Ray Bradbury Forums
All About Sam Weller's New Bio on Ray Bradbury

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30 March 2005, 04:30 PM
Nard Kordell
All About Sam Weller's New Bio on Ray Bradbury
It's out!!!

At least by this date...it has been out to the reviewers: The Sam Weller bio on Ray Bradbury.

''The Chicago Tribune'' 'Book Section' already had a front page review, this passed Sunday...with a large artsy illustration of Bradbury. Reviewed by great science fiction writer, Frederick Pohl...may have seemed a little unfair at first glance. Should another science fiction writer, a big name, writing novels for many years, be the one to review this book? Well, maybe yes, and then, maybe no!

After reading Pohl's review, somewhat unfavorable, I thought...well, maybe Mr. Pohl is jealous that no one has written a biography about him.

However one may review Weller's book, it really falls to each of us to determine the likes and dislikes of the book. I am sure there will be both. And that's fine. We will all peruse that book with a fine tooth comb and garner many meaningful jewels, I am sure. Should we get a little grit with the meal,...oh, that's fine with me.

THANKS! to fjpalumbo for this link: http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/booksmags/

[This message has been edited by Nard Kordell (edited 03-30-2005).]
18 April 2005, 11:03 AM
Nard Kordell
This is interesting. THIS is the old Ray Bradbury site...and everyone posting on the NEW one, seems to have their posts appear here as well. But if you post here...it doesn't appear in the New One.

I noticed that this topic in the new website has had nearly '900' hits. Two simutaneous websites...iI wonder why?!
Transitional stuff perhaps.
18 April 2005, 08:39 PM

Really? Do posts on the new site end up over here? I haven't browsed around enough to know but it was impression these two sites were operating seperately. I've been stopping off here - it's still marked in my Favorites on my laptop - before going over to the new site. Makes sense, in a way, that posts on the new site would "downstream" over here but posts here won't "upstream" over there. Then again, it all depends on your perspective, doesn't it?


29 April 2005, 01:04 AM
I've noticed no new site posts showing up here. Interesting phenomenon, if so.
30 April 2005, 10:50 PM
Nard Kordell
Well...posts over there arn't showing up here. Maybe a few did in the begining.

Well, I wonder how long this original Bradbury posting board will last. Maybe we should take photos of ourselves standing next to the computer screen...this old vintage board smiling along with ourselves.

I'm a little lost in the shuffle of the new board. You can post pictures. That's great. But I lost touch with all the posting going on. One thing is great however, is the search word capability. Put in a word...and find it thruout all the postings. That's nice.

Ah, maybe I'll get a hang of it as time goes by.
07 January 2007, 10:50 AM
Nard Kordell
What's happening to the posts!!

Is my post count really dropping? How can that be? Also, didn't this particular forum had a whole lot more postings?


Okay, now I noticed (hit on the head) that older Bradbury posts (from the older site) have their own set of posting numbers. (see my above posting with difference in posting numbers !) Since being transferred to this new site, the old numbers from the old site appear to have stayed put and not updated. As to the number of posts originally here, perhaps these actually were all the posts that were. (Oh, double-duh!)

dandelion has written that a number of posts were in fact dropped/lost in the transferring process.

Razzer And this has been the very latest news on a very slow-news day. Roll Eyes

====================== Wink ====================

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Nard Kordell,
07 January 2007, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Nard Kordell:
...Is my post count really dropping? How can that be?

Nard, have you looked here? You are listed twice, with a total of 4486 'Karma points' (which, I assume, equals 4486 posts). Is that more like the figure you were expecting?

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Visit the Center for RB Studies: www.tinyurl.com/RBCenter
07 January 2007, 02:20 PM
Nard Kordell
philnic: I didn't know such a list existed. wOw! Everyyoooone!

The final numbers can't be correct or I'd have more posts than dandelion.

It's fascinating to see how many people log on with a screen name but never post.

Thanks, Phil.
07 January 2007, 10:50 PM
You would be even more fascinated if you could see how many members were already permanently deleted--an ongoing process meant to give a truer membership account.
12 January 2007, 08:02 PM
Nard Kordell
dandelion: But this forum for the Weller book had THOUSANDS of visits. And a myriad of postings. Now It shows about 100. What happened?
13 January 2007, 11:13 AM
Look under "Favorite Book/Story."
12 May 2007, 09:59 PM
Nard Kordell
I couldn't find anything under Favorite Book/story. Clue me in with a link if you can.

Otherwise, what do you think happened here?
There were, like, 8,000 views and countless postings.
It ALL disappeared!! Did you ever come up with anything as to the whereabouts of all?

...as to Sam Weller:
Sam Weller, as of a few days ago, seems to be busy doing interviews with people such as Stan Lee (Spider-man)..and writing short stories. No mention of anything Bradburyesque on the horizon. Few years back, I asked Sam (since he was going to New York)...to check in for an interview of Steve Ditko, the co-creator of Spider-man. I got in touch with Steve and the interview was set-up. But no Sam. When he came from New York all he said was he didn't have a chance. Now he interviews Stan Lee and leaves out Steve Ditko.

From other stories I've heard during, especially, the last year, I take it that's how Sam works. As a person, he's stil a nice guy in my book. As a creative fellow, maybe a tad difficult to work with at times...
13 May 2007, 01:28 AM
Could it be this?


I'm pretty sure a number of posts disappeared each time the board was "improved," but no idea as to which ones or even the numbers!