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Ruled Paper II- A Miscellany Of Topics.
posted 31 March 2008 08:29 PMHide Post
Considering the world political situation:
North Korea cannot blow South Korea off the map. South Korea is finally producing, after so many years, decent working and looking Hyundai automobiles.

Posts: 624 | Location: San Francisco | Registered: 27 October 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 04 April 2008 08:49 PMHide Post
Well, I have to interject with this.

Over one-hundred LIVE 'streaming' webcams set in some gigantic parking lot in Japan. I haven't figured out exactly what city. I do not believe it's Osaka. It may be Tokyo. But for anyone interested in ALL the Japanese model cars we never see in the states, this is amazing. Watch people parking, riding by on bicycles, walking by.

Japan here is about 15 or more hours ahead of Los Angeles. It's approx. 9 PM here, Friday night, and, I think, around 1 PM the next day(Saturday) over there. Which means the following:

We can see into the future (it's 1 PM the next day over there, and this is 9PM the previous day, in the evening). Does all this have some correlation to the unexplained mysteries of life?? We can talk into the future, by placing a telephone call to Japan, which is actually ...tomorrow. We can affect tomorrow by what we do today. And vice-versa. The people of 'tomorrow' are able to affect us folks here in their past. But it all seems to be on one plane of existence.

A metaphor for the realities of the unseen? I really think so.

If you have the free downloaded software in your computer to handle this, ENJOY!:

Final N0TE~ The website is in Japanese language. Each blue colored box in Japanese is a 'parking lot section'. There are over 100 of them. This website was a way for workers to watch their prized posession: their CAR! Again, these are ALL 'streaming' LIVE webcams. Check out another parking section if you see no action at a particular spot.


Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 05 April 2008 01:07 AMHide Post
If my above posting gets to be a little dull (people do have to leave their cars unattended for at least some time while at work)...check out the activity downtown. -link below- And YOU can control the camera by swooping it up and down streets. (Luv those street markings!)

Oh, yeah, one more thing...
... I made the comment in the above posting that Japan was 15 hours ahead. Impossible!! A 24 hr. world can only be as far away as 12 hours difference. Hitting 13 hrs would reverse the process. Again, something mystical is being explained via reality.

click on~

Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 06 April 2008 02:44 AMHide Post
Has anyone caught the notion that I'm using metaphors to talk about God, with those Japanese links?

Technologies of today are things that have no equal in the past. Someone from the past looking for evidence of God, would find Him aplenty in the very things we have created in our modern world. It's far beyond simply looking at people on the other side of the world. It's what it all means, metaphorically and intuitively.

..... We bid farewell to Charlton Heston. Note also that Charlton Heston was a long time friend with Ray Bradbury. Perhaps the last public appearance with Ray was when Ray had a Star placed in Hollywood. Charlton Heston dead at 84.
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 06 April 2008 04:35 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Nard Kordell:
We bid farewell to Charlton Heston. Note also that Charlton Heston was a long time friend with Ray Bradbury. Perhaps the last public appearance with Ray was when Ray had a Star placed in Hollywood...

...pictured here (also with the late Rod Steiger).

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
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posted 06 April 2008 12:17 PMHide Post
Tried opening the Heston link, but no go.
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 06 April 2008 09:23 PMHide Post
"Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!" and "Soylent Green is people!" have to be in the all-time top-ten of sci-fi/monster movie lines.

John King Tarpinian
You know what you are, Mr. Bradbury? ... You are a poet! -- Aldous Huxley
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posted 07 April 2008 12:23 AMHide Post
"You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"

R. I. P. Moses. Bon Voyage in the other direction!
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posted 07 April 2008 01:21 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Nard Kordell:
Tried opening the Heston link, but no go.

It looks like the website I was trying to link you to doesn't want people to be linked directly to the pics (I can only get one of Doug Spaulding's links to open).

Anyhoo, here's a link that might work better:


And if that's no good, try this one!

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
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posted 07 April 2008 06:59 PMHide Post
Another passing...(in the works)...

... is Ray Bradbury's famous long-time book haunt, ACRES OF BOOKS. If anyone has a copy of today's Los Angeles Times (CALIFORNIA 'B' section, Monday, April 7th), the notice is there of a sale of Acres of Books in Long Beach, California. Anticipating a sale, inventory has dropped recently from over 1 million books on hand, to a mere some 700,000. Ray is quoted in the article as expressing great surprise over the action of a sale.

