pamphlet, Santa Susana Press, October 1978.
--Reprinted in Omni, October 1980.
--Reprinted as "My Search for Christ on My Star Treks," A. D. 81 (Two Editions), March 1981.
--Reprinted as "Christ on Improbable Planets," Motif #2, June-July 1981.

"The Opening of the El Rey," Newsworld Vol. 4, No. 3, 1978.

"The Invasion Stories of Ray Bradbury," Critical Encounters, 1978.

"The Journey of Ray Bradbury" and "Ray," Touchstone, 1978.

Notes on Ray Bradbury's Science Fiction, compiled by Valerie L. Barnish. London: Methuen Notes, 1978.
--Reprinted as Notes on the Writings of Ray Bradbury. Cape Town: College of Careers Ltd., 1978.

"I'll Never Lose My Curiosity About What's Out There," Date Book, January 15-21, 1978. Interview.

Network Will Encounter Bradbury's Martian Look," The New York Post, January 17, 1978.

"Ray Bradbury: Back to the Old Stand," California Living (Los Angeles Examiner), January 29, 1978. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: The Martians are Here." Interviewed by Polly Warfield, The Los Angeles Free Press, February 16, 1978. Interview.
(Microfilm print.)

"The Urban Chronicles," New Worlds, February-March 1978. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury on Close Encounters," Starburst (England), March 1978.
Reprint of item titled "Opening the Beautiful Door to Immortality"?
--Reprinted as "Thanks...I Needed That!" Delap's Fantasy & Science Fiction Review, March-April 1978.

"Ray Bradbury," The Diversifier, March 1978. Interview.

"Out of the Darkness," Orion, March 29, 1978. Interview.

"Philosopher of the Future," Weekend Focus, March 31, 1978. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury Has Plans for Beverly Hills," Beverly Hills People, March-April 12, 1978.

"The Seeming Unimportance of Being Sime," Sidney H. Sime: Master of Fantasy, compiled by Paul Skeeters. Pasadena: Ward Ritchie Press, April 1978. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury Interview," Elite (Canada), April 1978. Interview.

"A Renaissance Man Takes a Look at the Future," Leisure, April 7, 1978. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: Labor of Love," Chapman College Panther, April 12, 1978.

"Writer Bradbury: Missionary for the Powers of Imagination," Daily News-Tribune, April 14, 1978.

"The Heaven and Hell Archetype in Faulkner's 'That Evening Sun' and Bradbury's Dandelion Wine," South Atlantic Bulletin, May 1978.

"Mailbox on Mars," Holes in a Stained Glass Window, May 1978.

"The Martian Chronicles On Stage," Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy #2, June 1978.

"Rebuilding Tomorrowland," Crawdaddy, July 1978. Article.

"Ray Bradbury: He Sees the Future--And It Works," by Lisa Mitchell, Family Weekly, July 16, 1978.
(Microfilm Print.)

"The Commitment and Creative Curiosity of Norman Corwin," Book Review (The Los Angeles Times), July 23, 1978. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

"The Bradbury Chronicles: An Other Worldly Conversation," San Diego, August 1978. Interview.

"Suntory World Interview: Ray Bradbury," Reader's Digest (Japan), August 1978. Interview.

"Moi, Ray Bradbury," L'Express (France), August 1978. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury," Collage, August 1978.

"The Films of Ray Bradbury," Star Encounters, August 1978.

"Futurespeak: a Discussion with Simon Ramo and Ray Bradbury," TRW Systems and Energy Magazine, Autumn 1978. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: A Repressao Castraopensamento," Manchete (Argentina), September 2, 1978. Interview.

"Introduction," Close Encounters of the Third Kind: A Document of the Film, ed. Thomas Durward. New York: Ariel-Ballantine Books, October 1978. Introduction.

"The Bradbury Chronicles," Future #5, October 1978. Interview.

"Bounding Through Space and Time on Spongy Tennis Shoes," Sun Showcase (Colorado Springs Sun), October 29, 1978. Interview.

"Preface," Seal Song, by Brian Davies and Eliot Porter. New York: Viking Press, November 1978. Introduction.

"Don't Think, Emotionalize," Easy Reader, November 9, 1978. Interview.

"Interview," T. A. S. P. #3, December, 1978. Interview.

