Ray Bradbury Forums
August 2026 and illustrations.

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13 June 2003, 02:24 PM
August 2026 and illustrations.
--Are there any comic or illustrated versions of August 2026, or comics pertaining to it? I know there is one, you can see small images at http://home.earthlink.net/~hiflyer/APbradbury/twcsr.htm

--It would really help out my project if I could get those images, but big.

--Thanks for any help!
14 June 2003, 12:07 AM
Nard Kordell

Topps Comics did some Ray Bradbury Comics... back in the early 90's, with titles such as...
� A Sound of Thunder
� Tryannosaurus Rex,
� The Illustrated Man, etc.
(Perhaps the one you referred to was also published by the same people ?)

Anyway, it was all copyrighted by:
Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc.
And published by TOPPS Comics,
254 36th street, Brooklyn, NY. 11232.