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A Child's Study on Symbolism in the 60's, with a letter response from Bradbury.

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07 December 2011, 07:52 AM
A Child's Study on Symbolism in the 60's, with a letter response from Bradbury.
I came across this article on Fark.com, it's about a writer who, in his teens back in 1963 wrote a letter to a number of prominent writers asking a few questions about symbolism. It was interesting to see how some of the different writers responded to his letter, but Ray Bradbury had the best response. I figured that if any place on the internet would appreciate this the most, it would be on Bradbury's official forums.


I -love- that he wrote out Guy Fawkes day. The amount of effort he put into simple questions is very endearing. Hats off to you, 48 years younger Ray Bradbury.

07 December 2011, 09:03 AM
Braling II
Thanks for posting this, Waelsh!
Even Mr. B's resposes to a questionnaire are absolutely great writing!
07 December 2011, 11:33 AM
Excellent! A great find, Kyle; thanks for posting.

- Phil

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