"Dear Wes, Dear Wes, Dear Wes, Dear Ray and Bruce," in Resurrection in Cannes: The Making of The Picasso Summer, by Wes Herschensohn. Cranbury, New Jersey: A. S. Barnes and Company, Inc., 1979.

"Beyond 1984," Playboy, January 1979. Article.
--Reprinted in Bradbury Speaks: Too Soon from the Cave, Too Far From the Stars, 2005.

"Fantasies Never Cease for Sci Fi Author," The Federalist, January 15, 1979. Interview.

"Dear Ray," Starship Algol, Spring 1979.

"The Martian Chronicles and Jorge Luis Borges," Extrapolation, Spring 1979.

"The Martian Chronicles Literary Magic Comes to TV," Future Life, March 1979.

"The Martian Chronicles (Parts 1 & 2)," Mediascene, March-April 1979.

"Aren't You Terrified of Computers?" The Wall Street Journal, April 23, 1979. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Book Burning Without Striking a Match," Book Review (The Los Angeles Times), May 27, 1979. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Ray Bradbury: God Is Alive In This Part of the Universe," U. S. News and World Report, June 25, 1979. Article.

"Surprise, Surprise!" To Sing Strange Songs (England), July 1979. Introduction to collection of his stories.

"The Renaissance Prince and the Baptist Martian," Horizon, July 1979. Article.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"And Finally, a Few Words from Ray Bradbury," Robert Bloch: A Bio-Bibliography (Australia), July 1979. Tribute.

"Tribute," Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (record sleeve), July 1979. Tribute.

"Author's Afterword," Fahrenheit 451, Ballantine, August 1979. Introduction.
--Reprinted as "The World is Full of People Running Around With Lit Matches," Review, (The San Francisco Chronicle), April 12, 1981.

"Revisiting the Flames, Rewriting the Fires," Fahrenheit 451 (playbooklet), August, 1979. Introduction.
--Reprinted in Fahrenheit 451 (playbooklet), March 1981.

"Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicle," Starlog, August 1979. Interview.

"Fantasy's Ambassador to the Future," Sunshine, August 3, 1979.

"H. G. Wells: The True Son of Jules Verne," Features (St. Louis Globe-Democrat), August 4-5, 1979.

"Rocket Children," Dodge Adventurer (also Spectator), Fall 1979. Article.

"Living in the 1980s: Ray Bradbury," L'Official (U. S. Edition), September 1979. Interview.

"The First Job--Humble Beginning," View (The Los Angeles Times), September 5, 1979. Article.

"An Earthbound Time Traveler." Interviewed by Stephen Banker, Book World (The Washington Post), September 23, 1979. Interview.
(Microfilm Print.)

"Ray Bradbury: Poet of Fantastic Fiction," Science Fiction Voices 2. Interviewed by Jeffery Elliot. San Bernardino: The Borgo Press, October 1979. Interview.

"American Authors Assess Hollywood," Hollywood Reporter (49th Anniversary Issue), November 1979. Article.

"The Making of The Martian Chronicles," Future Life, November 1979.

"Ray Bradbury: Sci Fi Master Still Reaching for the Moon," Kiis, November 8, 1979. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury Speaks," View, November 22, 1979. Interview.

"Space Legend: Ray Bradbury," by Stephen Banker, Christmas Books (The San Francisco Chronicle), December 2, 1979. Interview.
(Microfilm Print.)

"The Children's Hour," Family Weekly (The Muncie Star and other papers), December 30, 1979. Article.
(Microfilm Print.)

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Covering the rest of the Donn Albright list of which I have a copy.

"Moved by the Image," The Moving Image, Undated, [1980]. Introduction.
--Reprinted in The Moving Image (2nd Year), [1981].
--Reprinted in The Moving Image (3rd Year), [1982].

"12 Science Fiction Writers Look at Life in the '80s," High Times, January 1980. Article.

"Once Upon a Time in the City of the Future," Century City News, January 1980. Interview.

"The Man with the Mickey Mouse Obsession," The Observer (London), January 13, 1980. Article.

"Bradbury: Back to Small Towns," Sunday Showcase, January 13, 1980. Article.

"The Martian Chronicles." Interviewed by Cynthia Gorney, The Washington Post, January 28, 1980. Interview.

