Ray Bradbury Forums
Is there anyone like mars is heaven?

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03 December 2002, 07:17 AM
Is there anyone like mars is heaven?
I'm a student of a military academy in china.
Ray Bradbury's mars is heaven is one unit of our extensive reading book.After reading,i like it very much.It is one of my favourite science novel.

I'm a service man.
12 December 2002, 04:00 PM
Yeah, Mars is Heaven is a good one. If you can find "The Martian Chronicles" over there it has a lot of similar stories.

Happy hunting!

"Would we have accepted Christ so readily if He had come in the shape of an octopus?"~Ray Bradbury, The Fire Balloons
11 January 2003, 11:10 AM
Mr. Dark
This is very cool that they are having you read Bradbury in a Chinese Military Academy. (They aren't having you read Farenheit 451 are they? If they aren't, I'm not sure whether you should ask or not!)

Bradbury is extremely popular in America. Is he popular in China, or is this the first you've heard of him?
16 January 2003, 09:01 AM
Ray bradbury is no popular in China,in fact,this is the first time I know him and his stories.I just want to know something more about him,and I post this topic just want to get some information from people's replies.

I'm a service man.
16 January 2003, 12:07 PM
Mr. Dark
Main books:

Farenheit 451
Martian Chronicles
Illustrated Man
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Dandelion Wine
The Stories of Ray Bradbury
October Country
S is for Space
R is for Rocket
A Medicine for Melancholy
The Machineries of Joy
Long After Midnight
I Sing the Body Electric
The Halloween Tree
Dark Carnival
The Golden Apples of the Sun
The Toynbee Convector
Driving Blind

These are a start, anyway. Try to get the Academy's library to order some.

Good luck. This is great stuff.