| Mr B, there is a hardcover book series called RAY BRADBURY: THE COLLECTED STORIES which is systematically working through Ray's short fiction in the order of composition and/or publication. Volume 1 covers 1938-1943. Volume 2 is in the works at present, with volume 3 expected to follow. It's a semi-academic publication, which is to say that it has the stories as Ray intended them to be seen, but it also has explanatory essays and notes. Unfortunately, this makes the volumes a bit expensive, but if you have access to a university library, it's the kind of thing they ought to have on the shelves. Amazon link for volume 1: http://www.amazon.com/Collecte...ry+collected+stories |
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| Thank you for the link, I will make a point of asking for it for my birthday I think! Must admit to not regularly spending so much on a book, not that they are not worth any amount of money, but I just find so much worth reading for sale ex libris, at op shops, garage sales, remainders stores etc. these are the places where I have found all my Bradbury books over the years, apart from Illustrated man, October country and Halloween tree given to me by my mother. |
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| quote: Originally posted by Mr. B: Was most impressed with the short story finder list, and to a degree reassured that I have a lot of rays stories in the easier to find anthologies. I have one question. Is there any likelihood that the earlier uncollected magazine stories of rays will be collected?
A number of these earlier hard-to-find "uncollected" stories have appeared in chapbooks from Gauntlet Press, Bradbury Stories: 100 of Bradbury's Most Celebrated Tales, and The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition. Also, look for Futuria Fantasia by Graham Publishing (this collects ALL the old fanzines in one hardbound book). Regarding my own collection, I just compiled 17 "uncollected" stories into a book (I used Blurb). It just arrived yesterday and I am pleased with it! I am working on the second book of uncollected stories now. |
| Posts: 201 | Location: santa clara, ca, usa | Registered: 24 July 2004 |  
| quote: Originally posted by djmonolith: ...Also, look for Futuria Fantasia by Graham Publishing (this collects ALL the old fanzines in one hardbound book)...
...or the online versions I mentioned here! |
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| I found this board while I was trying to find the name of the story suetheblue was looking for also. I post on the imdb message boards,and another commenter and I were sure we had read a story similar to Benjamin Button, but that the protagonist was exhumed from his grave and began aging backward. I know her post is very old, and I don't know if she still reads this board, but tonight I was looking for another book in one of my book cases and I found a paperback anthology entitled 'Afterlives'. As soon as I saw the book, I was sure I would find the story. It is entitled, "Time of Passage" by J.G. Ballard. The story begins with the protagonist being exhumed from his grave and gradually returning to life. He then begins aging backward. I hope anyone else who had been looking for this short story will be as thrilled as I was to find it again. I thought it was either by Ray Bradbury or Robert Heinlein. J.G. Ballard also wrote an biographical novel called "Empire of the Sun' on which the movie is based. |
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| Hi angelosdaughter, and welcome to the board. We often find that the same stories get mistaken (or misremembered) as Bradbury stories over and over again, so the information you have provided will undoubtedly come in handy the NEXT time someone asks! |
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