"Dusk in the Robot Museums, the Rebirth of Imagination," Mosaic XIII, 3-4. Other Worlds of Fantasy and Science Fiction Since 1939, edited by John J. Teunissen. Winnipeg (Canada): University of Manitoba, Spring 1980. Introduction.

"LC Interviews Ray Bradbury," (part 1) Literary Cavalcade, March 1980. Interview.

"It's Up, Up, On, and Away," The Christian Science Monitor, March 10, 1980. Interview.

"The House That Mouse Built," Museum, March-April, 1980. Article.

"Beyond Eden," Omni, April 1980. Article.

"About Norman Corwin," About Norman Corwin, April 1980. Article?
Either a Reprint, or was reprinted elsewhere.

"Preface to 'The Picasso Summer'," Horizon, April 1980. Introduction.

Writers of the 21st Century: Ray Bradbury. Edited by Joseph D. Olander and Martin Harry Greenberg. New York: Taplinger Publishing Co., April 1980.

"Ray Bradbury and His Magical Kingdom," Palm Springs Life, April 1980.

"Front Man for Los Angeles's Transit Future," Mass Transit, May 1980. Interview.

"Tribute," Eulogy to George Pal, May 6, 1980. Tribute.

"Turning Point: Ray Bradbury," Quest 80, June 1980. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: A Bone Fide Feline Lover," Cat Fancy, June 1980. Interview.
Whitman: WSU:

"What Comic Strips Mean to Me," San Diego Comicon Booklet, July 1980. Speech.

"Ray Bradbury: A Stubborn Optimist," The Washington Star, July 30, 1980. Interview.

Liner notes on Record Sleeve. John Williams: The Empire Strikes Back, August 1980. Introduction.

"Under the Mushroom Tent," The Last Circus and the Electrocution, August 1980. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury -- Poet," Poet News, August 1980.
Reprint; abridged from T. A. S. P. #3.

"The Man from The October Country," Fantasy Media (England), August-September 1980.

"The 1980 Humanitas Prizes," WGA Newsletter, September 1980. Speech.

Ray Bradbury, by Wayne L. Johnson. New York: Frederick Ungar, September 1980.

"Introduction," Pillar of Fire and The Cold Wind and the Warm (playbooklet), September 15, 1980. Introduction.

"A Conversation with Ray Bradbury," California Living (The Los Angeles Examiner), September 28, 1980. Interview.

"Drunk and in Charge of a Bicycle," The Stories of Ray Bradbury, October 1980. Introduction.

"King of Sci Fi," MD, October 1980.

"The Real Master of Science Fiction," The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 27, 1980. Interview.

"Martians, Monsters, and Memories." Interviewed by Peter Gorner, Tempo (The Chicago Tribune), October 30, 1980. Interview.

"Since We Last Heard That Magic Word: Turnabout," Small Wonder (or Small World) by Forman Brown. Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, November 1980. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury." Interviewed by Charles Platt, The Dream Makers: The Uncommon People Who Write Science Fiction. New York: Berkley Books, November 1980. Interview.

"LC Interviews Ray Bradbury" (part 2), Literary Cavalcade, November 1980. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury," Starburst #17 (England), November 1980. Interview.

"30 Minutes, An Interview" (part 1), In This Issue Vol. 3, No. 8, November 1980. Interview.

"Sci-Fi, Of Course, but Ray Bradbury's Literary Exploits Go Well Beyond Either Science or Fiction," by Sally Koris, People, November 24, 1980.
(Have Original Magazine Pages.)

"Ray Bradbury: The Science of Science Fiction," The Christian Science Monitor, November 25, 1980. Interview.

"Flatland Revisited," Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott. San Francisco: The Arion Press, December 1980. Introduction.

"The Turkey That Attacked New York," They Came from Outer Space, edited by Jim Wynorski. New York: Doubleday, for The Science Fiction Book Club, December 1980. Introduction.

"30 Minutes, An Interview" (part 2), In This Issue Vol. 3, No. 9, December 1980. Interview.

"Science Fiction's Astronomical Success," Success Unlimited, December 1980. Interview.

"Bradbury: An Earthly Addict of Possibilities," Women's Wear Daily, December 17, 1980. Interview.

"Interview-Comments," Danse Macabre by Stephen King. New York: Everest House, 1981. Interview.
(Have Original Book.)

