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New Martian Chronicles production

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07 November 2009, 07:13 AM
New Martian Chronicles production
Read all about it! World exclusive! On my website, here.

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
07 November 2009, 02:06 PM
Doug Spaulding
"I don't plan on an abridgment of content by any means. If we're going to do Martian Chronicles, we're going to DO Martian Chronicles."

Jerry, I like the way you think!

"Live Forever!"
08 November 2009, 03:22 AM
Me too!

Parts of Martian Chronicles have been adapted for radio in the past (Dimension X and the like), but this is the first full adaptation. Because Colonial release their productions on CD (rather than for a fixed-length broadcast time slot), I suppose they have the luxury of making their shows whatever length they like. I can't imagine they'd go for a ten-hour production, but neither can I imagine a two-hour production doing full justice to the book.

Anyway, Jerry and his team have proved themselves with previous productions, so I have every faith in this one!

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
09 November 2009, 04:17 AM
Doug Spaulding
Originally posted by philnic:
Me too!

Parts of Martian Chronicles have been adapted for radio in the past (Dimension X and the like), but this is the first full adaptation. Because Colonial release their productions on CD (rather than for a fixed-length broadcast time slot), I suppose they have the luxury of making their shows whatever length they like. I can't imagine they'd go for a ten-hour production, but neither can I imagine a two-hour production doing full justice to the book.

Five hours should just about do it. I'm a big proponent of adapting everything in a book. When I asked Ray about optioning Dandelion Wine a couple years ago, he said, "how will you do it John?" "Rip the pages out of the book and stuff them in the camera!", I replied. I actually did adapt one chapter to take to him and show him as an example of the way I'd treat it, but, it turns out, the Russians have more money than I do.

"Live Forever!"
09 November 2009, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Doug Spaulding:
..."Rip the pages out of the book and stuff them in the camera!", I replied...

You and Sam Peckinpah!

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
09 November 2009, 06:27 PM
Doug Spaulding
Sam's who I got it from!

"Live Forever!"
08 November 2010, 08:37 AM
[This entire post was full of spam advertising - dozens of links. Rather than delete the post, which renders some of the rest of the thread unintelligible, I have deleted the spammish content.]

This message has been edited. Last edited by: philnic,
08 November 2010, 12:31 PM
dandelion, it looks like your "scrubbing" expertise is needed in this listing, as well as several others.
08 November 2010, 02:11 PM
Monty Python fans...all together now: "SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM."

John King Tarpinian
You know what you are, Mr. Bradbury? ... You are a poet! -- Aldous Huxley
08 November 2010, 02:13 PM
Doug Spaulding
...and Ed Hardy means it!

"Live Forever!"
08 November 2010, 05:08 PM
Ah hum...bumping for dandelion.
08 November 2010, 07:11 PM

08 November 2010, 07:53 PM
Ha, that's really funny cause I know Ed Hardy, we do artwork with him at work. There's a great documentary his friend Emiko made about him and his life, called "Tattoo the World". She filmed fly-arounds of people that had these beautiful tattoos that he did, like full body ones. Very interesting doc. He said that a lot of those people are no longer living, so that's the only record of the amazing tattoos he did for them.
29 January 2011, 01:10 PM
Back to the proper topic of this thread: The Martian Chronicles audio adaptation from Colonial Radio Theatre.

Now available for pre-order from Amazon, to be released on 7 June:


No cover art on Amazon, but Colonial have already released this image:

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
29 January 2011, 09:23 PM
This post reminds me of a question I have re the X Minus 1 version of Mars is Heaven. I thought Phil would be the man to ask.
In this radio version, there's an added character--Dr. Horst, who survived the concentration camp at Dachau. Is this Ernest Kinnoy's doing? I don't remember to what degree Mars is Heaven differed from The Third Expedition. (I have the former story somewhere in my collection, so I'm being a bit lazy here...) I'd be curious to know how involved Ray was with the various OTR radio scripts, if at all, or what he thought of them.
There is a moment in this X Minus 1 version that I quite liked: when the men have figured out what is going on, the crickets in the background suddenly stop chirping....
Finally, I found this on the net, regarding a funny sound effect screw-up: (scroll down to
March 2004- "Tribute to Sci-Fi Writers" featuring Exploring Tomorrow: Isaac Asimov's "The Liar", X-Minus One: Ray Bradbury's "Mars is Heaven")