Ray Bradbury Forums
How Dandelion Wine reflects Events from Ray's life...

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01 May 2012, 08:54 AM
How Dandelion Wine reflects Events from Ray's life...
In English we're doing a project about an Author who's writing's are
pulled from their past... I've found many facts about how he's used
Waukegan as many settings in his novels... But I'm interested to know
if he have any other key moments in his life that he's wrote about
in his books. Specifically Dandelion Wine... do the characters
reflect anyone? are "Mother" and "Father" bland because he didn't
have a close relationship with his own parents? Just some key facts
on events that have been tied into his novels would be great!
01 May 2012, 12:28 PM
Hi WheelersClass2012, and welcome.

If you do some Googling, you will find there are some online study guides for DANDELION WINE.

On Google Books, you can view a substantial amount of Gene Beley's unauthorized biography of Bradbury:


You may also find some information in the Google Books preview of RAY BRADBURY: THE LIFE OF FICTION.

I'll leave you to find the link for yourself.

- Phil

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