"Bradbury on Bradbury and Beyond," by Bob Jacobs, Fiction Writer's Market, edited by John Brady and Jean M. Fredette. Cincinnati: Writer's Digest Books, 1981. Interview.
(I have these books for 1984, 1985, and 1986, but alas not 1981!)

"Foreword," Mr. Monster's Movie Gold, edited by Hank Stine. Norfolk: The Donning Company, 1981.
Either a Reprint, or was reprinted elsewhere.

"Bradbury's Fun, Truthful Writing Inspires Young People to Keep Reading," Sunday Magazine, January 25, 1981. Interview.

"Bradbury Sings the Body Electric," Chicago Faces, January-February 1981. Interview.

"The South Bay Interview," South Bay, March 1981. Interview.

"Prologue," The Ghosts of Forever, March 1981. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury," Writers in Residence, compiled by Glynne Robinson Betts. New York: Viking, May 1981. Interview.

"Introduction," Ray Harryhausen Museum Booklet, May 1981. Introduction.
Either a Reprint, or was reprinted elsewhere.

"A Reading of Ray Bradbury's 'The Golden Apples of the Sun'," Other Worlds: Fantasy and Science Fiction Since 1939 (Mosaic), Summer 1981.

"Pitching Pennies Against the Starboard Bulkhead," Thrust #17, Summer 1981.

"Commencement Address," Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California. Speech. Printed in The Christian Science Monitor?
--Reprinted, condensed, as "Excerpts from Speech at Harvey Mudd College," Time, June 15, 1981.
Whitman: WSU:
--Reprinted, condensed, as "There Is Life on Mars," Reader's Digest, December 1981.
(Have Original Magazine Pages.)

"Riding the Space Ship Earth," Motif #2, June-July 1981. Interview.

"Bradbury Meets Disney," TWA Ambassador, July 1981.

"Birthing the Small Assassin," The Small Assassin (Caedmon Records), August 1981. Introduction.

"George" and "Dear George," The Twilight Zone, August 1981.
Either a Reprint, or was reprinted elsewhere.

"An Invocation," WGA Newsletter, September 1981. Speech.

"Something Bradbury This Way Comes," Cinefantastique, September 1981. Interview.

"Foreword," The Dinosaurs, October 1981. Introduction.

"Tribute to FJA" in "Science Fiction Fan-Zines: The Time Benders," by Nils Hardin, in Twentieth-Century American Science Fiction Writers, Vol. 8, Part 2: M-Z, edited by David Cowart and Thomas L. Wymer. Detroit: Gale Research Company, October 1981. Tribute.
Either a Reprint, or was reprinted elsewhere.

"Ray Bradbury," in Twentieth-Century American Science Fiction Writers, Vol. 8, Part 1: A-L, edited by David Cowart and Thomas L. Wymer. Detroit: Gale Research Company, October 1981.

"Ray Bradbury," Walt Disney World, October 1, 1981. Article.

"Why Dandelion Wine?" The Greentown Gazette (playbooklet), October 17, 1981. Introduction.

"Mugnaini," Ten Views of the Moon, November 1981. Introduction.

"Preface," The Dinosaurs, Illustrated by William Stout. New York: Bantam Books, November 1981. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury," Starlog, December 1981. Interview.

"The Martian Chronicler," Aircal, December 1981. Interview.

Bradbury, Ray. “Beyond 1984: The People Machines” in Lisa Taylor, ed. Cities: The Forces That Shape Them, Rizzoli, 1982.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Ray Bradbury Goes Voyaging Through Books," Appeal to Reason #2, April 1982. Speech.

"Ray Bradbury: An interview," Abraham Drassinower and Cheryl Kemkow. Dial Tone, April 1982. Copyright © 1982 by Stanford University.

"Bradbury's SF Books Find 'Real' Home at BGSU Library," Daily Sentinel-Tribune, April 20, 1982. Interview.

"A Painter of Pictures, A Teller of Tales," Joseph Mugnaini: Drawings and Graphics, Metuchen: The Scarecrow Press, May 1982. Introduction.

"Portrait of the Artist as a Partner," PSA, May 1982. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: For The Monkey's Paw," The Arbor House Celebrity Book of Horror Stories, edited by Charles G. Waugh and Martin H. Greenberg. New York: Arbor House, June 1982. Introduction.

"Wicked Dreams Can Come True," Moviegoer, June 1982.

"I Sing the Bookstore Electric," California, July 1982. Article.

