Ray Bradbury Forums
C. S. Lewis vs. Bradbury

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26 January 2004, 05:36 PM
C. S. Lewis vs. Bradbury
Hmmm...still no Mars landing/space travel talk...oh well.
26 January 2004, 06:39 PM
Ought Not
I remember posting that, pterran.

Here's the link:
27 January 2004, 06:07 AM
Ought Not,

That's the link! Excellent work!
30 January 2004, 01:50 AM
Two articles, both by Christopher Conlon, which best describe Ray's relationship to Rod Serling and "The Twilight Zone" can be found here: http://www.rodserling.com/msloan.htm and here: http://www.rodserling.com/csorcerers.htm
31 January 2004, 06:00 PM

i have just registered myself, htough i have visited the message board many times before. of course i have been a bradbury fan forever.
i have also read a lot of CS Lewis, whom i consider a great man and incredible writer. i have read the Space trilogy four times already, and have studied That Hideous Strength at school. so if you have any questions on it, please feel free to write to me (d423@hotmail.com). i've written an essay per chapter and two on the whole book, but unfortunately they're handwritten.

this is for all of you: there are two books (which i haven't read) that deal with the Space trilogy. i've seen them at amazon.com i think. these are:
"planets in peril: a critical study of c.s. lewis' space trilogy" by david downing
"a guide through c.s. l's space trilogy" by m. sammons

lewis himself has said much of his inspiration for the novels came from his reading "voyage to arcturus", by david lindsay.

that's it for now. good luck,

diego zeziola
31 January 2004, 08:37 PM
Nard Kordell
01 February 2004, 12:24 AM
Thanks, Mulder, and welcome, but I read the book over 25 years ago. I wouldn't know what to begin to ask...I do remember it was a habit of mine to ask my mom to read to me when my headaches got too bad to permit my admittedly continual reading to myself. Once when I was at least halfway through the book I handed it to her to read a section and after awhile she said, "I don't understand a word of this, do you?" I replied, not so far, but I was determined to finish it. It made more of an impression that Mom didn't understand it, either--it wasn't just me!
11 February 2004, 01:47 AM
A bit off-topic (I'm afraid I do this quite a bit!), but Dandelion did ask about Philip Pullman.... For a quick view of my thoughts on this author, check out the Diana Wynne Jones thread on the ABE board, message 551.226 (hope this link works): http://forums.abebooks.com/abecom/messages?msg=551.226 . There are a few messages before and after mine which discuss his work.

I don't know that I would call Pullman the anti-Lewis, but his views on religion are certainly very different. However, I don't quite understand this "warning" by Christian groups. Is a Christian only supposed to read books that completely agree with their own philosophy? (And to break it down further, only those books that are in accord with their own particular branch of Christianity?) If a person's belief system is shattered by reading about other philosophies that don't agree with their own, then that belief system had a very weak foundation to begin with.

Pullman's "His Dark Materials" trilogy is not for young children, but I don't see why teenagers shouldn't read it. By that age, a person is starting to develop critical thinking and evaluation on their own, and not just parroting what has been taught to them at a young age. Ideally, a parent should read these books along with their teen, so they can discuss them afterward. In this way, the parent can explain what they didn't like or agree with in the books, and why. It's important for a teen to develop level-headed reasoning. After all, in life a person is going to come across many ways of thinking that differ from their own. They have to learn that everyone has a right to their own opinions without having an automatic negative knee-jerk reaction to modes of thought that they don't agree with. (At the same time, they have to know WHY they belive as they do, so their thoughts are grounded.) By forbidding a teen to read anything but that which is directly in line with the parent's beliefs, you are doing them a disservice--because how will the kid get by in the real world, which is full of conflicting ideas and philosophies?

I don't know if I'm making any sense--it's very late!--this may sound like a defence of Pullman. It's not, really--I liked the "Dark Materials" books very much (well, until the end, which I had major problems with!), but I personally find Pullman rather irritating, from the interviews I've read. But then, I also find it annoying when any particular group group appoints itself as a watchdog, and starts saying that a person should or shouldn't read any books with which they disagree...
29 February 2004, 01:31 PM
James Robert Smith
Ray Bradbury has "enemies"? How can that be? I've never met anyone who disliked Ray Bradbury. Not for anything. I've met a couple of authors and fan types who didn't care for his work, but no one who disliked him.

Re: Ellison. I can see those two being friends. Why not? I've had a couple of phone conversations with Ellison, and he was very friendly during both. Don't know much about his politics, so can't comment on that.