Ray Bradbury Forums
What is Ray thinking?

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16 April 2003, 10:38 PM
Nard Kordell
What is Ray thinking?
I have to spend a little time reading over what you wrote, and then reply.
This evening I have just finished finding a web host for my Website I am trying to get online by Saturday !! There you will find a sampling of the kind of music I do. There should be 10 pieces of music of about 45 seconds each, with one completed piece, of about 3 1/2 minutes. That plus a some Bradbury photos. Hope to add about 8 or 9 photos by next month I have of Ray. Talk Later...
17 April 2003, 07:12 AM

Nope. We don't know each other. The "classy" compliment was meant as just that: a compliment. No irony or hidden meaning intended.

Hey, care to share some of that lime-vanilla ice cream?

21 June 2004, 02:03 PM
Nard Kordell

Where is that lime-vanilla ice cream ? We could use some of that right now...
21 June 2004, 02:29 PM

You spoke some truth there, brother.


21 June 2004, 02:43 PM
I just read about Mr. Bradbury's objection to the title of Michael
Moore's film. As a fan of both Mr. Bradbury and Michael Moore I write
to urge Mr. Bradbury to withdraw his demand.

I am unfamiliar with Mr. Bradbury's politics but he must understand
thast his attack on Moore will be spun as support for the Bush
Administration and their mistaken militaristic adventure. I feel both
these author's works are done in support of human dignity and freedom.
It is also my belief that "Farenheit 451" is about the power of words
and the freedom to use them. To the extent that Moore's film title is a

reference to Mr.Bradbury's anti-fascist novel, or to Francois Truffaut's

film based on it, I urge Mr. Bradbury to see it as an homage. It is
unfortunate that Mr. Bradbury's objection will detract from the popular
reception of this highly important film.

Further, Mr. Bradbury should realize that the title, "Farenheit 9/11" is

essentially different from the title "Farenheit 451" and, unless Mr.
Bradbury has a copyright on the word "farenheit", it is unlikely that he

has any legal claim.
21 June 2004, 04:43 PM
I agree with the other posters I am a huge fan of Ray but I have to take exception with his "ownership" of the word Farenheit being used in a booktitle. It is patently absurd!

It reminds me of the FOX network owning "fair and balanced" PLEEAZE!!

C'mon Ray suck it up and tell MM you are wrong and you are sorry.
21 June 2004, 08:12 PM
Mr. Dark
Again, Ray never said he owned the word. Moore behaved in a boorish fashion -- which is how he operates. No surprise there.

DanB. It was good reading your posts again. My own view is that international politics is extremely complicated. I am not so presumptuous to believe that everyone who disagrees with me is wrong. I learn all the time. I think Hussein's threat was based on his contributions to instability in the region. He invaded Kuwait, invaded Iran, funded the Palestinian suicide bombers, murdered and tortured his own people, etc. This instability created (or contributed to) a climate that fostered the kinds of terrorist agenda we all suffer from today. That's my take on it. I support a rather dramatic fight against terrorism, but understand that different persons view things differently. That's one reason I think civility and fairness in discussions like this (and religion!) are so important.

Only God is always right, and when I look at my life, I wonder about that sometimes!

21 June 2004, 08:51 PM
Mr.Dark, this reminds me of the automobile, Lexus. There used to be a Lexus computer. When Lexus car wanted to use the name, Lexus computer sued. Of course, fahrenheit is used as a word to describe a certain temperature. Is that what Mr. Moore is describing, a temperature?