Ray Bradbury Forums
The Boys across the street are driving my daughters crazy

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27 May 2003, 08:55 PM
The Boys across the street are driving my daughters crazy
Growing up, my best friend Scott lived right across the street from Ray. We played ball in the street and often had to retreat for a limo that would be carrying Ray back from another badminton adventure.

One day he wrote a poem about how his daughters would watch us through the window and then have to take a cold shower. He read this on a TV show back in the 70's. Hilarious. We still have the original draft.

I spent Christmas day with him in the mid 80's. By then I was an aspiring cartoonist. I asked him about publising and what it takes to make it. He showed me stacks of his work that were never published. I was under the impression that if he scribbled on a napkin someone would publish it. He told me to keep making new stuff and borrow the good parts of the old work. Stay positive and don't listen to critics.

I saw him recently at a book signing. He immediately remembered the poem. When he did his talk, his energy and message hadn't changed. He is a rare talent and has been an inspiration to me for most of my life.

Mike Browne
27 May 2003, 09:04 PM
Nard Kordell
Mike Browne

You need to ge a hold of Sam Weller, who is doing a biography on Ray. You just may have a few interesting jottings to add to the book, which is still in the works. Sam is on-line at this site....

Sam's e-mail is:

[This message has been edited by Nard Kordell (edited 05-27-2003).]
27 May 2003, 09:47 PM
Greg Miller

What a wonderful story. I know that poem well, and it's a pleasure to meet one of the people who inspired it! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us here.

Best wishes,

Greg Miller