20 June 2004, 08:00 PM
Safe to say 98% of the people from this ""Moore-Barrage"" have absolutely no sense of love and loyalty to Ray Bradbury, or his works??
This IS pandemonium at its worst on this board. Mean-spirited, too.
��The Question �
Why have a ton of people come trampling all over this place with one agenda:
telling Bradbury that he is simply 'stupid' to be upset about Moore using the fahrenheit title?
Those, like post-writer 'Mr. Dark', painstakingly tries to reason and persuade...thru all of this.
I take another view:
"Tell all these dupes to go jump in the lake!"
21 June 2004, 04:57 AM
dandelionSurely not in "The Lake"?
21 June 2004, 12:14 PM
Nard KordellAny lake will do.
With most of them up the river without a paddle, who knows where they'll wind up.
21 June 2004, 04:19 PM
Nard KordellIdiots have invaded the board. Period!
Those who regard this as a sort of filibuster may properly bow out for awhile.
21 June 2004, 04:19 PM
stinkerDear Mr. Bradbury,
In light of your efforts to compel Michael Moore to apologize for borrowing his "Fahrenheit 911" title from your story "Fahrenheit 451", we are writing to inquire into the status of your own public apologies regarding your works entitled "Something Wicked This Way Comes," "I Sing the Body Electric!," "No Man is an Island" and "Remembrance of Things Future."
Messrs William Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, John Donne, and Marcel Proust
21 June 2004, 04:22 PM
BoscoeThis is to be expected by the hatred filled Moore supporters.
21 June 2004, 06:16 PM
Nard KordellBoscoe, others:
Check out this posting by one of the 'original' people on this Ray Bradbury website:
http://www.raybradbury.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/000200.html26 June 2004, 01:38 AM
roddjonesHi, I've loved Bradbury's writing since Jr. High, four decades ago, when I spent a good part of one summer devouring everything Bradbury I could find. I also loved his appearance in Amargosa fairly recently. Tonight I saw Moore's Farenheit 9/11, and Ray should be proud. If anything the title is a tribute and should not be construed otherwise. Ultimately Bradbury and Moore have the same concerns at heart, in both of their works. No one should judge either until they've read Farenheit 451, seen Farenheit 9/11 and read the Patriot Act. I still have to do the latter before its too late.
26 June 2004, 12:18 PM
Ray Bradbury needs to get over this issue. Nobody thinks that he is connected with 9/11. Nobody thinks 9/11 is a sequel of 451. Michael Moore has done what many creative people have done, used past works to inspire and reference their own.
If anything, Bradbury will benefit from the movie, drawing some readers to see what the fuss and his book is about.
All in all it seems like a small and petty thing that Bradbury is doing, claiming injury for that which doesn't injure, damage for somethin harmless. At the age of 83 one would hope his perspective on life would be broader and allow him to see this as it is, a clever homage to his inspiring work.
26 June 2004, 02:30 PM
Mr. DarkAgain, what is it that Bradbury is supposed to get over? He is not obsessed with this issue like the legion of uninformed Moore fans who have swarmed on this site.