Ray Bradbury Forums
Negative Literary Criticism of Science Fiction

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12 April 2003, 08:50 PM
Negative Literary Criticism of Science Fiction
Does anyone know of any websites or web pages that deal with literary critics of science fiction or fantasy, particulary negative criticism on the whole picture of Science fiction.
13 April 2003, 01:22 AM
Mr. Dark
That is a really interesting question. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any sites (or books, either!) that collect literary criticism that bashes/denigrates science fiction. I have read scattered criticisms of fantasy and science fiction as escapist and shallow, but I'm not aware of any collected sources.

I don't remember where, but I read/heard an interview with Bradbury where he seems to argue that science fiction/fantasy is the only "real" or "good" literature being done today because it deals with the future. I'm sure I've messed up what he said, but if anyone can quote it, it might be a good counter-argument to the paper being worked on here.

Anyone have any ideas?