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Moderators: dandelion, philnic
Something Wicked v. F451 v. F911
As a fan of EARLY Bradbury, I must remind the author in his current unjustified contretemps about Moore's 911, that the author lifted a title for the masterful "Something Wicked This Way Comes" from Shakespeare. Perhaps
Mr. Bradbury should also go to the grave of William, book in hand, and apologize? Of course not. The misplaced dodderings of Mr. Bradbury sully him and his book about free speech and threaten to make Mr. Bradbury look less like a writer and more like the misguided fools that burned books in F451. F451 will only benefit from the press F911 gives it. Perhaps there is something darker going on here? Like Ray Bradbury the Bush supporter? Ray Bradbury, the censor? I hate to think Mr. Bradbury is on the wrong side of history here.
Posts: 3 | Location: Long Beach, CA USA | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I like to think Mr. Bradbury's primary motive is anger at not being consulted first, and then the supposed avoidance by Moore of the issue after Mr. Bradbury tried to contact him.

What needs to be done is for Mr. Bradbury to clarify his position on this -- if any -- on the front of this web site.
Posts: 3 | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I understand Bradbury's anger. Was it so difficult for Moore to contact him first?

I guess Michael Moore is too busy eating cheeseburgers and trying to think of more ways to make money off American tragedies.
Posts: 3 | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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well, i dont understqand ray's anger.
no one is going to confuse the the moore film with the bradbury book.
why does moore have to ask permission?
titles aren't copyright protected.
f ray

Originally posted by Boscoe:
I understand Bradbury's anger. Was it so difficult for Moore to contact him first?

I guess Michael Moore is too busy eating cheeseburgers and trying to think of more ways to make money off American tragedies.
Posts: 1 | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Dear Mr. Bradbury,

Here is a man who honors your work. You have always been a visionary. Writing Sci-Fi works involving civil rights on Mars. In a time when no white man would touch the subject. The fact that you are an author should itself be an indication of your believe in freedom of speech.

And yes now to the point. Michael Moore has honored you in remembering your novel. The reference to your book does not detract from its importance but adds to it. I had to explain to my wife and friends why the title of Mr. Moore's film was so poignant. If you don't see how the government and the film industy's fervor in it's need to surpress this film quantiifies your book, I'm not sure what to do. I always believed in your relentless nature. Your intesity of belief and trust in the human spirit. This is all shown in your collected works.

You obviously have the right to object to any unauthorized reference to your brilliant works. First, see Mr. Moore's film, then if you find it so offensive, make public your stand. But to ask for a change in its title, ??? What are you afraid of?

Best regards,
Chad F Herendeen
Posts: 2 | Location: canandaigua, ny, usa | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'm new here. Is this board always like this, fretful and angry? I thought this was supposed to be a place that honored the author, Ray Bradbury, and his writings.

kinogod. What does your name imply? You are a kind of god? Sorry, but it seems to me that's what you are conveying. Also, maybe you can explain to me why there are so many arrogant people here. Thank you
Posts: 384 | Location: Anaheim, CA. | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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In a word, no. Most "fretful or angry" posts come during the school year from kids who resent an assignment and decide to alleviate their boredom by posting something offensive on the board. Usually they are quickly deleted and don't return. Summers are generally quiet around here.

The resident regular attempted fightpicker here is Translator, who occasionally displays arrogance. He just gained a whole bunch of new company who make his contributions look quite reasonable!
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Originally posted by kinogod:
As a fan of EARLY Bradbury, I must remind the author in his current unjustified contretemps about Moore's 911, that the author lifted a title for the masterful "Something Wicked This Way Comes" from Shakespeare. Perhaps
Mr. Bradbury should also go to the grave of William, book in hand, and apologize?

No, because the works of Shakespeare are in the public domain.

Farenheit 451 is not in the public domain and will not be for many decades.

Please educate yourself on the nature of intellectual property.

You embarassed yourself badly with your post.
Posts: 3 | Location: Washington, DC | Registered: 23 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Because titles cannot be copywrited, this is a moral issue, not legal; Moore did not kindly ask permission like Ray would have liked.

Because it is a moral issue, the argument can be made that Bradbury should apologize to the dead souls from which he's stole.
Posts: 9 | Location: orem, ut, usa | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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"Something Wicked This Way Comes" is one line in one play by Shakespeare (Macbeth). It is not the title of a work by Shakespeare. And Shakespeare is dead and has been dead for centuries. There is no moral issue there. It is a borrowed line from a work of fiction, and Bradbury does not claim to be writing a version of Macbeth with his story. Moore on the other hand is attempting to use his documentary to say Ray Bradbury's world in 451 is becoming a reality under the Bush administration. The title solidifies this slant, and can create the impression that Bradbury was a prophet saying the world would turn to crap, and that it has under the Bush administration. Maybe Ray doesn't believe this, and even if he did believe this, Michael Moore should have had the decency to ask Ray Bradbury if he wanted to be associated with Moore's agenda. Also, it's one thing if an author has been dead and buried for centuries, another if they're living.
Posts: 7 | Location: USA | Registered: 23 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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You are one of the few voices of reasonableness I've read in days...
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The movie is satire.

The title honors the book.

Mr. Bradbury has the right to complain, and Michael Moore has the right to ignore him.
Posts: 3 | Location: Columbus, OH, USA | Registered: 23 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by kinogod:
Perhaps there is something darker going on here? Like Ray Bradbury the Bush supporter? Ray Bradbury, the censor? I hate to think Mr. Bradbury is on the wrong side of history here.

Where are you getting these off the wall ideas? Please tell me, I could use a good laugh.
Posts: 106 | Location: El Paso, TX. USA | Registered: 04 March 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Yes, it is I (or is it "it is me?"). I am the resident fightpicker. But the arrogance part - well, I deal in arrogance when it is first dealt to me. I'll let history and posterity judge me.

Cheers, Translator
Posts: 626 | Location: Maple, Ontario, Canada | Registered: 23 February 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I can understand why Bradbury is upset. What if he is a Republican? I'm one, and I would be appalled to find that the title from one of my stories was linked to a movie that does nothing but pound democratic propaganda and Anti-Bush sentiments into the public's face. I can't stand Democrats, the cold-hearted weasels, and, if I were in his shoes, I would give Moore hell. If he is indeed a Democrat (I would be very sorry to hear it) then I don't see, really, why he would be upset. That's just my thoughts on the topic, be nice , I'm only 18 and easily riled up.
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