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Let's Find a Way to Get Bradbury Nominated for a Nobel Prize
In this Great Symposium/Gathering of Fans, Friends and Important Other People, someone must know someone, be someone, or be able to do something ...to get things rolling in the right direction....

click on, or type into finder: http://www.literature-awards.com/how_nobel_laureates_are_chosen.htm
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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NOW you're talking!
Posts: 7360 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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� � � Hey! � � �

Let's start with some of the 'teachers' onboard this website by writing a letter....

What do you say you guys...???.

Like: Mr. Dark, from Texas
Like: fjpalumbo... from New York
Like: Imskipper from Naperville, Illinois

Hey, who else is out there....?
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The criteria at the site Nard highlighted indiated that it had to be a university-affiliated professor. I am humbly, but happily, attached to a community college, so I do not meet the requirements. I have an old professor who taught fantasy, but I don't know if he'd be willing to create (or forward one I created) a letter from him (a university professor) for Ray. I'll try and contact him and see if there is any interest.
Posts: 2769 | Location: McKinney, Texas | Registered: 11 May 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I am sorry but not a university professor!!!! Is there another way to help you?
Posts: 73 | Location: portugal | Registered: 10 November 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I too would be ineligible to nominate him, as I am a humble seventh grade teacher. I do think it's a great idea though. I believe the nominations for this year are closed, but perhaps for next year??
Posts: 774 | Location: Westmont, Illinois 60559 | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I bet if you start kicking this thing around... finding those that can help who love Ray's work and wouldn't mind putting together a letter to send to the powers that be at the Nobel Committee, something just might happen. Things do take on a life of their own.

Mr. Dark...Thanks!... for anything you may do. There are those out there, I am sure, who dearly love Ray's work, working in exactly those places of power in the Universities that would qualify them to nominate...and that probably never thought along the lines of such a possibility ...

Will try to find more detailed account of all that is involved in the process, and post it at that time.....
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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This would be the place to nurture the spark. Universities, publishers, critics, and fans (of course) could be called upon to weigh in. Dandy, Nard, Mr. Dark, et al, how about an official contact with this site's administrators @ Harper?
Posts: 732 | Registered: 29 November 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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If I don't hear from them by tomorrow, I'm writing a letter by snail mail and will mention this when I do.
Posts: 7360 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Found these 'bits' of info....
and... http://www.nobel.se/literature

[This message has been edited by Nard Kordell (edited 03-13-2003).]
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Ray Can't win a Nobel Prize, His work could certainly do that, ah but its thought of as science fiction! Oh Well.
Posts: 847 | Location: Laguna Hills, CA USA | Registered: 02 January 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Ray's voluminous body of work sweeps a far broader spectrum than people are generally aware. Lodge large and many complaints to those booksellers and 'shelvers' ...who place his books in one simply lousy category: Sci-Fi !

Wonderful Ice Cream Suit ...is shelved in Science Fiction...though it is the life and times of 4 hispanics in search of identity and love thru the possession of one white, vanilla ice cream colored suit. There are Ray's Irish tales, based on his experiences in Ireland while writing the screenplay for Moby Dick. Thus, consider his novel, Green Shadows, White Whale, shelved under...yep, Science Fiction. Same for his Irish plays, like Falling Upward, The Anthem Sprinters, and others. Then there are all his poetry books, likes of ...When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed; his new mystery novels, like his latest, Let's All Kill Constance....mind you, all shelved under 'Science Fiction'....His many other plays, Pillar of Fire, The Foghorn, To the Chicago Abyss, and others, all to be found in that all inclusive, blatantly misguided, over-used, totally unappropriate section of .... Science Fiction. Same everywhere I have gone, Border's Books, Pickwick's, and even smaller places....Somewhere, I am sure, someone's got it right, but Gallup would find them in the minority for sure....

But it is in his grand influence over the lives of so vast a cross section of personalities, peoples, professions and countries, that find in reading Bradbury an indelible experience that constructively affects one's life.

Out there, a vast oasis of intelligensia have discovered the written pallette of Ray Bradbury. It defies explanations. Moreover, they have been profoundly changed... as a corner of the great mysteries that abound everywhere have glittered in the light of his prose. They remember with great love, the first discoveries of his works, and have realized how they have personally been affected for the better because of it . In addition, they are most qualified to write that letter of recommendation to the appropriate people on the Nobel committee.
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Take a close look at the recent collections
Driving Blind, and Quicker Than The Eye, or
One More For The Road. Each hold gems of the human condition compassionatly examined from each angle to shine a new light, and facet of our precious lives so we can appreciate the warmth, and beauty,we so often pass as ordinary. Mr Bradbury has so much soul written into his work that to omit this type of an award would be a literal crime. His influence on generations of readers, and authors will long be felt as his books will be read for years to come. Unfortunatly he is biodegradable: it would be an exellent opportunity to provide such an honor to a
irrepressible force of nature that has contributed so much to so many while still
pumping out the priceless. All it takes is the initiative, so please would someone with the credentials give it a go.
Thanks, Uncle A.G.S.

[This message has been edited by uncle (edited 03-15-2003).]
Posts: 247 | Location: Utah, U.S.A. | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Okay....let's keep the idea of this alive!!!

If anyone has ANY idea of any 'suitable' professors, etc. that may want to write a letter supporting Ray in this matter, PLEASE post it here....or e-mail it to me...or Dandelion...

Sam Weller, the biographer of Ray Bradbury, said it well..."Ray is the most influential writer of this Century." He listed a half dozen reasons.... and there are dozens and dozens plus reasons ....evidence abounding.

A Simple Aside:::
Did you hear the story of the Sony Walkman? How about A. Hitchcock and 'The Birds'.... ?
How about Elton John's song, Rocket Man; Ringo Starr and Bradbury...?

[This message has been edited by Nard Kordell (edited 03-27-2003).]
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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No reply from the publishers yet, but isn't Sam Weller a college professor? He must have friends in the right places!
Posts: 7360 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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