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I Just Spoke With Ray-October 13, 2004 3:00 PM

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13 August 2004, 04:09 PM
I Just Spoke With Ray-October 13, 2004 3:00 PM
I just off of the phone with Ray. I had called last evening around 7 his time and he said he was taking a nap and to call him today around noon his time. He sounded great and said that he is currently working on another book. That news with the fact that he has The Dog In The Red Bandana:And Other Stories of the Canine Persuasion plus The Wish and Other Stories coming out sometime the future is just great.

When I first moved down here (Sunrise, next to Ft. Lauderdale) he mentioned that he had an aunt that lives down here in Ft. Lauderdale. I asked him just now about her and he said that she is still living and is 91.

He mentioned again that I should call when I and my wife are out in California in October and if he is up to visitors he will have us by. What more can a Ray Bradbury fan ask?

[This message has been edited by biplane1 (edited 08-13-2004).]
13 August 2004, 05:52 PM
October? Were you time-traveling?
13 August 2004, 07:27 PM
How cool!
Here is an excerpt: http://hillhousepublishers.com/Dog%20Red%20Bandana.htm

16 August 2004, 04:13 PM

Time-travel, October? We are flying out October 8th, 2004 to see my son (who, by the way, is currently visitng my daughter in Minnesota)and on one of the three days we are going to be there, we are planning on stopping to see Ray.
17 August 2004, 06:49 AM
Glad to see you survived the hurricane!