"How to Keep and Feed a Muse," The Complete Poems of Ray Bradbury, August 1982. Introduction.

"Author's Introduction," Fahrenheit 451, September 1982. Introduction.

"Bradbury: Shooting Haiku in a Barrel," Film Comment, November-December 1982. Interview.

"Beaumont Remembered," The Best of Charles Beaumont, December 1982. Introduction.

"Beyond 1984: The People Machine," Cities: The Forces That Shape Them, December 1982. Article.

"Final Word," Theatre LA (premier issue), January 1983. Speech.

"1982: A Helicyon Year for the Artists of Science Fiction," Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, January 2, 1983. Article.

"Interview with Ray Bradbury," Hollywood Post, March 1983. Interview.

"A Talk with Ray Bradbury," The Art of Al Williamson, April 1983. Interview.

"Filming a Ray Bradbury Fantasy," New York Times, April 24, 1983. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury Retreats to His Boyhood," Style (Los Angeles Herald-Examiner), April 24, 1983. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury on Something Wicked This Way Comes," Fangoria #27, May 1983. Interview.

"Legendary Sci Fi Writer: Ray Bradbury Discusses Something Wicked This Way Comes," SWTWC Pressbook, [May] 1983. Interview.

"Disney Returns to Quality with Something Wicked This Way Comes," The Muncie Star, May 1, 1983. Interview.

"Ray's Wicked Ways," The Toronto Star, May 1, 1983. Interview.

"Labor of Love Worth Wait for Ray Bradbury," Minneapolis Star-Tribune, May 6, 1983. Interview.

"A Sci Fi Master's Wicked Pleasure," Newsday, May 8, 1983. Interview.

"Introduction," Dinosaur Tales, June 1983. Introduction.

"Something Wicked This Way Comes," (part 1-no part 2), Fantastic Films #34, July 1983. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes," Starlog, July 1983. Interview.

"Three Blind Mice and More on the Run," State of the Art, October 1983. Introduction.

"Introduction," October, October 1983. Introduction.

"Something Wicked This Way Comes," Movie and Video (England), October 1983. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: Literature as Lark," Whispers, October 1983. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: Writer," The Right-Brain Experience, November 1983. Interview.

"Preface to 'There Will Come Soft Rains'," Top Science Fiction, [Undated] 1984. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury: Imagine," Intro, January 1984. Interview.

"Hammett? Chandler? Not to Worry!" A Memory of Murder, February 1984. Introduction.

"Talking With Ray Bradbury," Footsteps, Spring 1984. Interview.

"Author, Author," Openers, Spring 1984. Interview.

"Grand Tour 2484," Traveling in Style (Los Angeles Times), March 25, 1984. Article.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Willis O'Brien: The Oaklander Who Created King Kong," Willis O'Brien, March 1984. Introduction.

"Em Squared," David Em, March 1984. Introduction.

"Bradbury 13: An Interview with Ray Bradbury," Writer's West, March-April 1984. Interview.

"Management from Within," Magazine of Innovative Management, April 1984. Article.

"I Only Do It To Annoy, Because I Know It Teases," Los Angeles, April 1984. Introduction.

"A Mid-Western Boy Spins Downtown Dreams," Downtown News, April 24, 1984. Interview.

"Author's Note," Forever and the Earth (Limited Editiobn), May 1984. Introduction.

"Angeletos on Our Way to the Moon," Official Olympic Souvenir Program, July 1984. Article.

"Los Angeles: Where Did It Go? When Will It Arrive?" Los Angeles With Love, July 1984. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury: Video Vs. Books," Video Review, August 1984. Article.

"The Big Stuff of Small Talk," A Dictionary of Media Terms, August 1984. Introduction.

"A Salute to Superman," Superman Anniversary Issue #400, August 1984. Introduction.

"Interview with Ray Bradbury," Los Angeles Exclusive (Premier Issue) Fall 1984. Interview.

"Author Bradbury Returns to Boyhood Haunts in Waukegan," Time Out (Waukegan News-Sun), October 27-28, 1984. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury on How to Write," Writer's Connection, November 1984. Interview.

"Looking to the Future with Optimism," The Optimist, November 1984. Interview.

"An Interview with Ray Bradbury," Southern California Anthology 1984, December 1984. Interview.

"Foreword: A Journey of Books," The Undead, December 1984. Introduction.

