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Bradbury in the Classroom

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22 February 2012, 07:56 AM
Bradbury in the Classroom
Well, things seem to have settled down since we had a horde of schoolkids running round here, but I saw this web page about one school using THE ILLUSTRATED MAN in classes:


I thought it would be good to have a thread specifically about Bradbury in the classroom. So this is it!

Question: Is THE ILLUSTRATED MAN widely used in American schools? Is FAHRENHEIT 451 being supplanted?

- Phil

Deputy Moderator | Visit my Bradbury website: www.bradburymedia.co.uk | Listen to my Bradbury 100 podcast: https://tinyurl.com/bradbury100pod
22 February 2012, 10:02 AM
You know my answer, phil!

Great to see this! I shared this article with my former Eng. chairperson and librarians I am in touch with. Maybe a similar program can be set up in a similar manner!! (After my March seminars).

Geez, I thought I was "out of the classroom... "
22 February 2012, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by philnic:
Well, things seem to have settled down since we had a horde of schoolkids running round here,

Amok, amok, amok!

And, the schools are worse than the students. Expelled for sharing lifesaving medicine, http://denver.cbslocal.com/201...g-an-asthma-inhaler/ but if they'd been rude to the point of bullying they wouldn't have even been spoken to. I recently bumped up this https://raybradburyboard.com/ev...1083901/m/9481045372 about Bradbury in the classroom.