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Discussion Topic  RE: Ray Bradbury's Wristwatch Make/Model? (in Inspired by Ray?) by philnic
He was probably trying to warn us of the dangers of timepiece technology......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  RE: Ray Bradbury's Wristwatch Make/Model? (in Inspired by Ray?) by philnic
Well done! Here's some clearer images of that Seiko watch: ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  RE: Ray Bradbury's Wristwatch Make/Model? (in Inspired by Ray?) by philnic
I've wondered about that watch, too! From the shape of it, and the position of the brand name, I'm g......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  RE: Bradbury Unbound (in Resources) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Musicalized Story (in Resources) by philnic
And we British love how them Americans speak words! ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Musicalized Story (in Resources) by philnic
You can't beat a bit of musicalisation....
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Musicalized Story (in Resources) by philnic
Hi Kory, and welcome. To enquire about rights, you would need to contact the agent for the Bradbury......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Waukegan Considers A Statue of Ray (in Ray's Legacy) by philnic
Or, alternatively, outside the Carnegie Library - but only if they ever get around to doing somethin......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  RE: 1939 Retrospective Hugo Awards (in Ray's Legacy) by philnic
"Best fan writer" ! This young fellow shows promise. He may go far!...
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Ray's Legacy

Discussion Topic  RE: Watch award-winning Bradbury short film for free! (in Resources) by philnic
Highly recommended - take advantage of this freebie, everyone....
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: On my mind today (in Inspired by Ray?) by philnic
Welcome (back) earthshoes48! It gets pretty quiet at times on these forums. Please stick around and ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  RE: New Harlan Ellison story dedicated to Ray (in Resources) by philnic
I think that was around the time he was ill, and the web was a-buzz with him saying that he was dyin......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  New Harlan Ellison story dedicated to Ray (in Resources) by philnic
Harlan has dedicated a second short story to Ray: "He Who Grew Up Reading Sherlock Holmes". It seems......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: Wow, 45 Years (in Inspired by Ray?) by philnic
The photo above was taken in 2012 by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The graphic below shows the ......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  RE: Wow, 45 Years (in Inspired by Ray?) by philnic
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Inspired by Ray?

Discussion Topic  RE: And we're back... (in Resources) by philnic
Yes, it seems that users who used a bookmark/favourite to get here have had trouble connecting. Most......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  RE: And we're back... (in Resources) by philnic
...and then it was gone again... ...and now it's back. Fingers crossed that it's for good, this ti......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  And we're back... (in Resources) by philnic
The board seemed to disappear yesterday, but now it's back. Phew!...
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  BBC Radio - The Illustrated Man (in Resources) by philnic
Online for the next seven days, a chance to listen to the BBC Radio adaptation of Ray Bradbury's THE......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

Discussion Topic  Call for Papers (in Resources) by philnic
For any academics, professors, graduate students out there, please take a look at this new "call for......
Ray Bradbury Hompage > Ray Bradbury Forums > Forums > Resources

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