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The Night Watchman

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14 June 2010, 01:59 PM
The Night Watchman
Ray Bradbury wrote the following in 1947, in a short story entitled "The Meadow."
"Mr. Douglas," says the night watchman, "did you ever read that story about the man who traveled to the future and found everyone there insane? Everyone. But since they were all insane they didn't kn...ow they were insane. They all acted alike and so they thought themselves normal. And since our hero was the only sane one among them, he was abnormal; therefore, he was the insane one. To them, at least."

As I get older and observe today's world, I feel more and more like the night watchman.
16 June 2010, 10:18 AM
Welcome to the board Gradivus, hope you stay long.

I think many of us have felt like the night watchman at least once in their life.

"Oh, death!"
20 July 2010, 11:42 AM
My sentiments exactly--
20 July 2010, 12:39 PM
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. It's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor … and surviving.