Ray Bradbury Forums
Did Bradbury write this story?

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25 April 2005, 11:51 PM
Did Bradbury write this story?
Hi all. About twenty years ago, I read a short story that, for some reason, sticks with me. I've been trying to find the author, and if anyone can identify him/her, I would appreciate it.

The story is called "Ooga Booga" or "Unga Bunga" or something similar. It was a first-person recollection about a tubby high school student and his tubby pal who, after spending their lives as unpopular losers, decided to give up the crap foods (french fries in particular) and try out for the football team.

After time and some obstacles, the two finally drop the weight, and are put on the team. The night of their first game, their coach gets out a small tiki-type idol and puts it in the center of the room, and all of the players circle around, chant "Ooga Booga" (or whatever), and touch the idol for good luck.

Although he finds the ritual peculiar, the author participates, and when the coach puts him and his buddy into the game, he finds himself in a position where he has the ball, and his buddy is going out for a pass. Mysteriously, he "sees" where his buddy is going to be in a few seconds, and manages to make a perfect pass, and I believe it makes a crucial game-winning play, which leads them to some tournament-or-other.

Later on, the trophy case is smashed, and the seemingly innocent tiki is taken. When the truth surfaces about the real significance of the statue, the parents, school board and media go nuts about the "voodoo rituals" that the coach makes the players engage in. I'm pretty sure it results in the coach getting fired, and possibly the team being temporarily disbanded, but the two main characters go on to bright futures.

The story ends with the author describing the progress of his friend, who eventually makes it to pro football, parlays his success into TV endorsements and acting jobs, and, as the story ends, the author is preparing to attend an awards ceremony where his friend is nominated for an award of some sort (hinting that the friend stole the statue, which helped him succeed in life, or at least make him believe in himself more).

Anyway, I've been online looking at stories by Bradbury, Harlan Ellison and Stephen King (the three authors I read most often back then), to no avail. Any ideas?
27 April 2005, 09:31 PM
Not a Bradbury story, to the best of my knowledge.


28 April 2005, 11:59 AM
Nard Kordell

I can't believe that this board is still operating.

What gives?

Do some of these people posting know that ''this'' board has been relagated to the far mythical suburbs of purgatory?

I must say it is fun to write here. The new board is gosh awful slow at times. But it appears most of the posts posted there wind-up here...but none posted here wind- up there.


Yes...if you must...go see 'Kung-Fu Hustle' by yourself.

By the way, watching a movie like this, plus others, and the imaginative ads some companies have put together for TV, you wonder just how incredible movies will be in the next generation or so. Three dimensional viewing 'without' the glasses or special props will be a norm...and flat screen will be likened to the old soundless flickers of yore. New generation will grow up wondering how anyone could view that old flat stuff...and "hasn't regular 3 dimensional viewing always been around since the time earth began?" the will say.

Even this...however...will be short to adequately portray the magic of Bradbury's stories. Because his stories are all intuitive and genius? I think so! A director, with likened qualities, would be the one to treat a Bradbury 'composition' as fair game.

(I still like this old board, sniff sniff!)

[This message has been edited by Nard Kordell (edited 04-28-2005).]
28 April 2005, 01:41 PM
Hey, Nard! Coming back here is like walking through the old neighborhood. The buildings seem a bit weather-worn, the lawns not as well-tended and, yes, so dandelion covered. The pages of forgotten newpapers scatter along the curbs of streets, where kids once played ball and rode their bicyles. Fields across the way, now high-weeded, not long ago were wide open for ease in flying kites or early eve games of tag.

But alas, everyone seems to come back for one last look. Our only hope something wicked this way does not come and pull the frayed plug that barely keeps the lamp lights lit. After all, it is merely walking distance to the home of these archived first editions we for years were tap, tap, tapping on Mr. Bradbury's life, loves, and works. How nice far travelers still from the dust return to simply say hello!

Yet, how do "new" visitors gain admittance? Are you still wandering the midway, grasstain....?? Remember to avoid the I.M.!!

As for this big grey and red site, there's no place like home...

(Just finished Usher II + its RBTh Episode in SF class...couldn't help myself!!)

28 April 2005, 08:14 PM

I have this site bookmarked on my old computer, so I cruise through when I'm on it. Trying to cover all the bases. Yes, I'll have to see about Kung Fu Hustle on my own. I mentioned your positive review to my wife and got yet another eye roll. I wonder what that's supposed to mean.

By the way, I see you're mentioned in the acknowledgements in The Bradbury Chronicles. Congratulations! I must say, I'm not surprised; I don't see how the book could have been done without your help.


I think you've described the feeling of this old board exactly. Kind of wistful to cruise through and see some of the old fights - er, discussions - we used to have. Well, the two boards are a bit like Bradbury, aren't they? One in the past, one in the future. I think Bradbury would like the metaphor.

Best to you both,

29 April 2005, 01:22 AM
In case the OP checks back, you can try here http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1...en&btnG=Search&meta= and here http://forums.abebooks.com/abesleuthcom as the two best places to start searching for the story you described, and there are others.
29 April 2005, 03:38 AM
Dandy, Dandy! There you are.

Enjoy your little cruise on the good ship Nautilus?
29 April 2005, 04:04 AM
Yes, Frank. I'm still here.

I just had to take a break from unpacking the latest shipment from Marionettes Inc.

They look just like you guys, and they act the same too.

pterran II and Translator II are already going at it while dandelion II keeps a close watch with eraser in hand, Mr. Dark II is carrying on about the importance of having books in every room, Braling III is soaking up some "Rays" out at the forum pool, Immskipper II and fjpalumbo II are going over lesson plans, Nard Kordell II is learning Russian from elron II.....

[This message has been edited by grasstains (edited 04-29-2005).]
29 April 2005, 11:33 AM
Nard Kordell

About 'Kung-Fu Hustle'. The name doesn't fit the movie. For the story runs around the curve of a love story that is so effective in it's portrayal by the end of the movie.

About mentioning in Acknowledgements...I was surprised. Really. Twas very kind of Sam to do that.

You know...I'm beginning to like this old board...again!
29 April 2005, 11:34 AM
Braling II
29 April 2005, 07:50 PM
Nard Kordell
I noticed another interesting thing here on THIS Bradbury website:

The number of posts one had made HERE ended when the switch was made to the OTHER Bradbury website. Posts made OVER YONDER does not compute OVER HERE! The number of posts ''already made'' HERE were carried over to OVER THERE, but posts made now, RIGHT HERE, do not compute THERE but only HERE! Only those posts made HERE add to the number of posts made HERE and NOT THERE!

(Did I really say all that?)
30 April 2005, 06:31 PM
I guess I can abandon your fascimiles in the cellar and come up and join you guys in the attic.
07 May 2005, 06:44 AM
Every once in awhile the ol' Nautilus swings around and I check in back here. At the "other place," the eraser is in my hand, but not activated yet.

The powers that be are apprised of the two-board situation and some of the differences.

As for the fate of "this place," I've heard threats, as yet unconfirmed. I suggested some of the new posts dealing with stories be transported to the new place for safekeeping, but can't guarantee which, if any, will make it. Just think of it as a journey from earth (here) to Mars (there.) Once we get used to it, along with the dark-and-golden skin-and-eye changes, it will be just like home!