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Fahrenheit 451 Question

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08 December 2009, 04:36 PM
Fahrenheit 451 Question
I am trying to figure out if Guy is a fireman because he was forced by the goverenment or if he choose to be a fireman.

I seem to remember a reference to him being one because he had to be, but not because government made him, but because his father and grandfather had been firemen. Of course I can't find the place in the book.

I am writing a paper and any help would be appreciated!

Thanks, Stephanie
08 December 2009, 08:52 PM
No, he was not forced by the government to be a fireman.

Email: ordinis@gmail.com
09 December 2009, 09:58 AM
After the firemen have burned the woman's house (and the woman refused to leave), Montag is haunted by what he has seen. He talks to his wife, Mildred:

"[...]You ever seen a burned house? It smoulders for days. Well, this fire'll last me the rest of my life. God! I've been trying to put it out, in my mind, all night. I'm crazy with trying."

"You should have thought of that before becoming a fireman."

"Thought!" he said. "Was I given a choice? My grandfather and father were firemen. In my sleep, I ran after them."

This is the only specific reference to Montag's reasons fro becoming a fireman that I can recall. So: no, he was not forced into it by the government, but may have been "forced" into it in the same way that many sons follow in their father's footsteps.

- Phil

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