22 May 2012, 11:48 AM
philnicRules of the board
A reminder to all - especially newcomers to the board - that we demand good netiquette on these boards. We are remarkably open-minded and tolerant of all manner of points of view, and encourage creative posts.
But anyone seeking to antagonise, or hurl abuse, can expect to be given short shrift.
This is, of course, posted in response to someone who was running around the board earlier today, forcing your Deputy Moderator to run around with the editorial equivalent of a pooper-scooper.
22 May 2012, 08:13 PM
dandelionThanks for the cleanup, Phil. The place looks great!
22 May 2012, 11:31 PM
philnicThanks. I did have to leave the windows open for a while to let the smell out, though.