"Introduction," Richard Matheson: He is Legend, December 1984. Introduction.

"Beyond 1984: Our Incredible Journey," Acropolis #72, December 1984. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury: Portrait of the Illustrated Man," Daily Trojan (USC), January 22, 1985. Interview.

"Big Orange Si! Big Apple No!" Orange County, March 1985. Introduction.

"Something Lovely This Way Comes," Opinion (Los Angeles Times), March 10, 1985. Article.

"The World Interdependence Fund Believes," World Interdependence Fund, April 1985. Introduction.

"Introduction to 'The Fog Horn'," Top Fantasy, April 1985. Introduction.

"Bradbury Hears Voices in the Night," View (The Los Angeles Times) April 17, 1985. Interview.

"Foreword," The Blackstone Book of Magic & Illusion, June 1985. Introduction.

"Introduction," 13 for Corwin, June 1985. Introduction.

"Saluting a Master of Magic Kingdoms," Calendar (Los Angeles Times), July 14, 1985. Article.

"Ray Bradbury, Science Ficiton Writer," God &, July 1985. Interview.

"How Novelist Bradbury Learned to Relax and Love the Modern World," The Day (New London), August 25, 1985. Interview.

"I've Never Worked a Day in My Life," Maryland Coast Dispatch, August 30, 1985. Interview.

"And Who Has Seen Our Playboy Clear?" The Art of Playboy, September 1985. Introduction.

"A Special Message for the First Edition," Death is a Lonely Business (Franklin Mint), November 1985. Introduction.

"Whales and Libraries and Dreams," The Horror Show, Winter 1985. Interview.

"Halley and Twain: Their Comet," The Arrival of Halley's Comet (England), December 1985. Introduction.

"Sci Fi's Master Author Plays At His Work," Accent (Columbus Dispatch), December 13, 1985. Interview.

"My Favorite Christmas Memory," Woman's Day, December 26, 1985. Article.

"Nostalgia for the Future," Writer's Digest, February 1986. Interview.

"Things That Go Bump in the Night," City Lights (New York Daily News), February 16, 1986. Interview.

"Fantasy Writer Spins TV Hit," Life Style (News-Sun Sentinel), February 22, 1986. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury Interviews Chuck Jones," Stan Lee's Comic Feature, March 1986. Interview.

"What's on Ray Bradbury's Mind?" San Francisco Examiner, March 7, 1986. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury's Life Long Passion for Writing," Focus (Evening Outlook), March 7, 1986. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury's View of the Future," San Diego Tribune, March 13, 1986. Interview.

"A Conversation with Ray Bradbury," Scholastic Voice, March 21, 1986. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury on Bradbury: Life and Love," Fullerton Observer, April 1, 1986. Interview.

"The Ray Bradbury Theatre," Cinefantastique, May 1986. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury's Time Machine," Inland Empire, June 1986. Interview.

"Wonders and Astonishments: The Way of Celebrations," Celebrations Vol. 1, June 1986. Introduction.

"Et Les Handicapes Marchefront Sur Le Vent," Lenouvel Observateur (France), June 23-July 7, 1986. Article.
--Reprinted as “Paris: Always Destroyed, Always Triumphant” in Bradbury Speaks: Too Soon from the Cave, Too Far From the Stars, 2005.

"There Is Life on Mars and It's Us," Planetary Report, July-August 1986. Article.

"Whales, Libraries, and Dreams," Fantasy Review, July-August 1986. Interview.

"To 'The Dead Man'," Masters of Darkness, August 1986. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury," Living (New Haven Register), August 21, 1986. Interview.

"Metaphor is Everything," Windows, Summer-Fall 1986. Article.
--Developed into “The Voyage to Far Metaphor and Elephant India: A Preface” in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"On Roller Skates in Hollywood," Reader's Digest (Also Large Print Edition), September 1986. Article.

"Ray Bradbury: At Work with the Business of Metaphors," Starlog, September 1986. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury Remembers Charles Beaumont," Our Glass, October 1986. Interview.

"A Message From Ray Bradbury," Western Spaceport Museum, November 1986. Article.

"Introduction," Ray Bradbury Introduces Tales of Dungeons and Dragons, December 1986. Introduction.

"Ray Bradbury: Confederation Guest of Honor Speech," Science Fiction Chronicle, December 1986. Speech.

