31 January 2012, 10:29 AM
VictoriaThe biggest fan of Ray Bradbury !
Hi, my name is Victoria, I was born in Latvia. At the age of 15 I opened my father's birthday present : Ray Bradbury book and fall in love with his stories! I am his biggest fan since than! His books are definitely inspired me, they teach to love and value even the smallest things in our lives. Thanks to his books I found my husband (but it is a long story

). Unfortunately my English level don't allow me to express all filings that Ray Bradbury's books evoke in me.
My biggest dream is to get Ray Bradbury's autograph. But unfortunately it's impossible

I read once that there is a place where he signs his books, but at that time I couldn't afford to come to USA, and now when I can, he already not signing his books. Its makes me very sad
Thank you all for your attention, Victoria
31 January 2012, 12:26 PM
philnicHi Victoria, and welcome.
Ray may not be signing books at the moment, but you can still buy books he signed in the past. If you browse the web (such as eBay or other auction sites, or the websites of specialist bookshops such as
Mystery & Imagination (this is the shop where Bradbury has often held birthday celebrations!)) you will find plenty of autographed volumes.
Another place to look: the website of the publisher
Gauntlet Press. Many of their Bradbury books are available in signed editions.
31 January 2012, 01:08 PM
dandelionWelcome to the board. Supposedly Ray plans a book signing when his next book is released.