It looks as if Ray had a book titled Juggernaut nearly finished he felt unable to complete. Ray suggested that Sam Weller knew him and his work well enough and they had enough in common that Sam could finish for him. Sam said that he could not finish someone else's work, and it apparently dropped five or six years ago. Besides any current or upcoming scholarly volumes prepared by Jon Eller I do not know. Sorry to say this but glad for the interest.
Posts: 7358 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001
One of my biggest regrets was not picking up a copy of THE COMPLETE MARTIAN CHRONICLES when it came out. I wavered at the time as it seemed a bit of a of course I'd kill for a copy but they've gone beyond my budget. Live and learn.
Sam Weller is working on a deluxe, limited coffee table edition of LISTEN TO THE ECHOES: THE RAY BRADBURY INTERVIEWS with new material and color photos and more. Should be out for Halloween.
And Weller and Mort Castle's SHADOW SHOW graphic novel is on the preliminary ballot for a Bram Stoker Award.