Ray Bradbury Forums
Looking for short story "Lest We Forget"

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06 March 2004, 03:24 PM
luna marie
Looking for short story "Lest We Forget"
Three years ago when I was a 7th grader we read this short story (I believe the title to be "Lest We Forget") in a Scope or Scholastic magazine. Now I'm a sophmore and am eager to find it. There were two main characters, Morgan & Correy, who were protesters of these things called "erasers". The erasers would erase something (like losing a loved one)from that person's memory and it could erase the eraser (meaning that person would not know they had something erased). I'm not sure if this story is just in that one Scholastic magazine, but I want it in any form. Please help.
06 March 2004, 05:32 PM
This story is by David Barr Kirtley (NOT Ray Bradbury). There is some information about it here:


- Phil
09 March 2004, 06:12 PM
I just recently caught a glimpse of an upcoming movie preview on the same subject. I think Jim Carrey was in it, but I might be wrong. Anyone know?
09 March 2004, 08:59 PM
I have seen previews of the movie, which has a really long name that I can not dredge up right at this moment. But it's about a new medical procedure in which certain select bad memories can be erased from your mind. It stares Jim Carrey, Elijah Wood, and several other big names. I actually entered a contest to win free tickets to it. Will let you know if I won!
11 March 2004, 02:04 PM
does that mean you're inviting me to come along if you do win? Kidding.
11 March 2004, 07:25 PM
I won, I won, I won!! I'll let you know how the movie is. I'm going to a special premiere in Chicago next Friday!!
11 March 2004, 10:37 PM
Imskipper: No kidding! Now that's lucky. When I read your post about signing up to win tickets, I couldn't help but think that I hadn't won "anything" in quite awhile. And the last time I could recall was when the numbers matched up for me on a state lottery ticket (that had actually been given to me as a gift). $4-wow!

Unfortunately, I had carefully put the ticket away for safe keeping until I could stop somewhere and cash in! (A hot coffee and a danish for the road, maybe?) Yeah, you got it - I never could find that darned ticket.

Well, about a week ago it pops up in the back of one of the file portions of my briefcase. The final irony? It was over a year since the sale. Expired, No $4!!

So, think of us when you have settled back into your comfortable cinema seat and are eating your popcorn. (Put the tickets some place safe, but not too safe!) Enjoy!

Movie's title?

[This message has been edited by fjpalumbo (edited 03-11-2004).]
11 March 2004, 11:12 PM
It's called Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. From the previews I wasn't even sure I would go see it, but Entertainment Weekly sent me an e-mail about the contest, so I signed up, thinking I'd never really have a chance of winning. Lo and behold, I got an e-mail today saying I'd won, and that the tickets were on the way. Now I'm actually starting to look forward to it. Thanks for the well wishes, and I'll let you know what I think of it. Somehow, I'll tie my review in with a Ray Bradbury angle.

[This message has been edited by lmskipper (edited 03-11-2004).]