From the Lit Hub website, the following is an interesting article by Colleen Abel who, like Ray Bradbury, grew up in Waukegan, Illinois, albeit many years after Ray lived there. The article is called "Growing Up With Ray Bradbury's Ghost in Waukegan, Illinois". Ms. Abel does not share Ray's sentimental and nostalgic view of their hometown, although given the difference in generations that perhaps should not be surprising. When I spoke to Ray much later in his life, he was certainly aware of the challenges faced by the town where he grew up, but that never stopped him from expressing his appreciation and love for Waukegan.
I also always thought it strange that Bradbury would be an admirer of Reagan or Bush, even after reading the various reasons in coverage on his views.
A couple of years ago I was conversing with a customer, a black truck driver in his forties, who said he was heading back for Illinois, and I expressed my interest in Waukegan, if he had ever been there. He was somewhat taken aback saying "Why would you want to go there? It has 'suchandsuch' people that would come across the street and cut you!"
Originally posted by dandelion: Before going to Waukegan, I was warned about weird sailors roaming the streets, but everyone I met was kind and helpful.
Good to know! Seems more likely. I should have added I'd still like to visit.