I was browsing imdb.com the other day and came across this its a documentary on the making of something wicked this way comes which was shown on TV in 1983, I know this is a long shot but I've tried everywhere else, but I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get a copy of this, download it or maybe even the who I might contact to get hold of a copy, thank you
[This message has been edited by fireflyinthegarden (edited 04-28-2004).]
I went to Amazon about a month ago, and they had multiple copies for sale. I managed to get a used, but never taken out of the cellophane, copy for under $10. They shipped it to me in a matter of days, and I've enjoyed the movie twice already.
you mean you they were selling copies of the documentary? cos if you mean the film itself I didnt make myself clear, oops. I dont have a problem finding the movie itself, just this documentary on the making of it, thank you for replying though
Sorry, I don't know where you can get the "making of" film. There is apparently a new DVD release of Something Wicked later this year (see this link.)
Maybe, if we are very very good, the nice people at Disney Home Video will include the "making of" as an extra. There may still be time to write to them and beg them to do it. I would willingly pay money for it!
- Phil
[This message has been edited by philnic (edited 04-28-2004).]
Posts: 5032 | Location: UK | Registered: 07 April 2003
ha, good idea, they should also put the audio commentary by Rad Bradbury thats on the laserdiscs aswell, sadly I dont think they will though but we can hope.
Not that they ever listen, but does anyone know what means we should employ to beg? Some special person to contact, perhaps? Anyone have a friend or relative working for Disney who could find out?
Posts: 7360 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001
I went to the Walt Disney Pictures site, who own the rights of the film I guess, but there's no contact email or any means of contacting them at all, apart from a flimsy FAQ, so I'm out of ideas lol
[This message has been edited by fireflyinthegarden (edited 04-29-2004).]