I am a reader for the blind and would like to read a Halloween story by Ray Bradbury that I saw in the Reader's Digest, 1970's or 80's. It was a long time ago, but I remember it being about celebrating Halloween with his aunt, who really enjoyed scaring the kiddies. Anybody know anything about this little story? Much appreciate, thanks.
Thank you all so much for your recommendations. They will be much appreciated by my audience in Haloweens to come. I read mostly 20-page short stories (so the story can be complete in the hour-long program). Any suggestions? I remember a Bradbury story about a woman crossing an empty lot, with something following her. Scariest thing I ever read. Does anyone remember the title?
Thanks for all the good recommendations. Since I have a weekly Mystery program on a radio reading service for the blind, I may read them anyway since they all sound so interesting. Imagine...a gray-haired 60-year-old trying to scare a bunch of blind people. How very Bradleyesque!
Storyteller. Your radio program for the blind sounds great. That is the kind of thing that keeps my faith up in humanity. When I read posts out here of people who are taxing their brains in teaching positions so they can try and turn a light on in some student's mind, and do a program like this, and persons involved (like Greg Miller, Nard and OctoberCountry) in the creative arts, it is just great.
I'm blushing. Actually, reading for the blind is more fun than I can say. You get to act without worrying about a script and can try different voices and emotional states. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Anybody interested, look for a radio reading service for the blind in your area. Often public radio stations have such a facility. Thanks for the encouragement--it has been fun talking to you all.