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"The Veldt"...is it closer than we think?

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10 February 2004, 03:25 PM
"The Veldt"...is it closer than we think?
In Ray Bradbury's, "The Veldt", he portrays the future as being taken over by technology. The children, Peter and Wendy, become completely immune to their emotions and treat their parents with disrespect. They would rather see their parents die, than their cyber nursery destroyed. Peter does not even want to lift a finger to brush his teeth, tie his shoes, or fill the bathtub. Could children of today's society and of generations to follow possibly become this arrogant and emotionless? I feel as though many children today are completely enrapt in their video games and tv shows, that they could careless about family ties. I fear that perhaps Ray Bradbury's predictions for the future could one day, possibly soon, come true. Is there something that can be done to stop technology from affecting the lives of children to the point of being their focus in life?
10 February 2004, 10:05 PM
Ought Not
Good question. I see previews of video games on tv and wonder how in the world do you play them, they seem so complex. We're not talking Pacman or Mario anymore. You have to buy a damned book to play some of these. So they are becoming a sort of alternate world to live in. I just saw Lost In Translation and boy do the Japanese love their video games! We're not as bad off as they are and they come from a culture of introspection.

I don't know how to answer your question. There is not many alternates in today's society. Kids don't give a crap about carnivals or circuses anymore. It's the same with Halloween, which has become more of an adult's holiday. Those things were essential childhood affairs of mine. When these children of today grow older they are going to be empty human beings. Imagine what Mr. Bradbury would have written about if he did not have those early experiences.