| He found out he was right and everyone else was wrong when, at age 9, he destroyed his collection of Buck Rogers comic strips due to classmates' teasing. (As an adult, he wrote the introduction to a Buck Rogers collection.) The next time he threw anything away was before his wedding in September of 1947, when he burned about a million words he had written, which "was all bad writing," and he was glad he burned it. As far as I know, he hasn't thrown away much before or anything since. He still has the toy dial typewriter on which he wrote stories as a child. I finally learned (going through antique stores) what this is. The keyboard is fake and all the letters are capitals on a dial. You turn the dial to the letter you want, then press a lever to print it--a laborious process! (As far as I know, this never appeared in his fiction--just the nickel tablet and Ticonderoga pencil.) He pestered himself into work at a radio station, where he'd sweep up and was given the job of reading comics on the air. His family was so poor that, unlike Douglas Spaulding, he didn't have a choice of an upstairs room, or a foldout bed downstairs on hot nights--just the foldout bed. He almost never had money. Snuck into movies and would sneak magazines out of stores, read them, and sneak them back. The only time he was ever caught he was caught putting one back, and since they had no rule against returning things, they did nothing to him. He used to listen to the radio and rewrite the scripts from memory (which is where all this is from, so please don't ask me for sources!) His favorite radio program was "Vic and Sade." (I know, my parents never heard of it either, but Ray wrote the introduction to a book on that, too.) This featured a character named Rush Gook, played by Bill Idelson, who went on to quite a career as a TV actor and writer. You can catch his work on "The Dick Van Dyke Show," "The Odd Couple," and others. Anyhow, he remembered they sang some silly song about flowers, and Ray astonished him by beginning to sing the song--from having heard it ONCE on the radio over 30 years previously! So, be careful what you say/do around Ray--this guy never forgets! |