"Remembrance," Frank Herbert's Dune, Undated [1987]. Tribute.

“Art and Science Fiction,” Byron Preiss, ed. The Universe. Bantam: 1987.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Ray Bradbury's Gift to the Disabled: Life as Celestial Swimmers," TV Guide, January 17-23, 1987. Article.

"Bradbury Lets Characters Tell Him Their Own Stories," Carlsbad Journal, January 24, 1987. Interview.

"Bradbury Endures Scorn with 'Flash Gordon' Labels," Hornet Highlights, January 30, 1987. Interview.

"An Interview with Ray Bradbury," Northridge Review, Spring 1987. Interview.

"Yestermorrow Place," Designer's West, March 1987. Article.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Imagination and Creativity," Title News, March-April 1987. Speech.

"Author's Note," Boy's Life, May 1987. Introduction.

"Martian Chronicler Comes to Pasadena," Focus, May 24, 1987. Interview.

"Venetian Chronicles," Main, May-June 1987. Interview.

"The Great American 'What Am I Doing Here and Why Did I Buy That' Hardware Store," Designer's West, June 1987. Article.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Success Without College," National Enquirer, June 9, 1987. Interview.

"Close Encounters With Ray Bradbury," Steven Spielberg Film Society Newsletter, August 1987. Speech.

"The Aesthetics of Size: A Twilight Museum Blueprint," Designer's West, September 1987. Article.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Art and SF: Unbuilt Cities, Unrealized Dreams," The Universe, October 1987. Article.

"Go Not to Graveyards, Meet Me at Sloan's," Designer's West, November 1987. Article.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Why Superman? Why Today?" The Man of Steel, November 1987. Introduction.

Untitled (To Forrest J. Ackerman), Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: The World of Forrest J. Ackerman Auction, November 1987. Tribute.

Untitled (On Close Encounters), Steven Spielberg Film Society Newsletter #28, November 1987. Tribute.

"Ray Bradbury Interview," Westwind, Spring 1988. Interview.

"Future Focus: Ray Bradbury," Captain Power, Spring 1988. Interview.

"To Be Transported," Designer's West, March 1988. Article.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991. (This book gives the date as December 1988.)

"Leapfrogging Time," Focus (Herald Journal), March 24, 1988. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury Writes from Life, Bible, and the Future," Intermountain Catholic, March 25, 1988. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury's Life, Time, and Work," The Martian Chronicles (Monarch Notes), April 1988. Interview.

"Take Time to Let Ideas Prove Themselves," Santa Clara American Weekly, April 27, 1988. Interview.

"The Master of Science Fiction," Palm Springs Magazine, May 17, 1988. Interview.

"Yes, We'll Gather at The River: L. A. Pedestrians Arise," Designer's West, June 1988. Article.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Preface," Ray Bradbury Review (Reprint), June 1988. Introduction.

"Introduction," Lord John Ten, July 1988. Introduction.

"Bedfellows Forever?" Style (Los Angeles Herald-Examiner), July 17, 1988. Interview.

"Why Disney Will Live Forever," Mickey is Sixty, August 1988. Article.
--Developed into “The Hipbone of Abraham L.” in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Where Was George?" Arthur Laffer Newsletter, August 11, 1988. Speech.

"How Merry the Melodies, How Looney the Tunes: You Realize This Means War," That's All Folks!, October 1988. Introduction.

"The Aesthetics of Lostness," Designer's West, November 1988. Article.
--Reprinted in Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures, 1991.

"Elsa's Story: What Else About Elsa?" A Gamut of Girls, November 1988. Introduction.

"Live Forever," Something Wicked This Way Comes, November 1988. Introduction.

"An Interview With Ray Bradbury," Special Effects Business, November 1988. Interview.

"Roy Squires: An Appreciation," Locus, November 1988. Tribute.

"Playing With Fire," News-Sentinel (Ft. Wayne), November 3, 1988. Interview.

"Bradbury Keeps His Mind on the Future," Living (Journal Gazette), November 3, 1988. Interview.

"Taking This Play's Temperature," Fahrenheit 451 Premier (Playbooklet), November 10, 1988. Introduction.

"On Shaw's Best Books for Children," Shaw 9, No Date [1989]. Article.

"Foreword and Afterword," I Get the Blues When It Rains, No Date [1989]. Introduction.