"Oh, no! It's so...big and it's full of history," Ray said. "It's full of the smell of dust and time and literature."

The owner last week agreed to sell their 68 year old business (opened 1934) to the Long Beach Redevelopment Agency. Employees 'do not' expect the bookstore to reopen in another location.
Posts: 3954 | Location: South Orange County, CA USA | Registered: 28 June 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 07 April 2008 09:56 PMHide Post
Originally posted by philnic:
I can only get one of Doug Spaulding's links to open.

I can't get either to open now, although both opened the first day.


"Live Forever!"
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posted 08 April 2008 01:30 AMHide Post
Doug, if you look at the URLs, they began with something like "http://cache... etc", which makes me think that particular website stores the image in a temporary cache while you view it, and the URL is therefore temporary. (A sneaky trick, but it is, after all, a site which expects you to pay money for use of its pics.)

But a Google Image search pics them up quite nicely, which is what my second link was to.

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
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posted 08 April 2008 10:40 PMHide Post
Mr. NK,
Loved your ruminations on new technologies and time around the world. Worldtimezone.org is great for telling the time worldwide when you can't keep it all in your head. Eeker

Speaking of new technologies (as always here) --

There was a story around here in Pennsylvania, in James Michener/Pearl Buck territory, about the original manuscript of Pearl Buck's book, The Good Earth. Apparently, a secretary took the original manuscript years ago (eegads) and it only recently came to light when the daughter tried to sell it after her mother (the secretary) had passed away. The estate and the foundation of Pearl Buck, with some initial dispute (or newspaper-type conflict), came to some kind of agreement for display of the book, I think.

Basically, I suspect that God hid the original manuscript in safekeeping until around now. Like a bookish Moses thing.

One person in the newspaper article mentioned that it was thought that it was possible that the secretary had been worried about someone hanging around the elder Mrs. Buck's house in her later years and strangers in the house where she worked. (I'm paraphrasing, the article was a while ago.)

The Good Earth was a very popular book around the world, translated into many languages. Like Mr. B's.

Nowadays there are Bible codes that are pulled from the best manuscripts of the Bible. Some are full phrases with stats beyond chance in the universe. Although only Bible code skeptics "decode" other books, the full decoding of other, older books probably has only just begun. Presumably, easily, at some point, there will be other mathematically computerized ways to pull text codes out. It would probably have to be from older, archived books (obviously nothing made up).

Really it would be nice to have Mr. B's books and/or original manuscripts, especially 451, perfectly archived somewhere for computer input at a later date, if they aren't already. Aside from the obvious editions that are existing, good searchable texts -- can stay on paper for now. But there shouldn't be letters missing or bad copies or poor input if in a computer file. One change in one letter can throw most of the code searches off completely.

I don't know that anything is going on with this type of thing now. If you would be helping with it, you can take all the time in the world. Now that we have copy machines and computers, things are much easier. Just identification of the important documents is very good. I worked in a legal office and know that cataloging and sending documents to storage can be an immense job.

Ultimately, this type of thing could happen 25 years in the future. It might all involve copyrights and things...I have no idea. But I think "the Bradbury" deserves perfect, uncorrupted texts somewhere well-kept and identified . . . Maybe he's organized already! Or maybe he's already ahead of it all Smiler
Posts: 9 | Registered: 13 February 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 09 April 2008 04:54 AMHide Post
anne1755, many of Bradbury's books already exist in electronic form - you can (or could, once upon a time) buy them as ebooks.

I have myself thought of doing some sort of enumeration of the words he uses, but as a purely literary study. (We could also count the punctuation. I think I know which punctuation mark is his favourite!)

[Just for the record, I have no interest whatsoever in looking for hidden codes.]

PS: On the timezone front, there is a rather more user-friendly, nifty depiction of timezones etc here:

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
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posted 09 April 2008 07:42 AMHide Post
I am right now teaching The Good Earth. The cultural lessons in the novel are endless. Interestingly, with all that is going on in the Far East these days, how much has changed, or not changed, since P. Buck's epic tale, is wide open to debate.
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