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Christians Pray for Ray's Salvation (Pt 2)
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Thanks for all those who can remember Ray in prayer thru the summer. Thanks!

Hey, it's AUTUMN already! I guess we keep on praying!
Posts: 384 | Location: Anaheim, CA. | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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'Remember, that if you put new wine into old wine skins, it can burst the wine skin'.


So prayer can keep one from 'bursting' from new spiritual knowledge!
Posts: 162 | Registered: 04 January 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'd like to think that Ray is referring to a concept that was quite common in Christian thought before Biblical literalism took over a couple of centuries ago:

That there is the spark of God in everything, that we are all a part of God as opposed to separate from the Creator--we are just so busy being "us" that we don't bother to notice that connection to love and beauty and peace and harmony.

Kinda like the Force. Smiler

Doug and Dave, I agree with you.

As a Unitarian Universalist myself, I believe that other people arbitrarily deciding that Ray's beliefs are inadequate and he must somehow be changed, that he MUST conform to their beliefs, is indeed offensive.

It also makes me wonder if anyone who thinks that way was paying attention while they were reading Ray. One of the great themes of Ray's work is that Truth can come from many sources.

As for the fundamental tenant put forth here that the ONLY way to reward is belief in current interpretations of Christian doctrine. Meh.

A God who'd send good-hearted Buddhists and Hindus and anyone of another faith to eternal torment for not believing in a specific dogma seems hardly worthy of worship.

I believe in a God of Love and Compassion. THAT God, the God promised to us in the Bible, wouldn't be doing that to good, kind-hearted people.

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Posts: 5 | Location: Adirondack Mountains, NY State | Registered: 11 October 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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BillSmithBooks talks like a true liberal Universalist, who believes in about everything. When Christ talked about the road being narrow, the Universalist talks about the many roads that lead to God.

As to a God who sends good hearted Buddists to eternal torment, means that ol' Bill doesn't read scripture much at all, for that situation has been addressed in scripture. (it's one of those passages some like to think of as a "loophole") And if Bill read his Bible, he would understand that even Christ said there is no one that is good, except God. Universalists like to think they have a foot in the door, that there is something good about them and everyone. And the point is, there is nothing good in anyone except what God puts in there because of his Grace. Now that is fundamental Christianity know for two thousand years. Universalists just don't happen to like to confront their "sin", their short comings in front of their Creator, because then they would have to come to grips with the realization that they are powerless without a merciful God. That is why they accept anything and everybody. It makes judgment oh so far away. In fact, sin doesn't hardly exist.

As to the Universalist saying that Christians are forcing Ray to conform with "their" beliefs, the Universalist believes that one must conform to "their" beliefs. And it is already know that Ray Bradbury is considered a proud part of the Universalist movement, even tho Bradbury has consistently said that he refuses to be associated with any Religious or Political group. And so Bradbury hedges on all questions about his faith, saying he is "Almost a Christian but not quite!", for instance.

Across the board, Universalist have very minimal understanding of the meaning of Christ in you, or the hope of Glory. Or understanding who you are in Christ. Those terms mean nothing to them.

This forum, as I understand it, was simply to pray for Ray, as the initial first page on this forum suggested.

Posts: 624 | Location: San Francisco | Registered: 27 October 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'm pretty sure Ray and God will be a-ok when the time comes...which we all pray will be many years from now.

I'm sure Ray will share many laughs, a few jokes and have a grand time telling stories in the many rooms of the Lord's Mansion (or whatever other Metaphor you prefer).

I think God has a much better sense of humor (and forgiveness and compassion and love) than some of us give him credit for.
Posts: 5 | Location: Adirondack Mountains, NY State | Registered: 11 October 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Pretty sure? Gee, being pretty sure just is not enough. Anyway, Ray by his own admission doesn't buy a lot of the Christian stuff. He doesn't believe Christ died for his sins. . Actually, he strongly tends to go along with that 12 year old muse that writes all his stories, saying that re-incarnation is what's really in the cards.

And your comment about "when the time comes"? Hey, THIS is the time. When the time comes is when the door is closed with you in or out. Too late then. Your here to build a relation with God now, not suddenly try to learn your standing with him at the last moment. That's not a relationship.
Posts: 439 | Location: Oak Park, IL | Registered: 19 July 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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forget for CHRISTIANS
to PRAY for
during this UPCOMING
Posts: 439 | Location: Oak Park, IL | Registered: 19 July 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Posts: 624 | Location: San Francisco | Registered: 27 October 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Let's not forget Ray in prayer during this Christmas Season.
Pass it On.
Posts: 384 | Location: Anaheim, CA. | Registered: 21 June 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Yes, and everyday...those near, far away, present, past, striving, protecting, teaching, suffering, healing, smiling, crying, seeking, finding, hoping, and influencing! Mr. Bradbury deserves our prayers, as do all who have touched our lives somehow...sometime...remain a part of our experiences and memories.

How very fortunate we are!

Stars are shining brightly here in our Northern winter sky after a few days of cold, winds, and snow! Hey, Nard, Braling, Biplane, Rocket stop by for a hot cup of Christmas cheer.
Posts: 2832 | Location: Basement of a NNY Library | Registered: 07 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'd love that, Butch!
One o' these days...
Posts: 3169 | Location: Box in Braling I's cellar | Registered: 02 July 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I guess this is the closest place this fits: Nard had a stroke and is recovering. Please pray for his recovery, as well.

"Live Forever!"
Posts: 6909 | Location: 11 South Saint James Street, Green Town, Illinois | Registered: 02 October 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Please be well Mr. Kordell.
With a handshake in thought,
Posts: 861 | Location: Tuscaloosa, Alabama | Registered: 06 July 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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That's terrible, Doug! Please email me.

Good thoughts to Nard!
Posts: 7361 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Nard! "Get Well" wishes to you. Tink x
Posts: 396 | Location: Never Never Land, UK | Registered: 16 September 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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