Ray Bradbury Forums
We've Moved

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11 April 2005, 04:21 AM
We've Moved
They're gone. Only I remain. Only I was spared. They all went to the Michael Moore Discussion Board. Brainwashed.

Actually, you can find them at https://raybradburyboard.com/eve/ubb.x/a/cfrm/f/2791083901

Or you can enter the new board thru the homepage at www.raybradbury.com

As for me...I stand sentinel here. Waiting for wayward Bradbarians, and cussing up a storm...

...with no one to edit me.
11 April 2005, 05:29 AM
It got too darn cold for them and they've gone to sunnier climes. Thank you, King Henry IX!
11 April 2005, 12:44 PM
Oh, there's my pants.

Ummmmm....Hi dandelion. What are you doing here?

I was ahhh...mmmm...just doing laundry.
11 April 2005, 02:58 PM
"Ar...What were ya doin' below decks matey!? Laundry, says you!"

Scuttle �v.t.
1. to sink (a vessel) deliberately by opening seacocks or making openings in the bottom.
2. to abandon, withdraw from, or cause to be abandoned or destroyed (as plans, hopes, rumors, etc.). -Random House Unabridged

"Nay, not yet were not! Though thar be but three of us left!"

11 April 2005, 03:36 PM
AY! Whose at the helm of this wayward vessel?

And what's a lighthouse doing out in these waters?
11 April 2005, 04:08 PM
Leave the sock-swabbing of the deck to me.

"I like that old-time Rock n' Roll".

Hey, is it just me or did that lighthouse just wink at us?
11 April 2005, 04:17 PM
No...something seems to have temporarily obscured the light--perhaps a large bulk rising from the ocean?
11 April 2005, 04:52 PM
Maybe the Nautilus will save us.

Where are those guys when you really need them?
13 April 2005, 03:21 PM


Don't leeeaave.....


Oh well.....Now, where was I before I was so rudely interrupted? Oh yeah, blasting my RISKY BUSINESS soundtrack through the empty hallways and sliding around in my socks.

"I like that old time Rock n' Roll."
13 April 2005, 04:04 PM
Hoot! OK, gs:
"tighty whities"... where did you come up with this one?

"Skivs", ...maybe!

As for leaving this here bridge:
"Captain, the engine they won't take it!"

13 April 2005, 05:27 PM
Dandelion got whisked away by the crew of the Nautilus again. Why'd they only take her? Floozy!

What to do with that giant amorous sea serpent? It left the lighthouse in shambles and seems headed our way!

...At least it's stopped singing The Commodores' BRICKHOUSE. Now it's singing the theme from THE LOVE BOAT!!! It IS headed our way!


[This message has been edited by grasstains (edited 04-14-2005).]
14 April 2005, 01:11 AM
Hey, it's Biplane1. Wow! i didn't know that the old board was still available. The last time I saw it I was posting a thought and the, BAM! it changed into the new board and as a result I got the honor of being the first one to post on it.

It feels good to come bacj here.
14 April 2005, 10:16 AM
GS: You asked for it!

Hey, some of the old gang is arriving slowly but surely. Kinda like a Cruise on one of those wacky weekly episodes. You don't think...?

No, no, it can't be happening. We can't let it come to this:
See below, click "OK" and get your groove on! http://members.aol.com/dnnyzuko/luvboat.htm

14 April 2005, 12:43 PM
Braling II
This is getting weird.
Two boards to check now, and the old one has drifted into quasi-nautical themes!
Well, matey, hang this from the yardarm!
14 April 2005, 12:54 PM
Did anyone bring a lightnin' rod, so's we can harpoon that beast? Aim true, Ahab. You're only gonna get one shot at the creature. AND DON'T STEP ON ANY BUTTERFLIES.

Take that, Seaclops!