| Uncle: powerfully said, yet well within the lines for all of us - I would hope! That's all we ask, really. On another note, yet RB related, take a moment and look at this picture from Mars! Does it affect you as it did me. (Reflect momentarily on what you are observing.) Mr. Bradbury's tears well up for a good reason. This is just the beginning of some phenomenal perspectives and considerations of the small blue world we inhabit: http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/space/03/12/mars.earth/index.html [This message has been edited by fjpalumbo (edited 03-12-2004).]
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| Okay, on posting a picture, what you do is "right click" on the image itself, which I had already learned on a Macintosh means "control click." Then you have to select the url for the image itself, not the page on which it appears. Again, on a Macintosh, I learned that "Open Image in a New Window" and then selecting the url from that window, is what works. On other computers it is no doubt different.
To post to the message board, you simply put [img][/img] tags on either side of the url. Again, I did not know on a Macintosh keyboard how to make those square brackets, but I copied the ones so helpfully posted and pasted them in the appropriate places and they worked just fine.
Having found the perfect epitome of human masculine beauty, I just had to run over and share with all the geeks--er, nice professor-type guys--here! Yes, he is an excellent horseman, kind to little children and animals, and a very warm, wonderful, and sincere human being, but I haven't asked how he feels about the most important thing in life--Ray Bradbury! If he doesn't venerate his Rayness, I'll just have to break up with him! (And doesn't he remind you an awful lot of a certain someone in "The Martian Chronicles" who came to a sad end?) |
| Posts: 2694 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001 |  
| Yeee-haw Dandelion! Too many puns to mention, but enjoy the ride! Cheers, Translator
Lem Reader
| Posts: 626 | Location: Maple, Ontario, Canada | Registered: 23 February 2004 |  