"Famed Sci Fi Writer Visits Riverside," The Highlander, January 10, 1989. Interview.

Bradbury, Ray. “Celluloid City.” Westways, January-February 1989.
--Reprinted as “L. A.: We Are the World!: A New-Millennium Revolution” in Bradbury Speaks: Too Soon from the Cave, Too Far From the Stars, 2005.

"The Illustrated Man" (Part 1), Fear #4 (England), January-February 1989. Interview.

"Fore and Aft," Spring Thaw, March 1989. Introduction.

"The Illustrated Man" (Part 2), Fear #5 (England), March-April 1989. Interview.

"Seattle Should Be Torn Down and Started Again," Scene (The Seattle Times), March 27, 1989. Interview.

"From the Author," A Night of Delicate Terrors, April 1989. Introduction.

"SF Writer Issues Call To Arms," Scottsdale Progress, April 27, 1989. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: A True Renaissance Man," Beach Reporter, May 25, 1989. Interview.

"Looking Backward: Bradbury Reminisces," WB (Premier Issue), May-June, 1989. Interview.

"Seeing Double: The Aesthetics of Aldo Sessa." Aldo Sessa: El Arte de la Fotografia, June 1989. Introduction.

"Foreword," Back There Where The Past Was, July 1989. Introduction.

"His Fiction Is Down to Science," Part II (New York Newsday) July 6, 1989. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury's Timeless Terrain," Style (Washington Post) July 7, 1989. Interview.

"More Mystery and Magic From the Bradbury Machine," Date Book (San Francisco Chronicle) July 9, 1989. Interview.

Untitled, Writer's Digest Guide Book Vol. 7, September 1989. Interview.

"Foreword," Foundation's Friends, September 1989. Introduction.

"From Ray Bradbury," Collected Stories: Richard Matheson, September 1989. Introduction.

"A Weather of Palettes," Designer's West, November 1989. Article.

"Bradbury Emphasizes Unlimited Imagination," Thew Cavalier Daily, November 16, 1989. Interview.

"Ray Bradbury: The Venetian Chronicles," Bay News (Santa Monica), November 17-23, 1989. Interview.

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Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I've just had a look at the ProQuest listings on Ray for 1989-2012 and found over 8,500 items! I'm seriously shrinking from continuing this listing past 1989!
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Part of the problem is the rise of the internet from mid-1990s onwards: from this point, every item, however trivial, will have been noted for posterity (even if the full text isn't preserved online). There's nothing for it, but to manually go through the ProQuest listings and crossing off the duplicates and secondhand references.

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
Posts: 5032 | Location: UK | Registered: 07 April 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Yeah, there can't be that many actual items, but ouch.
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Good work Dandelion!

Sometimes the introductions that Ray wrote for various books are as entertaining as anything to be found in the books themselves. A while back it occurred to me that someone oughta' publish them all together in a single volume... That might be manageable, but looking over your list, I see that a single volume containing all of his non-fiction would be impossible to lift!
Posts: 109 | Registered: 23 August 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Dandy's list conjured a search. The topic of "complete RB works" has been bantered here for years. A prodigious challenge, indeed!

Here is an interesting sequence of ideas from just a "few years ago!"

(Amazed ~ my first posting, Nov. 01!! 11 yrs. of always interesting information.)
Posts: 2831 | Location: Basement of a NNY Library | Registered: 07 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Actually, if you search ProQuest by "Subject" and "Author" rather than "All Fields," the number of results is reasonable.

To concentrate on items by and about Ray, I am leaving out reviews of books, movies, radio and stage adaptations, interviews with people about working on projects of his unless they deal with him specifically, and articles about his inspiring influence, also small and incidental items.

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Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hi again. Just wanted to say I had to quit this back in October due to physical problems brought on by excessive keyboard use. It's done now. The total came to 98 pages of included items. (Non-included items are listed above.) Since I've already put 80 pages on here, finishing should not be near as bad as I feared. The changes I've just made include items reprinted in books.
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by dandelion:
"Birds of a Different Feather Nest Under Bradbury Wing," by S. L. Stebel, Calendar (Los Angeles Times), June 24, 1973...

This article is online in full - see my blog post for today.

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
Posts: 5032 | Location: UK | Registered: 07 April 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Kewl! Always glad to learn of these things!
Posts: 7356 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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