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Bradbury lectures/readings

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19 April 2002, 04:28 AM
Bradbury lectures/readings
Back in the late eighties I had the pleasure of hearing Ray read aloud his story "Any Friend of Nicholas Nickleby's Is a Friend of Mine." The reading was done in a library on Coronado Island, which is located just across the bay from downtown San Diego. Ray was of course in good spirits, comfortably bringing to life Mr. Dickens and the residents of Green Town in 1929. The large crowd was happy and relaxed, like Ray himself, and afterward there was a booksigning with refreshments.

How many of you have had the opportunity of attending his readings and/or lectures? Tell what your experience was like and what story he read.
12 May 2002, 12:15 AM
Mr. Dark
Many years ago, he spoke on technology and its impact on mankind at Cal Tech in Pasadena, CA. Although I don't remember the details of WHAT he said, I remember three things: (1) I was enraptured to be in his presence. He carries a real spirit with him. (2) The lecture hall was packed. (3) He focused on keeping our focus on the humanity part of humans, without denigrating the advances of technology and science. The concern -- as is evident in many of his stories/novels -- was to keep in touch with what made us people, rather than making mankind subservient to technology.

Correction: I have found the ticket stub. The location of the lecture was Sexson Auditorium at Pasadena City College. It was January 27, 1981. The title was: "Beyond 1984: Back Into Space". It was $6.50

[This message has been edited by Mr. Dark (edited 05-12-2002).]
20 May 2002, 05:05 AM
In April of 2002, just last month, my 10 year old daughter had to do a book report on a science fiction book. I suggested she try Ray Bradbury so she picked one and completely fell in love with his writing. She has since picked up several more of his books and as part of her book report assignment I took her to a lecture and book signing and she got to meet Ray and have a picture taken with him. It was a big thrill for her and she has the picture posted on her web site if anyone is interested in seeing it. www.sarina.koury.com

[This message has been edited by Koury (edited 05-20-2002).]
30 June 2002, 04:23 AM
Mr. Dark
This is very cool. Your daughter seems to be a very impressive young woman with a long, successful life ahead of her. You'll be rewarded in heaven for turning her on to Ray Bradbury . . .