| Certain issues, such as language, and defamation, either against Mr. Bradbury, forum members, or other parties, I can and do police. (Okay, I allowed a little Michael Moore bashing just for fun, so...we all have a weakness.) I certainly DON'T feel a moderator's job is (or even COULD be) to police people from being mediocre or from expressing themselves in a less than purely poetic (or even technically correct) way! (And we've had a LOT of semi-literate troglodytes some of whose questions were so incoherent they couldn't be answered if a person were so inclined.) Perhaps an editor at a publishing house, where the publisher is paying to print authors' words, has such a role (or had in the distant past...with some of the stuff that's been in print since the 1960s I'm not so sure), but certainly not on a message board! That's not catering to anyone. People express themselves differently and you shouldn't respond to any posts that don't move you to respond. (I certainly don't!) |
| Posts: 7360 | Location: Dayton, Washington, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001 |  
| I made a post on this topic (or at least the part about quality of writing, spelling, gramar, etc.) on the "irony of 451" topic...
I pretty much agree with dandelion on this.
libRAry: I definately think that people here only for the purpose of trying to disrupt us, like Ray_Bradbry_is_senile, don't belong here. However, just because the quality of writing, ESPECIALLY on the internet, isn't fit to put in a novel, it doesn't really justify condemning them. I don't know if you meant those people or not. It is a sticky situation, because I think that this, as with all forums, is meant to be a place where people come to talk and even argue, but total direspect and pettyness shouldn't be ignored. |
| Posts: 38 | Location: wilmington, DE, USA | Registered: 07 December 2004 |  