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A Clean House

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10 June 2006, 07:19 PM
Chapter 31
A Clean House
�Ernie, wake up, wake up. I had this horrible dream that I wanted to play the saxophone and I don�t even like the saxophone. Ernie?�

But it�s not Ernie there. It�s Ernest Borgnine.

(Close up of Bert Screaming)
10 June 2006, 08:34 PM
"HA-HA-HA, BWA-HA-HA!!!" The ghosts of Jim Henson, Sherry Lewis, and Mister Rodgers are maniacally laughing in the sock-puppet strewn corner. With outstretched arms, they start towards Bert...

[This message has been edited by grasstains (edited 06-10-2006).]
10 June 2006, 10:07 PM
Robot Lincoln
Furthermore, why is Shelly Winters here...Oh my God, we're on Poseidon!

Onward to Mars!
11 June 2006, 01:06 AM
Nard Kordell
And, ohmigosh...there stood...
Chapter 31
...and grasstains
... and there, down in that cold damp
cellar, was Braling II.
And I could see myself...No! That's..that's COOKIE MONSTER dressed up as myself.

I hear screaming, frantic screaming. And then, a single sheet of paper floating down from the sky with words written on it, and a title...a handwritten title...it says...I can hardly make it out it...but it
says... 'There will Come Soft Rains'
...and then it started to rain and all the words got washed away.

Lighting could suddenly be seen in some far off country, with terrible blows heading in this direction. I called out for Officer Bert. I just knew that was useless. In my bewilderment I also called out to Sam Parkhill. Finally got the sense to come out of the rain and call out for the 'lightning rod salesman.' Then only did I know
exactly where I was: Greentown, Illinois!
11 June 2006, 09:10 PM
Braling II
"What-what-what, McHale?!"
11 June 2006, 10:29 PM
Chapter 31
(Long shot of Ernest Borgnine--in cabdrivers uniform he wore in �Escape From New York�--screaming)

[The hallway resumes it�s normal aspect]

[This message has been edited by Chapter 31 (edited 06-11-2006).]
12 June 2006, 03:15 AM
"Oh Noooo!!!" Bert suddenly realizes he's no longer a sock-puppet.

"Jiminy Cricket!!!" He says. "I'm a REAL boy!"

"Uhh... Bert?"

"ERNIE!!! Hey, you're not Ernie."

"Uhh... nope. My name's Goliath. I'm looking for my friend Davy. He's always playing around construction sites and abandoned mines. Gee, I hope Davy's alright. Lately, he's been hanging around this pointy-headed green guy and his pony-pal Pokey, too. Uhh... one more thing..."

"What is it, you blockhead?"

"Ummm... you're not a real boy. You're claymation."

"Oh Noooo!!!"

[This message has been edited by grasstains (edited 06-12-2006).]
12 June 2006, 11:17 AM
Chapter 31
(gasping sounds of Chapter 31 recovering from laughing fit)

Meanwhile, Sam threw another hotdog on the grill.
12 June 2006, 11:21 AM
Braling II
"Sock Puppets?" Lambchop asked.
"Hey, Kukla, I think I hear Ollie's cousin..."
"I'm comin' Beanie Boy!"
As for me, Gromit and I are going somewhere for some cheeeeese!
12 June 2006, 03:18 PM
"Woh!!! Watch out, Bert!"

"What the... a giant hand descending from the heavens? It's gonna smash that little guy."

"Uhh, I think he's running for those books. Maybe we should do the same?"

"Here comes the hand!!! RUN!!!"

"Gee, Bert. You think we oughtta be jumping into THAT book? I mean, look at the title--SOMETHING WICKED THIS..."

"No time for that now! Jump!!!"

[This message has been edited by grasstains (edited 06-12-2006).]
12 June 2006, 06:44 PM
Robot Lincoln
Gallant tries to make friends with Mr. Bill, but Goofus hits Mr. Bill over the head with an anvil.....Oh no, Mr. Bill!

Onward to Mars!
12 June 2006, 08:12 PM
Nard Kordell
19 June 2006, 08:42 AM
Robot Lincoln
The elves are still hard at work, thank goodness.

Onward to Mars!
20 June 2006, 07:56 PM
"I want to be a dentist."
21 June 2006, 01:56 AM
Nard Kordell
"WHAT! A dentist!!??" he screamed! The others also had this reaction...

And immediately afterwards, they all made a mad dash for the rocket to Mars! http://www.sounddogs.com/previews/30/mp3/237410_SOUNDDOGS_sh.mp3

And when they landed on Mars, they slowly disembarked, got their feet down on the rich Mars soil, looked all around, gave the thumbs up to all that they saw around them, and then there was this... http://www.sounddogs.com/previews/101/mp3/141665_SOUNDDOGS_Be.mp3


[This message has been edited by Nard Kordell (edited 06-21-2006).]