Ray Bradbury Forums
Halloween Bradbury Poetry

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01 October 2003, 05:59 PM
Halloween Bradbury Poetry
I am throwing out a suggestion for the month of October. To write a poem, about BB members favorite Halloween/style/Family story, and possibly print them off?, and send them to him for a Halloween present. For Ray Bradburies Trick/Treat this year?
01 October 2003, 07:53 PM
I think that's an excellent idea. I'll get to work right away!
03 October 2003, 01:41 PM
Small, Innocent, innoculus, & Deadly, Fresh into the World with TEETH like... DAGGER'S at the REDDY....

inspiration, the small assasin..
07 October 2003, 02:14 AM
Come noe dn't leaf uncle to be a soul carbuncle, left in the mouldering grave to lye. and slumber.. raise a rhyme to see the light of a harvest moon.. Hallows eve will be here soon.... Ray needs chuckles to ease his tired knuckles, so scream like a banshee with fingers like legs of a spider, acrossed the keyboard to tickle the snicker that is lost in the cider.........?

[This message has been edited by uncle (edited 10-07-2003).]
07 October 2003, 02:18 AM
I know there are Poets out there. Show your strutting, flying digits, lets let the sparks fly from our FINGERS!
07 October 2003, 02:31 AM
Mr. Dark
Celestial: Care to take a stab at this? As far as I know, you are our board's most prolific poet.

My effort would be so bad it would strike terror in the hearts of any goblins, ghouls or ghosts it attempted to conjure up.
07 October 2003, 08:46 AM
No poet I, but a haiku just the same!

Golden flowers wined-
Rockets, books, spirits aglow.
Live forever, Ray!

08 October 2003, 03:07 AM
Dandelions, sweet, and pungent.
Bright, sparkling, crisp Summers fireworks display. Grasp them gleefully by the bushell to distill the Suns fire in crisp hot afternoon day. Thoughts cached to warm the soul on a snapping, cracking tree cold Winters eve. Makes me wonder why
Love is so bright or seemingly simple, and a wayward bright weed could be so full of glee!
Moments, Memories of Summers youth. Too reminise the bright yellow, lawn bursting passion, etched in my childhood mind to see. Wistfully I allow time, to make me flee to meet the boy I used to be.

[This message has been edited by uncle (edited 10-18-2003).]
08 October 2003, 07:07 PM
Familiar images blow across October fields
Scarecrow wonders, Jack-o-lantern yields

Pieces of literature gather momenteum from stormy depths,
Long to be re-uttered by their master�s creative breath

Douglas, Tom and Grandfather beg empathy
Montag, Clarisse and Mildred pursue sympathy
Will and Tom join forces with Colonial Freeleigh
Conspiring, they summon their creator�s revelry

Mr. Dark and Pipkin share much with John Huff,
All longing for status on Bradbury�s cuff,
Coveting thoughts of "The Dwarf" and "The Veldt"
For chilling reminders of horrors we�ve all felt

October visions comes but once a year,
But Bradbury's magic is eternally here

[This message has been edited by Celestial (edited 10-09-2003).]
08 October 2003, 10:24 PM
Mr. Dark
Good job. I knew you had it in you!!
14 October 2003, 06:00 PM
Wonderful! Where are you Dandelion? Care to roll the bones... See what is out there in the ether murky mire... Lets make Ray's lips grin from side to side like a deranged walker on a haunted high wire.
21 November 2003, 02:50 PM
I know Halloween is past for now, but why not resurrect some fresh life into some hideous verse. There must be some vital spirit left to be tapped out on the keyboard. Rays richness in wierd, has to stir conception of prose in this communities veins. Groon, I never was able to read your midnight musings, the call still goes out. This well is not dry..... or is it?