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Experiment in Autobiography

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27 March 2002, 08:30 AM
Experiment in Autobiography
It would elate me to no end if Ray Bradbury would follow H.G. Wells in writing an autobiography on his life and thoughts. After reading the first 2 pages of Experiment in Autobiography, I knew it would be the most influential book in my life. H.G. wrote of thoughts that most people are afraid to say. If Ray wrote such a piece of literature, it would provide me a missing link to my time as I am in my early twenties and H.G. passed away over 50 years ago. Ray is that evolutionary link, and the only person I can imagine who could undertake and succeed at that task.
28 March 2002, 07:35 AM
Dozens of Bradbury's stories have autobiographical aspects, as does his trilogy of novels, DEATH IS A LONELY BUSINESS, A GRAVEYARD FOR LUNATICS and GREEN SHADOWS WHITE WHALE. He has also written various essays etc. (eg. 'Drunk, and in charge of a bicycle' - the introduction to THE STORIES OF RAY BRADBURY) containing brief autobiographical 'snapshots'.