THE FIEND IN YOU is a 1962 Ballantine paperback anthology, edited by the brilliant writer, and close Ray Bradbury friend, Charles Beaumont (although William F. Nolan once mentioned to me that he also did a lot of the editing work on the book due to Beaumont's busy schedule). It's a fine book, with work by a number of the "California Group", including Ray, Nolan, Beaumont, Richard Matheson, George Clayton Johnson, Robert Bloch and Charles Fritch. The cover to the book (by the brilliant artist Richard Powers) can be accessed by clicking on the link below. Why add this post under this topic? Well, Mr. Beaumont wrote an introduction for each of the stories in the book. And here is what he wrote as the introduction to the Bradbury short story, "The Women":
"Ray Bradbury is a fourteen-year-old news vendor who lives with his parents in Venice, California. He said he would give me a free subscription to The Los Angeles Daily News if I would include his story in this anthology. It marks his first professional appearance."