Ray Bradbury, writer, died this past June.
Ray Bradbury, writer, lives still – through his legacy of the written and spoken word.
We think of Ray Bradbury as a writer of fantasy and science fiction. But he was much, much more than that. Ray was nominated for an Academy Award for writing the screenplay of John Huston’s film adaptation of Moby Dick. He adapted 65 of his stories for television’s The Ray Bradbury Theater, and won an Emmy for his teleplay of The Halloween Tree. In 2000, Ray received the National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters; in 2004 the National Medal of Arts, and in 2007, the Pulitzer Prize Special Citation.
In a career spanning more than 70 years, Ray Bradbury authored hundreds of short stories, close to 50 books, numerous poems, essays, operas, plays, teleplays, and screenplays. We remember him most for Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, Dandelion Wine, and Something Wicked This Way Comes. He inspired generations of readers to think, to imagine, to dream and to create; to become writers, inventors and scientists.
Throughout his life, Ray liked to recount the story of meeting a carnival magician, Mr. Electrico, in 1932. At the end of his performance Electrico reached out to the twelve-year-old Ray, touched him with his electrified sword, made his hair stand on end, and shouted, “Live forever!” Ray remarked, “I felt that something strange and wonderful had happened to me because of my encounter with Mr. Electrico. [He] gave me a future. I began to write, full-time. I have written every single day of my life since that day.”
On June 20th, 2009, Ray Bradbury came to Ventura to help save the H.P. Wright Library. Although that goal was not met, Ray inspired many people that day to strive for what they believe in, to "Do what [they] love and love what [they] do." That message inspired local artist Michael O'Kelly to tell Ray’s story in the documentary, "Live Forever: The Ray Bradbury Odyssey," a movie that will be a part of Bradbury's magical legacy.
The pre-release benefit screening of "Live Forever: The Ray Bradbury Odyssey" will be shown at 4 PM. November 11 at the Century 10 Theatre in downtown Ventura. Michael O'Kelly thanks all those who have helped this project come to fruition, especially Ventura residents and friends who purchase tickets for this event. Ray Bradbury loved libraries and children and learning. The “Live Forever” event proceeds will benefit Ventura City’s Libraries, adding to their children's programs. In return, the filmgoer will be entertained and provided a wonderful dinner at the Watermark Restaurant.
Library Benefit tickets at $90 are available on line:
www.venturafilmsociety.com or at these Main Street Merchants: Celtic Carma, Trufflehounds, Palermo, Refill Shop and B on Main.
This special presentation is in honor of the American iconic author and a continuation of Bradbury's commitment to give back to the community.