Ray Bradbury Forums
Ray followed suit

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07 June 2012, 01:53 AM
Ray followed suit
Good morning, Mr. Bradbury.
Yesterday we were said sad to the whole world news, well, sad even for the entire Universe: You have left this world and hid the road to the place You have always desired - to the stars, to the Universe. You have turned the lives of the millions as it is now. You have influenced our lives the same way You have once been influenced by Edgar Allan Poe or Mr. Electrico...
Following your heroes, we used to put on our tennis shoes and rush across the fields of Earth; we used to leave the traces of our space suits boots on the red dust of Mars... Along with Monteg we used to save the books from fire...
Yesterday we had suffered an irreparable loss: the Earth has lost a writer, one storyteller, a whole century witness, one good person...
But Your spirit in the Universe is creating new worlds, and the legacy left by You on Earth will be inspiring many further generations.
Thank you... Rest In Universe