I believe Ray will be remembered 100 years from now... (should Mercy add another 100 years)... for his writing that gathers us together to experience his love of the past, the present, the future, combined with his longings both for his family, and the future of men and women reaching for the stars....
How would you feel to discover a fellow calling out in the fifteenth century...for those who will someday transverse the Globe in hours, will talk one to another in far reaches of the continents in seconds, and be thrilled with pictures that come alive as entertainment, new music from musicians with unimaginable new instruments, and glass honed to a polish that brings the farthest objects nearly to touch....
I think I would be haunted by that author's uniqueness, his single voice in a wilderness of his unchanged days...
Bradbury's voice calls something similar, something different, but something for 'all the ages'....
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002
Mr. Electrico was right; Ray will truly live forever, and I like the idea of that. The thought of some "average Joe" schoolteacher much like myself some 100 years from now getting as much enjoyment from his books thrills me. Hopefully future generations will enjoy his books for the same reasons we do today--they are poetic and beautifully written, they are thought provoking, they are nostalgic, they are revitalizing to the spirit, they are just plain exciting, they are fun, they make me laugh, they make me cry, and on and on I could go...
[This message has been edited by lmskipper (edited 02-18-2003).]
Mr Ray Bradbury reaches into Greentown while pointing with an elegant grace to the stars, his work will remain like the great white whale he brought to life from Melville. He has had more influence than many are willing to admit with his spry mind that has been ripe from day one. He should be recognized NOW for more of what he has done in the past short 82 or 83 years! In the future I feel he will get more than his due, I only wish some people would wake up, and listen now. It would be a step in the right direction to consider where we are from, where we are, and where we could be going. Yestermorrow is eye opening? It could be applied. And yes, Nard, Mr Bradbury speaks to the soul, with the genuine caring heart of a man in love with life, every aspect, joy to despair that is what makes him such an exellent instument to pour out the universes distilled sweet essense. With his lifes inspiration written at a fever pitch passion is why God made only one of him. I am just glad to know he's able to still enjoy this part of his life when his work is being appreciated. I hope he will always wake being chased by his muse, and sung to sleep by rockets.
uncle: Ray always liked to look at his voluminous work as a ... Banquet. You have all these kinds of 'foods' out there on the table layed before you...and you can pick and choose what it is that you want... I think his future audience is far greater by their new discoveries of his work.... because of his large range of appeal...
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002
No one has come to steal, if you really know how generous Ray Bradbury is. He is going to be cooking up something new for all of us to feast. His diverse cornicopia of gravid ideas has always burst out into a written meal to be devoured in a sitting until satiated. I then have had to push away from the table hungry for another morsel later that night. Ray will be remembered like a fine aged wine, or an exotic spice that is only found grown in alien soil.
Well, Ray is a western-culture writer, but he is also popular in other countries. But, say, US should disappear by just some unknowable political whirlwind, and if another culture should become dominate, would Bradbury still be around? That is, probably, if English is still spoken and read as the primary language. Or?
Posts: 439 | Location: Oak Park, IL | Registered: 19 July 2006