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A Message From Ray Bradbury

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17 December 2004, 10:09 AM
A Message From Ray Bradbury
After living in Minnesota for 28 years I love it here in Florida, but now envy those of you who live within driving distance of Chicago.

Hopefully, Sam will be able to come down here on his book promotion tour as there are a ton of Borders, Barnes and Nobles, Books A Millon, etc.
17 December 2004, 08:18 PM
Korby, just take the train down, and I'll pick you up. One of my friends that rides with me says she'll never need a face lift as long as she rides with me!!
17 December 2004, 10:43 PM
Mr. Dark
I used to be scared to death of flying (still don't like it much), until I landed after three perfectly good flights. My brother picked me up at the airport and the freeways (LA/Orange County) were jammed. He jumped up onto the median shoulder and was going 105 miles per hour -- on the median.

I lost my fear of flying that day.
18 December 2004, 09:49 AM
The train, now there's an idea! Never thought of that!

Mr. Dark, I'm not a fan of flying, either. I've had to do it enough in the last 3 years that I've gotten somewhat used to it (I no longer have a death grip on the armrests the entire flight!), but I still don't like it!
18 December 2004, 04:08 PM
Nard Kordell
If someone is staying but a day or two in Chicago,when Ray is in town, I may have room for your stay here in Chicago. I'm 15 minute walking distance from Midway Airport, and about 10 miles from downtown Chicago. If Ray signs anything at the Border's Books on North Michigan Ave., where he has signed in years previous, that's about 12 miles away. Most trains are downtown Chicago.
You can email me at:

[This message has been edited by Nard Kordell (edited 12-18-2004).]
18 December 2004, 10:05 PM
I met him at "Stars Our Destination" on Belmont, but that location is closed, and I believe they now have one in Evanston. It's a really cool bookstore for only sci fi/fantasy books. I would prefer somewhere unique like that over Borders, but I'll go anywhere he goes. Hey, Nard, maybe we can have a Bradbury slumber party at your house!! (Just kidding, I'm very close to Chicago, but I'll be looking forward to meeting you at the bookstore.) I hope loads of the regulars can meet there!
19 December 2004, 07:58 AM
Sadly, THE STARS ARE DESTINATION Evanston, Illinois store closed...I believe in 2003. (Ray did two memorable signings at its prior Belmont location in Chicago.) I for one certainly miss the store, not just for the books but also for the lively discussons that would often take place among the owner, employees and customers, most of whom had a real passion for science fiction and fantasy. The store went to all mail order and then shut down for good. In the face of competition from huge chains like Borders and Barnes & Noble, and internet giants like Amazon.com, this is becoming the fate of more and more small, independent bookstores.

[This message has been edited by Richard (edited 12-19-2004).]
19 December 2004, 12:08 PM
Thanks for the update, Richard. I moved out of the city two years ago and feel a bit out of the loop. (No pun intended.) That was a great bookstore, and it makes me so sad that the smaller merchants are becoming like dinosaurs. Borders stores are nice, but so impersonal.